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Where is OIC?


Mar 2, 2007
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Please have your say about Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) role and why its still exists if doing nothing. western media gives more coverage to Arab League than OIC, why is that.
and what do you think about United Nations, is not it just a puppet controlled by western powers. No Islamic country is member of Security Council yet though its the second largest religion in world covering 23-25% of world population and has annual growth rate of 2.9% (Ref. US Center For World Mission Report) why is that and why they love to include India since very long (now dont say India has Muslims too as we all know what happened to Babri Mosque, in 2002 Gujrat riots etc)
share your views about how Muslim world can be united, as every of us should be clear by now on the fact that enemies of Islam are working since ages to make a fragmented Muslim world because divide and rule is the best and most effective formula to conquer any nation. and we have seen they are more active since breaking the ottoman empire and recently the Iraq and now our region is their main target.
so i only need to see what we, as Muslim think about getting united and is there any platform where we can stand as one?
appreciate your sincere and practical approach towards any solution and suggestions, emotions just not work all the time especially when not fighting physically.
i trust you understand what i mean
many thanks


Live Long Pakistan and United Muslim World:tup:

JEDDAH (January 04 2009): The Organisation of the Islamic Conference on Saturday urged the UN Security Council to take action to halt Israel's "brutal and sustained aggression" against the Gaza Strip. Foreign ministers of the 57-member organisation expressed "disappointment at the failure of the UN Security Council to take the necessary measures to end the Israeli aggression" in Gaza, a statement said.

They also called on the Security Council "to live up to its responsibilities in maintaining international peace and security," the statement said. The ministers "strongly condemned the brutal and sustained aggression which Israel perpetrates against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, killing hundreds of civilians, leaving thousands injured, and wreaking massive havoc on houses, civic facilities and infrastructure," the statement said.

The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) should call for a meeting of the UN General Assembly on the crisis if the Security Council fails to act on Israel's week-long deadly bombing campaign, it added. The group also proposed the creation an international observer mission for Gaza "to stem the escalation of the conflict and to ensure the stabilisation of the situation."

Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) ministers said the organisation should also convene an urgent meeting of the UN Human Rights Council to discuss human rights violations in Gaza, the statement added. They also stressed the need to support the Palestinian National Authority and assist it in rebuilding what has been destroyed by Israel's deadly offensive in Gaza, and said they supported convening a donors conference for this purpose.

Ministers also urged rival Palestinian factions to "move beyond their differences, end their disputes, and resume the national dialogue on foundations that would ensure Palestinian national unity." At least 460 Palestinians have been killed since December 27 when Israel launched its assault on targets of the Islamist Hamas movement which controls the Gaza Strip to halt missile attacks on Israel.

CAIRO (January 04 2009): Arab League chief Amr Mussa accused the UN Security Council on Saturday of "ignoring" Israel's onslaught on Gaza, saying the delay in agreeing a resolution is proof of failure to handle the conflict. Arab regimes cannot put pressure on Israel whereas the Security Council could pressure the Jewish state into ending its eight-day bombardment of Gaza, he said.

"Israel does not respect the Arabs. And we do not respect its policies," he said. A delegation of Arab foreign ministers is expected to leave for the UN's headquarters in New York on Sunday evening, he said.

"The continuation of... the international community and the Security Council ignoring this situation is a very dangerous thing," he told reporters at a press conference in the pan-Arab organisation's Cairo headquarters. "We see that its not convening is a clear proof of failure in dealing with this huge crisis and allowing Israel an opportunity," he said.

Mussa also dismissed as Israeli "disinformation" reports that some Arab regimes have accepted or supported Israel's campaign against Hamas. He accused Israel of using "banned weapons" in Gaza. At least 460 Palestinians have died in Israeli air strikes and naval bombardment of the impoverished coastal strip since Israel launched its campaign.

The US, a close ally of Israel and one of five countries with veto power in the Security Council, has said it would reject a Libyan draft resolution that called on both sides to abide by a cease-fire because it did not explicitly mention Hamas rocket attacks.

Israel says it is trying to deter the Islamist Hamas movement which controls Gaza from firing rockets into Israel. Hamas rockets have killed four Israelis in the past eight days, while medics say Israel's air blitz has killed at least 460 Palestinians and wounded 2,350 others.
people until now beleve in OIC its breaking news.whats done by OIC from last 40 years.its weste of our money and time.better pakistan go out from OIC. so pakistani people save 1mn$ per year.
Thanks Neo, but did these responses by OIC and Arab League had taken into any consideration by UN, America or Israel?
what i mean by where they are, is where is the effectiveness voice on any issue they raise? why not all Muslim countries stand as one and say no to America's illicit 'war of terror? killed million of innocent people on the name of terror and still doing the same. trust me they are not after Osama or Talibanz, and we all know that but what a shame our Govt has not any given strong remarks on brutal campaign against Gazans by the Zionist? why we as Muslim are so much paralysed and always look at others to react.
so please share your views on how to be get united at one platform so we can be heard, if not can react to any illegal and unjust action by the enemy of Islam and Pakistan.
i dont think any aircrafts, missiles or frigate can defend any nation unless people are united and disciplined as both are always the main rules of any war, and thats the biggest fear enemies (of Islam) have in their mind otherwise they would not be humiliated in Afghanistan by people only armed with small arms and bear feet.
i hope you get my point and expect you to come up practical suggestions as i said earlier emotional approach will ruin the objective of any discussion.

May ALLAH help us to stand as one and fight the enemies of Islam, not just Pakistan's
oic nay koi kam nai kia elawa ijlas bula k karardad paish karnay kay our us ko reject karwa kar talian bjanay kay !!

no I dont beileve on getting out of OIC but from UN and every Muslim country should do it together because UN is not doing anything for Muslims rather working are International police force under western captalist economy.

i did some audits and know by fact that when ever they give any so called loan or donation they give a list of conditions that how and where to spend exactly and 90% of that benefiting their own industries, from stationery to heavy equipment have to be bought from their listed suppliers who are all from developed countires. so they take back even more than what they show you.

its just one example of investment but what is going on these days in Gaza, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries is not hidden anymore, i met with many muslims brothers from other countries and 90% of them feel the same that west is against muslims and helping enemise of islam (zionist and redical hindus), and they all not have long beard or rifels in their arms but educated and established people in west. why is that?

ther must be reason and we all know that and so is everybody else but you cannot simply deny it by labeling talibanisation
The United Nations was created to serve justice not injustice as we are witnessing right now.
People start expecting too much from OIC. Atleast OIC has given muslims a diplomatic platform to sit and discuss their situation and issue a combined Muslim statement against Israeli or Indian aggression, in Palestine and Kashmir.

UNO or OIC are diplomatic platforms .... and not military platforms that can unilaterally take on military aggressions worldwide.

Name one muslim country that has the capability and resources to strike Israel and win a battle? Knowing Israel will be supported by USA directly?

OIC is not a fictional superman/batman - but we should also not demolish it and try to further strengthen it by setting up some sort of collective Muslim Army, that can be used for peacekeeping purposes.
OIC habibi is in lebanese egyptian dances session with wines and dines and etc etc all my life i have seen OIC just ends session with condemning Israel nothing else no Action at all words of mouth. At the end of day Money talks bullsh.it walks....Pull all OIC nations investment from US and see how US puts it head like a swin into the crap and makes Israel stop. Opinion its not gonna happen though.
OIC habibi is in lebanese egyptian dances session with wines and dines and etc etc all my life i have seen OIC just ends session with condemning Israel nothing else no Action at all words of mouth. At the end of day Money talks bullsh.it walks....Pull all OIC nations investment from US and see how US puts it head like a swin into the crap and makes Israel stop. Opinion its not gonna happen though.

If only they pull their investment from US but that aint going to be happend. OIC meetings have always witnessed members sleeping during debates so what you expect from them.

Pull all OIC nations investment from US and see how US puts it head like a swin into the crap and makes Israel stop. Opinion its not gonna happen though.

Bhai, USA will bombard our heads like a swin into the crap .... Iraq and Afghanistan are recent examples. .... one Pakistan and Saudi will make no difference to them. Both countries (Pak & Saudia) are being labelled as Terrorist exporters and this excuse soon will come handy.
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