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Who is Khadim Hussain Rizvi?

One molana was describing qualities of Jannat,s hoors and calling women right now in our lives as ugly,filthy and useless
Because they get rejected by women in this world for their ugliness and filth ... so they expect to get hoor in jannah ... . Lol .. how would Allah give them such blessing when they've been degrading his blessings ( women ) in this earth .
One molana was describing qualities of Jannat,s hoors and calling women right now in our lives as ugly,filthy and useless

This isn't just in Pakistan.

There's a masjid close to where I live populated by inbreds.

Rather than reading Maghrib salat on time, they decided to go into how that Mumtaz Qadri woke up and hugged his father after the Janaza. :rofl: How he's surrounded by virgin women much prettier than "worldly" women. And some other bullsh!t, it took a lot of effort to not throw up or want to go b!tchslap the haramis, I just had to leave.

I will take an oath on the Qur'an if you have any doubts.
People come and kiss his hands... this can be some sort of cult not Islam.

It shows he has no respect for women .
I have seen Imran Khan talking to women, he too has no respect for women.
This isn't just in Pakistan.

There's a masjid close to where I live populated by inbreds.

Rather than reading Maghrib salat on time, they decided to go into how that Mumtaz Qadri woke up and hugged his father after the Janaza. :rofl: How he's surrounded by virgin women much prettier than "worldly" women. And some other bullsh!t, it took a lot of effort to not throw up or want to go b!tchslap the haramis, I just had to leave.

I will take an oath on the Qur'an if you have any doubts.

Mumtaz Qadri died as an ignorant.
He went against the message of Allah and teachings of messengers of Allah!

There's a video in which he's talking to some teachers. Ayesha Gulalai was also present there!
This isn't just in Pakistan.

There's a masjid close to where I live populated by inbreds.

Rather than reading Maghrib salat on time, they decided to go into how that Mumtaz Qadri woke up and hugged his father after the Janaza. :rofl: How he's surrounded by virgin women much prettier than "worldly" women. And some other bullsh!t, it took a lot of effort to not throw up or want to go b!tchslap the haramis, I just had to leave.

I will take an oath on the Qur'an if you have any doubts.
Crazy stories about Qadri give Laal masjid clowns a run for their money
Mumtaz Qadri died as an ignorant.
He went against the message of Allah and teachings of messengers of Allah!

There's a video in which he's talking to some teachers. Ayesha Gulalai was also present there!
Really .. I don't know . Neither I can find that video .
One after another, bravce yourself, a new extremist organization into making.
IMO, religious parties should be banned from taking part in politics. Their only focus and working should be to preach Islam (not the extremist one) but not to divide nation further.
When are the pupet masters going to learn. Keep doing same mistakes over and over again.
To gain some political milage this guy in the name of prophet ( pbuh ) made life miserable for millions and made the country a laughing stock in international community.. i have no sympathy for this moron
If it is handled without care, it could be another extremist narrative — like creating another problem to defeat an existing problem,” says Amir Rana

I have been saying this. This one has all signs of potential problem maker in future. And this ignorance has a huge intolerant irrational following ............. they are not trained terrorists but common ignorant Pakistani citizens .....

First, Barelvi groups not only turned violent to have their demands accepted but also showed that they were willing to sacrifice themselves upon the call of their leader.

Again signs of (potential) problem / problem creators .........

Does this name or nick name mean "Dog of Ali?" .......... why people use such names?
Pakistani politicians and maulvis are the true enemies of Pakistan. Additionally some senior military officer also fit that bill. Frankly they need exterminating.
If a man claims to be a doctor anyone can ask for his degree but with a politician or a maulvi there is no such criteria and any jahil can lead the uneducated masses
On TV he was asked about his foul mouth.
He justified his foul language by saying that sahabah used to use stern language too, when it came to namoos-e-risaalatt.

So he wasn't ashamed at all. He was proud of it.

Shahabah were the best of people who understood and implemented laws derived from Quran, and Quran has guaranteed them the love, peace, respect and success in this world and hereafter. Quran has explicitly warned Muslims of using, abuse, abusive language and words. Don't think Shahabah were the people who would go against Quran ......... they proved their metal in the battlefields and not in abusive sermons.

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