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When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren’t Called ‘Hitler’

Its like a giving a penny after robbing a nation. Resources looted from India fed British industries and dumped our market with goods made in British factories. After millions died in Bengal because of Winston Churchill in 1943, India didn't see any major famine in 67 years of independence.

You're preaching to the choir,i'm no fan of that drunkard,he sold my country and half of Europe to the soviets to win his war against Germany.
Yea third worlders.

What racial and religious approach? Decades have passed since Europeans let go of colonies, either voluntarily or through rebellion and it's still a third world shithole. Facts, yo.

but i'm, glad i get to be called a racist immediately after discarding some of the political correctness and speaking bluntly about the "less" fortunate. Shows how weak you are intelectually.

they were 2.000 thousand years ago, but i guess you sort of forgot it. Some Muslims always know history just from 1000 AD onward.

In the past, it was the European oppressor that oppressed the mass in the poor countries. Today, its the native oppressors. the life of average people have not changed, just their master had changed.
Winston Churchill was a great state man that helped saved Britain from Nazis. Bengal famine was caused by war, not by Churchill.

gypsy, did this maybe had anything to do with Japanese invasion and the fact there was a world war going on?

British exported 260,000 tons of rice out of India during 1942-43 for hoarding, refused to release ships to feed dying people. The Ships carrying foodgrains from Australia passed close to Indian coast without unloading anything for the people. The allied nation offered him to supply foodgrains for dying people, the offer refused by Churchill.

During war cabinet cabinet during Bengal famine, Winston Churchill told his secretary of India Leopold Amery,"I hate Indians, they are beastly people with beastly religion."
ok retard, you keep wasting time then and dreaming instead of creating jobs for the through the roof natality rate. I'm sure you'll remind us in 30 years how it's the white man's fault for not teaching you enough about contraception.

As for Indian wealth, please, they were wealthy in the agrarian sense, as soon as industrial revolution started they were made uncompetitive. And this is the reason why they are still poor today.
Westerners came to India to trade spices directly, maximizing profit taken previously by the Arab traders and Ottoman empire.

Oh and 5 centuries? Majority of the population was dirt poor 100 years ago, until they started joining into worker's unions to negotiate bigger wages. Which was possible because of human emotional development, unlike in your precious example India, where to this day entire swaths of population are kept in the gutter out of some religious BS.

Talking about throwing stones from a glass house.

oh and dummy, if Brits took every resource from India, what is India selling now to China?

Nothing extraordinary about you , you are just another moron who believes that he is intelligent and others are retards because he is white !! We know very well what we are doing and what we need to do , Do us a Favour plz "do not try to help us" !! .. And Of all the conversation with you , It was an absolute time waster !! Not a single reasonable argument from your side , only BS . so you can live in your FOOL`s paradise and be happy about it ..
You would have been more convincing if you would have told that to the first ones who turned this thread against all "evil white colonists" who only brought misery to the world and even today are to blame for their countries misery.

Ok,i'm outraged at Leopold :"This is outrageous,Leopold was an evil man!" What now ? Can we let it go ?

you mean this:
The colonial Europeans ravaged the entire globe. Entire populations were enslaved, proud nations brought to their knees and wealth looted.
Many of the conflicts today stem from past colonial exploitation ranging from genocide in Rwanda, war in the middle east and the sorry state of India.

There's also other post that mention "west," but not "evil white colonies." Just because another people say/type something that might insult you doesn't mean you should be as petulance as they. Does your mother teaches you to be better than those guys?

In the word of David Cameron: "the British is responsible for the state of the world." That's because most of the world's problem is caused by colonial border where the line that was drawn were arbitrary & vague.

Look at this thread that asked a smart question, why does one monster should receive the focus of the world ire while another monster does not?

3 pages gone to the shitter & for what, so you can massage your ego?

Ok,i'm outraged at Leopold :"This is outrageous,Leopold was an evil man!" What now ? Can we let it go ?

Ask the Jews whether they can forgive what Hitler did or anyone else that share the same problem.It's easy to say that if you're not the one actually affected by it.
British exported 260,000 tons of rice out of India during 1942-43 for hoarding, refused to release ships to feed dying people. The Ships carrying foodgrains from Australia passed close to Indian coast without unloading anything for the people. The allied nation offered him to supply foodgrains for dying people, the offer refused by Churchill.

During war cabinet cabinet during Bengal famine, Winston Churchill told his secretary of India Leopold Amery,"I hate Indians, they are beastly people with beastly religion."

Why don't you go and read what was happenijng in the Atlantic in '43 and why those ships weren't released. i quickly read the wiki article on the famine and the hoarding theory according to it is on pretty shaky ground.

Nothing extraordinary about you , you are just another moron who believes that he is intelligent and others are retards because he is white !! We know very well what we are doing and what we need to do , Do us a Favour plz "do not try to help us" !! .. And Of all the conversation with you , It was an absolute time waster !! . so you can live in your FOOL`s paradise and be happy about it ..

Enjoy the poverty. Remember, if you split the contents of one spoon into two parts, you will have food for 2 days.

Not a single reasonable argument from your side , only BS

You're too stupid and your history knowledge is biased and nonexistant in the part where it's not biased, so no wonder you couldn't see arguments .
You would have been more convincing if you would have told that to the first ones who turned this thread against all "evil white colonists" who only brought misery to the world and even today are to blame for their countries misery.

Ok,i'm outraged at Leopold :"This is outrageous,Leopold was an evil man!" What now ? Can we let it go ?

white people was not more evil for colonialism.
Stick to the topic.

Geez. 10 million Congolese dead & this thread turns into a blame game of who's country kills who more. When people should be outraged at Leopold 2.


Plaque said "Mass Murderer of Congo Free State."

white people was not more evil for colonialism. It just that Europeans had the means to carry it out while others didn't . The fine the source of colonialism, the book to read is "guns, germs and steels" by Jared Diamond.

As for Leopold, isn't he just one of many? Were the French model colonist? Were the British more lenient? Maybe to the Indians here as they adopted English and their government.
white people was not more evil for colonialism.

white people was not more evil for colonialism. It just that Europeans had the means to carry it out while others didn't . The fine the source of colonialism, the book to read is "guns, germs and steels" by Jared Diamond.

As for Leopold, isn't he just one of many? Were the French model colonist? Were the British more lenient? Maybe to the Indians here as they adopted English and their government.

That's true but some posters here are just beeing childlish,mostly they're upset that they didn't do the colonising themselves.

There's a funny guy on the first page of the thread saying that peace loving indians didn't come to Europe to colonise.I guess he didn't get the memo :They didn't come because they were primitive and couldn't,not because they were lovers of peace.For God's sake those poor indians in S. America were terring the hearts out from their captives while they were still alive!! Nice peace loving culture :o:
Why don't you go and read what was happenijng in the Atlantic in '43 and why those ships weren't released.

Because he didn't care about Indians since he hated Indians and our leader Gandhi. So how much time it would have taken British to unload foodgrains from Australia in India before leaving for Britian. What was the need of hoarding away 260,000 tons of rice from India letting Indians die and feeding Europeans.
This was meant to be a "crucify the white man" thread! We are unwanted here!

That is not true. Some guy posted India superpower 2030 video on storm front and plenty of white people showed up. 
British exported 260,000 tons of rice out of India during 1942-43 for hoarding, refused to release ships to feed dying people. The Ships carrying foodgrains from Australia passed close to Indian coast without unloading anything for the people. The allied nation offered him to supply foodgrains for dying people, the offer refused by Churchill.

During war cabinet cabinet during Bengal famine, Winston Churchill told his secretary of India Leopold Amery,"I hate Indians, they are beastly people with beastly religion."

Any credible links to your post?
Because he didn't care about Indians since he hated Indians and our leader Gandhi. So how much time it would have taken British to unload foodgrains from Australia in India before leaving for Britian. What was the need of hoarding away 260,000 tons of rice from India letting Indians die and feeding Europeans.

i won't be advocating here but there was a world war going on....i would have been much more sympatethic to this if it wasn't.
You also conveniently managed not to mention the poor harvests in the previous years and a cyclone with tidal waves.....that's why i call you gypsy.

Winston Churchill was later to state: 'The Battle of the Atlantic was the dominating factor all through the war. Never for one moment could we forget that everything happening elsewhere, on land, at sea or in the air depended ultimately on its outcome.' (Costello & Hughes, p.210.) The supply situation in Britain was such there was talk of being unable to continue the war, with supplies of fuel being particularly low. (Costello & Hughes, p.155)

As for hoarding, it's more or less debunked in the paragraph below:

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white people was not more evil for colonialism.

white people was not more evil for colonialism. It just that Europeans had the means to carry it out while others didn't . The fine the source of colonialism, the book to read is "guns, germs and steels" by Jared Diamond.

As for Leopold, isn't he just one of many? Were the French model colonist? Were the British more lenient? Maybe to the Indians here as they adopted English and their government.

Of course not whoever said I did. All races should be blamed when Genocide enter the door.

[QUOTEAs for Leopold, isn't he just one of many? Were the French model colonist? Were the British more lenient? Maybe to the Indians here as they adopted English and their government.][/QUOTE]

To compare the British & French model to King Leopold Model is like comparing Hitler to Jesus. Which is the point of this article. Why doesn't the word Leopold is not synonymous with Hitler?

I will not deny that British & the French model at least offer the colonized people the benefit of western civilizations.

Fun Fact
: The Congo Free State is the private property of King Leopold II. It's not until later that words of the atrocity reach the Belgium government they decide to nationalize their colony.

Because he didn't care about Indians since he hated Indians and our leader Gandhi. So how much time it would have taken British to unload foodgrains from Australia in India before leaving for Britian. What was the need of hoarding away 260,000 tons of rice from India letting Indians die and feeding Europeans.

Britain was at war. And there was war, natural disaster and also bad administration. But leaders then were not as competent as this day and age with cell phones and internet. Sometimes, news of disaster take long time to reach the ears of decision ,makers and unfortunately, people die.

Finally, India should feel fortunate that not many people die in India during the war given its large population.

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