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When did islam become so fragmented?

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Sep 14, 2013
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hello pdf, i cant help but wonder how muslims have become so destructive to each other. i know we can argue that all religions have their own fair share of divisions but since syria is the hot topic at hand, il use it to get my point across. whenever i speak to a muslim they are always saying the israeli this and the israeli that, now i understand their problem with the modern state of israel. i am not a fan of zionism or the circumstances under which the state was created.

nevertheless the country exists and all muslims seem to sympathize with the palestinians and want them to get treated properly. now what baffles me is how is that these people who claim to be jihadists find it so easy to fly,ride, run, swim to another muslim country and wage all out war? whenever israel pounds palestine or another arab country, all the muslim leaders come out with their usual battle cry of how israel will be punished bla bla bla but nothing happens. but as soon as their fellow muslims (even if they are different sect) get in trouble they are ready to exploit.

arab countries have enough money and manpower to fight israel if they wanted, but i think secretly alot of them are scared. they talk tough, but would much rather wage war on assad than face the israelis. at my university we use to have the discussion frequently and the general consensus was that modern muslim fighters are most motivated when they are killing other muslims.

now by no means am i suggesting that there should be all out war against israel, because thats gonna lead to the region and possibly world going boom, but can some of the guys on here especially those from the middle east chime in and say why muslims are so eager to kill each other? when hamas and israel had their last episode of clashes, the muslim community in the uk did alot of tough talking as usual, but did nothing but with the war in syria there has been reports of lots of british muslims going there to help fight assad! i find that very strange.
Il put it basically,
*Before prophet Mohammed Died, he appointed Ali as his successor in numerous occasions. Hadith of the pond of Khumm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Right before he passed away, he wanted to write his will, but he was denied by some of the companions. This event was know as the tragedy of thursday.*Hadith of the pen and paper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

. *However, some of the companions decided to make their own coupe in order to claim control over Islamic territory. *They sat down and agreed to Abu Bakr as the first caliph while Ali was busy preparing Prophet Mohammed's body for Burial.*
Saqifah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both Abu Bakr and Umar have offered their daughters to prophet Mohammed for marriage in hope to bear a son who would Inherit the prophet, however, gods will ended that the prophet did not bear any surviving song, while his daughter Fatima got married to Ali.*

The agreement About the Caliphate was also known as the "Saqifa". *Many tribal fighters refused to submit to Abu Bakr appointment, History has been deformed into making these tribal uprisings as non-Muslim uprisings, although the vast majority of them were loyal Muslims who heard the prophets speech*
Ridda wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After the agreement of the Saqifa, everyone was forced to submit to Abu Bakr or be killed, Ali and some of his companions refused and took refuge in Ali's house. *Which was later surrounded by Umar with a bandit led by Khalid Ibn Alwalid, who had numerous encounters with Ali. *His father, Walid Ibn Utbah was killed by Ali in the battle of Badr between the Muslims and the non-Muslims. Ali also confronted Khalid Ibn Alwalid when Ali decided to sleep in prophet Mohammed's bed during an assassination attempt against hum by the "tribes", with Khalid being one of the persons involved in the failed assassination attempt. and another confrontation was during the battle of Uhud when many of the Muslim army retreated after hearing tuners that prophet Mohammed, Ali single handedly repelled numerous waves led by Khalid Ibn Alwalid to attack and Kill the prophet after most of the Muslim army retreated. *

The attack on Ali's house.*Umar at Fatimah's house - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ali eventually unwillingly submitted to the caliphate after 6 months, and after his wife(the prophets daughter) died. *But he only did so for the greater good of the Muslims, and he has made it clear that he still does not see this "caliphate" as legitimate.*

Eventually Abu Bakr died, Umar and after him Uthman became the Caliph. Uthman was killed by the people closest to him, the killing of Uthman was blamed on the Shias of Ali, and Aisha, who had a major role in the killing of Uthman launched a war against Ali so that he doesn't get the caliphate. Many Muslims regretted betraying Ali and eventually went to ask him to accept to rule over the Muslims. Aisha's army was defeated in the battle of the "camel".*
Battle of the Camel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There's much more to it I may continue later, but these are the main events, there are also the later wars between the Shias and the Umayids in Siffin and Karbala...
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