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What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

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New Recruit

Jun 11, 2014
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Dear all,

I am new to the forum and one of things, which have bothered me lately is the fact, that many of my great Afghan friends are very much against Pakistan, its military and intelligence activities in particular. Their claims are more specifically:
- ISI and the rest of the Pakistan military are main contributors to the war and problems in Afghanistan, because a stabile Afghanistan would enable Afghanis/Pashtuns to reclaim a part of Pakistan as their own - through international court or something. This part is supposedly something which they say was taken away from them through British rule in an unlegitimate way - and given to Pakistan. They also say, that the population of this area strongly opposes the Pakistani rule and would like independency from Pakistan.

My questions are:
- Which part of Pakistan exactly is it, that Afghanis/Pashtuns claim to be rightfully theirs? And are their historical facts true (that it was taken away from them unlegitimately)?
- Is it true that an unstabile Afghanistan is in the best interest of Pakistan?

This is my first thread, so please bear over with me if there is a lack of quality or if I do not follow some of your standards.
Dear all,

I am new to the forum and one of things, which have bothered me lately is the fact, that many of my great Afghan friends are very much against Pakistan, its military and intelligence activities in particular. Their claims are more specifically:
- ISI and the rest of the Pakistan military are main contributors to the war and problems in Afghanistan, because a stabile Afghanistan would enable Afghanis/Pashtuns to reclaim a part of Pakistan as their own - through international court or something. This part is supposedly something which they say was taken away from them through British rule in an unlegitimate way - and given to Pakistan. They also say, that the population of this area strongly opposes the Pakistani rule and would like independency from Pakistan.

My questions are:
- Which part of Pakistan exactly is it, that Afghanis/Pashtuns claim to be rightfully theirs? And are their historical facts true (that it was taken away from them unlegitimately)?
- Is it true that an unstabile Afghanistan is in the best interest of Pakistan?

This is my first thread, so please bear over with me if there is a lack of quality or if I do not follow some of your standards.
We unfortunately helped America create a shithole in Afghanistan but America waved bye bye when the war was over, Afghanistan didnt tackle the problem while Pakistan didnt neutralize the problem...hence somehow instead of blaming everyone Pakistan seems to be the sole target for them!
I don't have a problem for taking the blame for the mess in Afghanistan. I do have a problem however with an effort to keep making Afghanistan destroy themselves, because we fear to let a part of our country surrender to the Pashtuns. If that is so, we are moving towards conditions, which created Bangladesh - i.e. internal division based on race.
We stopped caring a long long time ago and as for you questions,

Afghani pashtuns claim the part of kpk as their own as they believe the durand line is illegal and the kpk and fata belong to them. . The provinces want to stay with pakistan and its just a wet dream of afghanis living in caves in afghanistan.

As for your second. No a destabilized afghanistan is not good for Pakistan as it will bring warring elements like the taliban into us and not to mention the drug and weapon smuggling that has been hurting us for a long time. A stablized afghanistan is good for the region and they can become stronger then pakistan and india combined and they still wont get KPK as there is just no case available for it.

They claim the durand line had a life of a 100 years when it was sold to the british but the fact is that the british held elections all over the subcontinent and the kpk province chose pakistan. They made their choice back then and are now an integral part of our culture and our country. Those cavemen just want the developments over there. :P
Check this out...The Afghans don't recognize the Durand Line too. And then the ordinary Afghan asks what Pakistan has done for bettering their lives in terms of development, aid and so on?

As for the mess. It was created when we trained freedom fighting group to fight the russian invasion of afghanistan. The thing is its not our fault as we needed to keep russia out of our region. If we didnt then we would been locked between two very powerful enemies. Russia and India. After that the taliban took control and things were happy but sadly they pulled off 9/11 and at that time bush was acting like a madman. It was either we say no and get destroyed ourself or help them. We chose the latter and went a little too far. Afghanistan blames us that we should have said no to the invasion and should not have given them the supply routes and should have sacrificed ourselves. It was a loss-loss situation.
After that a decade has passed at this point they blame us rather then america or the AQ who orchestrated the event. Now we oursleves feel no sorry for afghanistan and many elements are rising calling for the refugees to be sent back.
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