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Whatever happened are things of the past,Prominent Muslims to Grace Hindu Temple Ceremony

I had left PDF a few weeks ago and joined an Indian forum.

Today I am temporarily back. I want to enjoy the heart burn of the enemies. The leftist, Islamist, secularist and Pakistanis. I am here to gloat on their defeat. 5th August is a glorious day. It should be celebrated as Hindutva victory day.

1 year anniversary of abrogation of Article 370

Bhoomipoojan of Ram Mandir

I laugh at the faces of likes of @HalfMoon @Joe Shearer @xeuss @Shantanu_Left @letsrock @The_Showstopper @jamahir and all the Pakistanis. They will require lots of Burnol.

I love this schadenfreude.

As a proud Hindu Nationalist I will gloat on Pakistani Forum and celebrate on the Indian forum.

It is like watching NDTV and Republic on Election results day.

Maximum the mods here can do is to ban me but that will do nothing to diminish my happiness or reduce their heart burn. Please continue your breastbeating.

Ayodhya to jhanki hai, Kashi, Mathura baaki hai.

Jai Shree Ram, Jai Jai Shree Ram.

This is not victory of hindutva . This is victory of india .
Speaking of "Goodwill", How many MUSLIMS visit Hindu temples or take part in Hindu customs ?
How many VEGANS visit steakhouses? If a vegan would visit a Steakhouse and eat meat you would call him a hypocrite, right? How can a Muslim visit a place where idols are worshipped and why do you expect that? And nobody forced you to be part of Muslim customs or to attend a mosque. This is just in your head. And no Muslim expects that from a Hindu!

"goodwill" in India is purely a one way street. (with some exceptions)
Nobody forces you to be part of Muslim customs and attend a mosque. And please don't do that too this doesn't show your wokeness and openmindedness, it shows that you don't have any principles left. Latter one I duely respect in every human being. Even in Islamophobes. An honest Hindu is better than a Hindu-Muslim-Bhai-Bhai-Hippie denying the facts.

Sometimes I am more scared of these Indian Muslims of Sanghi flavour than the Hindutvadis. They are seriously planning to "out-RSS" the RSS. These are the ones coming out in support of CAA/Uniform Civil Code and also believe that the ancient Indians had the Internet and airplanes 5000 years ago.
Some maybe have to in order to survive so I don't judge them all. But Muslims should grow a spine if they want to survive in a hostile society. Cowardice begets more problems for a minority.

Hindus come from the most ancient of civilization and has a long history of civilized behavior.
We can see your "ancient behaviour" every day in the newspapers. No, I don't mean the Muslim-hate-thingy, I mean the other thing India is famous for in the West (no, not IT). You know what I mean.

One can see how such behavior can be misconstrued as "cowardice" by the barbarians.
There is only one rule in this world regarding geopolitics: vae victis!

If you are so low energy that every other nation could just wander in and take what it wanted, then the problem lies in your coward ancient society. So try not to cry if you read about Indian history.

If they visit mandir they will be declared kafir , hindu can visit maszid, church , there is no rule to stop them in hinduism.
Are you sure about that? Yes, if you visit a mandir with the intention to "pray" there, then you definitely have nothing to do with Islam. You Hindus make up your own personal religion if it fits the argument. So don't get me started on this "anything goes"-mentality.

You mean "Shirk", not kafir.
Shirk is the act of associating another deity with Allah and that definetely leads to kufr. The only thing Allah doesn't forgive is shirk!

LOL. No, but there are sensible rules of enlightened Rishi's called Smriti's that provide directions in Sanatan Dharma.
We know. Many Internet and Offline Hindus are ashamed of their religion so they will basically tell you that they are not religious or atheists. But I like my Hindus proud and with self-esteem :-(. And there are Hindus with their personal "anything goes" belief. They are the best you know!

We have all types of hindu dharma for all sizes , all moods , all places , all times . Our hindu dharma is most flexible religion in the world , stop bigotry .
Yeah, anything goes if it pleases the white masters, right?

Today I am temporarily back. I want to enjoy the heart burn of the enemies. The leftist, Islamist, secularist and Pakistanis. I am here to gloat on their defeat. 5th August is a glorious day. It should be celebrated as Hindutva victory day.
We all knew that you will never leave. So nothing to see here :D.
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All India Muslim personal law board issue a statement.

BabriMasjid was and will always be a Masjid. HagiaSophia is a great example for us. Usurpation of the land by an unjust, oppressive, shameful and majority appeasing judgment can't change it's status. No need to be heartbroken. Situations don't last forever.

Don't worry, this board will be disbanded in next few months...
Hindus come from the most ancient of civilization and has a long history of civilized behavior.

One can see how such behavior can be misconstrued as "cowardice" by the barbarians.

Which is why "Hindutva" was formed as a political response to such barbarians and their ideology. And suddenly we find "brotherhood" and not "direct action". What Fun.
Fantastically written

I thought you were on my ignore list. What happened? It was such a shock to see that ugly ape-like photograph you use on your id. I am trying to put you back on my ignore list again, but if it doesn't work, can you behave as if it does? Surely you can sense the contempt I have for you and for your type, the sorts who have never contributed to my country but claim proprietary rights to it.

As you announced you were leaving, it was a day of celebration for normal Indians.

Please leave permanently, and make it a second day of celebration. Imagine how much joy you will bring to good people.
We know. Many Internet and Offline Hindus are ashamed of their religion so they will basically tell you that they are not religious or atheists. But I like my Hindus proud and with self-esteem :-(. And there are Hindus with their personal "anything goes" belief. They are the best you know!

I am an agnostic, and I really don't feel the need to seek your approval or to fear your disapproval.
Yeah, anything goes if it pleases the white masters, right?

That remark of yours is sheer ignorance. These differences were established long before the existence of white masters was suspected, anywhere in the world. Using these sneers merely stains your character, not that of those you sneer at.
Liberals and Seculars (basically hypocrites of the highest order) can keep your head in the sand and refuse to acknowledge the changed India. It doesn't matter to me. Feel free to put me back in ignore list. We are here to stay. Like I said I have joined a forum where I don't have to be apologetic and follow stupid "code of conduct" which is just bowing down to Pakistanis.

Today I have come back just to gloat over your heart burn. I am enjoying it very much.

It is fun to see all leftist, liberals, seculars, islamists squirm on PDF, FB, Twitter.

It is double celebration for us and double mourning for them.

It was such a small request....
Hindu is greatest dharma , it's foundation is on vasudhaiv kutumbukam ,
We will not allow greedy brahmins to define and limit hindus in a limited bigot mindset .
We have installed statues of sain baba in our mandirs , he was a muslim , this is hindu dharma .

"Dharma" means "Responsibilities / Duties".

So Hinduism does indeed mean Responsibilities / Duties.

OTOH "Vasudhaiva Kutumbukam" merely means that god exist in ALL things present in the universe and hence we are all one and the same. Which means you re no greater than a Cow and the punishment for killing a cow is the same as that for killing a human. Can you accept that ? :azn:

We will also not allow bigoted muslims and xtians and communists " to define and limit Hindus in a limited bigoted mindset. "

Dharma is expounded in detail in our Smritis and Srutis written by enlightened Rishis. Rishi comes from the root word "rish" which means to flow from one direction to another. Through those whom divine knowledge flows from god to mortals.

"Sai baba mandir" OTOH is just Bhatki at best or Superstition at worst. Nothing to do with Hinduism itself.
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