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What will be TAF's reaction in case the tomb gets attacked

Airstrikes plus special ops will be used to secure the area around the tomb. Additional armored units may be deployed as well. ISHITs important command and control locations/assets will be taken out. Assads AA may need to be destroyed before such an operation is undertaken.

Most likely we will wait till soldiers die untill we act but i have feeling that ISHIT is a little scared of us.
Turkey has moved tanks to the border village of Mursitpinar, and placed missile defense units stationed nearby on alert, the state-run Anatolia news agency reported.

Turkey’s government says al-Qaeda militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have surrounded the area, and the Hurriyet newspaper has reported they gave a March 24 deadline to lower Turkish flags. The paper referred to al-Qaeda fighters captured last week in Turkey after they killed three people.

“All groups in Syria including the Syrian regime should know that any wrong attitude and move against Turkish territory will bring retaliation,” Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said yesterday. “Everything possible will be done to ensure the security of our soldiers. Right now, the situation seems stable, no action is foreseen.”

Turkey Vows Action to Defend Tomb in Syria From Al-Qaeda - Bloomberg

Their AA will need to be taken out before any operation is undertaken:

Missile lock-on systems deployed in Syria harassed five Turkish F-16 fighter jets on Tuesday, the second such incident since a Syrian warplane was shot down by F-16 pilots on Sunday after violating Turkey's airspace, according to a statement from Turkish Military headquarters on Tuesday, Anadolu Agency reported.

The incident occurred when the five Turkish Air Force jets were patrolling the Turkey-Syria border and four Syrian jets approached Turkey's airspace. The Syrian fighter jets left the area without violating Turkish airspace.

Meantime, Syrian ground missile lock-on systems tracked the Turkish jets twelve times for ten minutes as they flew over Turkey's southern Hatay province, added the statement.

Missile lock-on is the guidance system for a missile that can accurately track a target, and a fire-control system that can calculate the required flight path for the missile to intercept the target.

In Sunday's incident, a Syrian fighter jet was shot down near the northwestern Syrian town of Kasab as clashes along the Turkish-Syrian border intensified.

A statement from the Turkish Foreign Ministry on Monday underlined that the Syrian regime did not adhere to the Turkey-Syria border commission meetings protocol, signed May 9, 1971, which bans aircrafts from either side getting any closer than five kilometers to their shared border.

Meanwhile, a statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry urged Syria and Turkey to show restraint and not let the situation escalate.

Back in 2012 Syria shot down a Turkish warplane after it reportedly violated Syrian airspace and killed two pilots.

Turkey shot down a Syrian MI-17 attack helicopter last September, saying it made a 2-km incursion into its airspace.
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Let me tell you what's going to happen, the tomb is well inside ballistic missiles' and cruise missiles range. We have coordinates of the surrounding area. We'll blow those camel fvcking insurgents into pieces!
F-16'lara füze yanıltıcı sistem alınıyor
TÜRKİYE’NİN Suriye uçağını düşürmesiyle birlikte iki ülke arasındaki askeri gerginlik en üst noktaya çıkmışken çok kritik bir askeri alımın yapıldığı ortaya çıktı.

Amerikan Exelis Elektronik Sistemler firması Türk Hava Kuvvetleri’ne 36 milyon dolar değerinde füze yanıltıcı sistem sattı. Önümüzdeki günlerde teslim edilmesi planlanan sistemin en çarpıcı özelliği ise Suriye’nin kullandığı Rus yapımı SA-5 hava savunma füzelerini yanıltıyor olması. Suriye bu füze sistemlerini özellikle sınırda uçan Türk savaş uçaklarına karşı taciz amacıyla kullanıyor.

TSK’nın aldığı sistem ise buna ait füzeleri yanıltıyor, uçağa kilitlenen füzeye bu sistem ile elektronik karıştırma yapılıyor. Böylece füzenin uçağı vurması engelleniyor. Suriye sınır hattında uçacak F-16’lara bu sistemler, önünüzdeki günlerde takılacak. Olası bir askeri operasyonda da bu sistemin takıldığı F-16’lar havalanacak.
ISIL Divided over attack on Tomb

Speaking to Al Jazeera Turk, the leader of the Turkmen Kerama Brigade in the nearby town of Karakozak, Zekeriya Karsli, said that the ISIL are planning an attack on the tomb but are divided by differing opinions within their group.

According to Karsli, some ISIL rebels have deemed an attack on the tomb as unnecessary and too risky, and have therefore decided to withdraw from the Karakozak village. However, the ISIL maintain a presence in the region, where they are constantly clashing with other opposition groups, in which their commander Abu Hashim Al-Suudi is believed to have been injured.

ISIL deadline for Turkish pull-out from Suleiman Shah tomb expires | General | Worldbulletin News

IŞİD ile girdikleri çatışmalarda 80 askerini kaybettiğini belirten Türkmen Komutan Zekeriya Karslı, “Türbeye olası bir saldırıya karşılık vermek için bölgede bekliyorduk. Dün İŞİD ve PYD arasında çatışmalar çıkması ile bölgeden çekilmek zorunda kaldık. Türbe için yeni tehlike PKK destekli PYD. Türbe şuanda tamamen savunmasız durumda, türbe içerisinde 20 askerimiz var sürekli bağlantı içerisindeyiz”

Haber : Türkmenler gitti 20 Türk askerin akıbeti haberi
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According to information provided by sources, the TSK’s comprehensive plans are ready. Reports talk of three different action plans, according to different scenarios.

Air intervention first

First, the air force would go into action if there is an ISIS attack. Squadrons on standby at Malatya, Merzifon and Diyarbakir air bases would take part. Target coordinates to be attacked were determined long ago. Locations and deployment of ISIS units are known.

According to estimates, our planes would reach the operation area in two minutes and finish their attacks in 1.5 minutes. Therefore, the planes would conclude their operation in a total of 5.5 minutes.

Special forces next

What happens if the air operation did not achieve its objective? The TSK is planning to use its ground forces in such a situation. A special forces battalion on standby at the border would go into action. It would be heliported to the tomb area with Skorsky helicopters, complete the operation and will immediately return to Turkey. We are told that this special forces battalion is equipped with eight to 10 times more firepower and destructive capacity than a regular battalion.

Cobra type helicopters

If the first two stages did not achieve the objective, a third phase would be activated. Cobra-type assault helicopters would rapidly be sent in for a massive intervention. During all phases of the operation, Turkish artillery based on the border would provide nonstop fire support.

1,000 ISIS fighters

At the moment, 500 to 1,000 ISIS militants are believed to be in the area. According to information received, ISIS militants have limited mobility. They have DshK-type heavy machine guns and mortar tubes mounted on pickup trucks. Although they have the military superiority in the area, they are not deployed and move about in military configurations.

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Will the Anti Air batteries be a problem?
Knock them out?

Can't the F-16 SEADs handle them?
You'll need a good size strike package.
what if some anti-ISIL group pretends to be ISIL and attacks the tomb in order to lure Turkey into attacking ISIL while they were innocent in this act? isn't this possible?
what a shitty situation.
what if some anti-ISIL group pretends to be ISIL and attacks the tomb in order to lure Turkey into attacking ISIL while they were innocent in this act? isn't this possible?
what a shitty situation.

Anyone attacking it will be attacked.
It will be a good death.

We are not chasing them down to ending ISILs existence.
We will clear and secure the area, keep a buildup there for some years to come.

So no gain to be had pretending to be ISIL.
Unless I'm missing something.
I think we already have special forces around the tomb collecting intel.:ph34r:

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