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Where are the boats?

Sure - for the operation. But what about the training? Did the MSF & police get to train together with these boats or not? Responsibility for training is shared - and since in Pakistan the military has the lion's share in these matters, seeing it through is the PN's duty, yes?

The provincial govts are forming ravine police....


Turkey sold us MTRPs with TOT..


US boats ;


Above are used by SSGN.

Marines use MABs from Marsun Thailand;

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Boats should be with Maritime Security Agency patrolling coasts of Pakistan. You are talking about these boats.

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Those will be waayyyy down south as you can see.
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In order to use them up north in Rajanpur area, Punjab government should have approached Federal government who would order Navy to position those boats in that specific area. To position them they could either be transported by road (best way) or sail upstream in Indus crossing three major barrages (not so good option). Navy does however keeps some boats which could be quickly deployed and would be more than sufficient for the job. Here is an example.

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However what really happened is beyond incompetence of civilian agencies. Under strict instructions not to even inform military, Police chief orders district police to launch the operation. True to traditions of civilian institutions of Pakistan, he makes no arrangements to provide or arrange for the policemen what they need. He just threatens them and makes them launch the operation within two days. They beg for time and resources to prepare. Local police asks for a plan to gradually squeeze the outlaws into a pocket and then launch the attack. A fair plan in my assessment. Police chief who takes direct orders from brother of prime minister, scolds them, calls them cowards and pushes them into operation. And then he flies back to mega city of Lahore.

With meagre resources and foolish order to just charge in, what district police came up with, is this.

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They hire fishermen boats in haste. Policemen volunteer to go on this fatal trip. Rest is history!

You can blame military all you want, they were never asked to do anything. Under the constitution, military can be ordered to assist civilian government. But military can not just barge in on its own. People cry foul then, you know.
You comment is very informative. That simply means the police chief of the province is incompetent person who has no clue or acumen to carry out such an operation and nor does he has the guts to say no to his bosses or at least talk them into buying some time for his force. Thus he does not deserves the position and he/she is responsible for any losses thus accrued by his/her orders.
You comment is very informative. That simply means the police chief of the province is incompetent person who has no clue or acumen to carry out such an operation and nor does he has the guts to say no to his bosses or at least talk them into buying some time for his force. Thus he does not deserves the position and he/she is responsible for any losses thus accrued by his/her orders.

1) One might be capable of doing the most complex task if proper planning and training is acquired.
2) It is very difficult to execute the planed task is proper training in not acquired.
3) It is very clear that the shortage of time and proper training was the biggest short coming of the Police.
4) When a person is under Duress then nothing works. Which was the case of Punjab Police Chief.
They were sent out in paddle boats. Where were the proper boats? How do you shoot and paddle at the same time? You can't, your group has to be trained for it. From the accounts I read the police tried to beg off, knowing they were inadequate...indeed, a riverine branch of the police was supposed to be trained and deployed in the area by February, but there's no record of its presence.

In first instance Punjab Govt totally resisted the deployment of Rangers on the footing of Karachi and pushed for Police operation. Pak Army was only called in when Police got heavy toll because of their own mismanagement. If Army can provide aerial support then wud provision of boats been any problem for them? If Punjab police wanted they could have easily deployed anything they wanted to. There is a big difference between lack of anything and lack of wish of deployment of anything.
You comment is very informative. That simply means the police chief of the province is incompetent person who has no clue or acumen to carry out such an operation and nor does he has the guts to say no to his bosses or at least talk them into buying some time for his force. Thus he does not deserves the position and he/she is responsible for any losses thus accrued by his/her orders.

On the contrary in fact, Mushtaq Sukhera, IG Punjab Police is an able and competent officer. He is quite capable of performing his duties as police chief if he is given the freedom and resources to do so. Fault lies with how police force is used in Punjab (more so in Sindh) and governing style of Shahbaz Sharif as Chief Minister.

In Punjab and Sindh, Police is loyal to the politician, the chieftain or local lord. Criminal gangs are also under the protection of one or more politician who also happens to be a landlord and elected representative (common man seldom gets elected). Police protects interests of local politician and would not act against criminals who are under the protection of a political figure. They loyality lies with the personality not with system or society.

It will be death of PLMN if they de-politicse police. Then there is the problem of how Shahbaz Sharif runs the governance. He does not trust his bureaucracy and they do not have freedom to take actions in the departments they head. They take orders and implement them. Purpose of these orders is to make government look good in media and not provide better services to people. In typical fashion as Shahbaz Sharif does, a small showcase project at exuberant costs will be drummed up repeatedly in media while real problems will remain unaddressed. It's a war to win media and smoke screen everything else.

Successes of military has brought government under a lot of pressure in media circles. People on the street openly question political government while media has been questioning government's hesitation to launch operation against criminals elements or allow military to do so. It is in this backdrop that IG Punjab Police was ordered to get it done. He would not have reasoned with Shahbaz Sharif. You can't reason with Sharif brothers. So he did what he had to. His actions show that he was under great pressure to launch this operation at whatever cost. Political government could no longer take media pressure.

All factors combined, and District police lost valuable lives. If you have a bad leader on top of competent person, his talents will be wasted.
On the contrary in fact, Mushtaq Sukhera, IG Punjab Police is an able and competent officer. He is quite capable of performing his duties as police chief if he is given the freedom and resources to do so. Fault lies with how police force is used in Punjab (more so in Sindh) and governing style of Shahbaz Sharif as Chief Minister.

In Punjab and Sindh, Police is loyal to the politician, the chieftain or local lord. Criminal gangs are also under the protection of one or more politician who also happens to be a landlord and elected representative (common man seldom gets elected). Police protects interests of local politician and would not act against criminals who are under the protection of a political figure. They loyality lies with the personality not with system or society.

It will be death of PLMN if they de-politicse police. Then there is the problem of how Shahbaz Sharif runs the governance. He does not trust his bureaucracy and they do not have freedom to take actions in the departments they head. They take orders and implement them. Purpose of these orders is to make government look good in media and not provide better services to people. In typical fashion as Shahbaz Sharif does, a small showcase project at exuberant costs will be drummed up repeatedly in media while real problems will remain unaddressed. It's a war to win media and smoke screen everything else.

Successes of military has brought government under a lot of pressure in media circles. People on the street openly question political government while media has been questioning government's hesitation to launch operation against criminals elements or allow military to do so. It is in this backdrop that IG Punjab Police was ordered to get it done. He would not have reasoned with Shahbaz Sharif. You can't reason with Sharif brothers. So he did what he had to. His actions show that he was under great pressure to launch this operation at whatever cost. Political government could no longer take media pressure.

All factors combined, and District police lost valuable lives. If you have a bad leader on top of competent person, his talents will be wasted.
Lets peel it to the core and impersonalise your nice analysis to understand the whole genesis. CM Shabaz Shareef is able to do this because the bureaucracy obeys him regardless of their liking or disliking and skill levels. That's a negative human trait to accept oppression. Also mistrust and disunity among the so called bureaucrats are responsible for their capitulation because they think if they take a stand, the opportunist subordinates will spare no time in taking over...like vultures waiting for last breath of the dying animals. Because if they are united on principles and no one is ready to obey an illegitimate autocratic authority, CM will not be able to do anything. He will either bend his knees and mend his ways or leave the office. But the silence of the lamb is a problem here. (Sorry I did not fully impersonalise it)

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