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What was Afghanistan like in the 50's?

Afghans are good at only one thing...
if there is foreign occupation they fight againt occupiers..if not they fight among themselves..
when they get bored they start fighting with Pakistan...
Beware india..even the cunning and resourceful Brits kept away from this country and for good reasons.
A wonderfull nation destroyed by Pakistan.

More like a nation that set out to destroy Pakistan but ended up destroying itself.

Afghan leaders persuing a pashtun nationalist agenda are the biggest reason for the destruction their country, they alienated other ethnicities of afghanistan and they picked an unwinnable fight with Pakistan over the Durand line, this is what has led them to their current state not us.

It was completely and utterly destroyed by the Soviet Invasion. Thank God USSR broke. It deserved it

Afghans called Soviets there in first place until your insane Taliban lunatics drew them into war.

Afghans are good at only one thing...
if there is foreign occupation they fight againt occupiers..if not they fight among themselves..
when they get bored they start fighting with Pakistan...
Beware india..even the cunning and resourceful Brits kept away from this country and for good reasons.

We've been in touch with what's modern day Afghanistan for millennia before Britain even existed. Trust me, we've got no problems with them at all. It is just your government that gets all worked up.
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