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When Kabul falls to Taliban?

No need. The writing is very clear on the wall.

Taliban will take full control of Afghanistan and Afghanistan will merge with Pakistan.

Anyone who do not understand and recognize this simple fact is purely delusional.
Ye kuch zada ho gaya hai boss :lol:
On topic : I think by September kabul will be in taliban control. Still there is a serious final fighting is left.
all this demonstrates is a morale issue

there is no reason to be in ANA other than for salary
That's the reason they are surrendering unlike taliban who are far more motivated, disciplined and trained .
The current leadership in the US are a bunch of old foggies who see the world through the lens of the Vietnam and Cold War. They don’t have the imagination or clarity of thought to deal with the new realities of the world either politically or economically.
With taliban in Afghanistan, do we really want to have a land link to Afghanistan??? As an Indian I would not like Talibani influence on Indian Muslims, like shuttle cock burqa, no women education etc..!
To be honest, I am more afraid of medieval afghans rather than Pakistanis..!!
If india doesn't behave indian muslims can turn into talban..
Yes, The decimation is seen quite evidently in Pakistan.
As for your future predictions about India, I don’t think any nation on earth can challenge a united India, Alexander tried but failed miserably..!!

Lol, what Alexander uprooting got to do with you gangiyates? It was Ancient Pakistanis who destroyed his army.

You have just submitted to PLA surrendering 1200 sq kms to them, why pretend otherwise?
The Taliban strategy is becoming clearer by the day. They are not focused on Kabul but the key border towns. They will choke off Kabul and Kabulis will plead for the Taliban to come to Kabul.
Bhai you should be more scared of your own talibans in safron clothes. These afghan talibans will hurt you if pakistan wants to hurt you, its that simple.

Kabul will not fall till the finance is flowing into Afghanistan. One the financial assistance comes down or goes nil only then kabul will fall. People here sometimes doesn't think that the way talibans are fighting thr govt and other groups can also fight like this for years to come. Talibans might be the strongest ones but there still are other strong groups in afg including the kabul regime. The best way is to bring in a power sharing formula otherwise civilwar is upon us.
You think taliba is more powerful than Pakistan and expect Taliban to do what Pakistan cannot do , seriously
No need. The writing is very clear on the wall.

Taliban will take full control of Afghanistan and Afghanistan will merge with Pakistan.

Anyone who do not understand and recognize this simple fact is purely delusional.

funny indian guy on pdf

wasting bandwith as usual
You think taliba is more powerful than Pakistan and expect Taliban to do what Pakistan cannot do , seriously
Okay i get it now. Aren't even now the talibs doing something that we were unable to do. 2 of your embassies have been recently closed in AFG, your c17 have been airlifting indians left and right. Also your ministers are following talibs whereever thay go from doha to iran and now in russia to save your ***. Talibs are wiping out your presence in Afg isnt that good for pak?. This is something we were unable to do and they are doing it. Its not that they are powerful then pak, off course they are not but in AFG they are pretty big. It'll be beautiful for pak if they'll take care of afg and flush all your people out so we can focus on the eastern border.
With taliban in Afghanistan, do we really want to have a land link to Afghanistan??? As an Indian I would not like Talibani influence on Indian Muslims, like shuttle cock burqa, no women education etc..!
To be honest, I am more afraid of medieval afghans rather than Pakistanis..!!
Thank God we have Pakistan between us and the Talibs to take the majority of the brunt. Afghans have been opposed to Pakistan state from day 1 so they get the majority of the radical attacks and instability. What's funny is we still see many Pakistanis commending Talibs and don't see the radicalisation and instability it will bring to their own society.
With taliban in Afghanistan, do we really want to have a land link to Afghanistan??? As an Indian I would not like Talibani influence on Indian Muslims, like shuttle cock burqa, no women education etc..!
To be honest, I am more afraid of medieval afghans rather than Pakistanis..!!
India is fu(ked in every way. You dug your grave, now go and lie in it , as they say. India betted on the losing side , a big strategic mistake that will cost India dearly. Just like the ANA are running for their lives, Indians will be running for their lives from New Delhi as the Mujahedeen turn East into Kashmir and Northern India. China will be the least of your worries.
They can retake Kabul in 2 weeks if they want too but this will be a bad PR move from their part. More likely, they will control entire Afghanistan except Kabul and negotiates with regional powers and indirectly with US to have some legitimacy / sanctions removed. Ghani govt will fall itself in due time without any taliban intervention in Kabul.
They can retake Kabul in 2 weeks if they want too but this will be a bad PR move from their part. More likely, they will control entire Afghanistan except Kabul and negotiates with regional powers and indirectly with US to have some legitimacy / sanctions removed. Ghani govt will fall itself in due time without any taliban intervention in Kabul.

This seems like the more likely outcome
With taliban in Afghanistan, do we really want to have a land link to Afghanistan??? As an Indian I would not like Talibani influence on Indian Muslims, like shuttle cock burqa, no women education etc..!
To be honest, I am more afraid of medieval afghans rather than Pakistanis..!!
I can assure you Taliban will not kill any Indian they will only share "LOVE"
All the prophecies and Hadiths about the 'forces from Khorasan' who will be engaged in the final battle are slowly unfolding.
How is this ironic that US presence in Afghanistan actually emboldened the Taliban forces and turned them into an effective and fierce fighting force, a force to reckon with...this is how Allah plan and disposes, humans cannot see and predict the future course of action.

And now these Taliban forces will be in the final battle who will fight with anti Christ...the reason Afghanistan is called the heart of Asia.
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