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What Pakistan must do

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Jun 16, 2018
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By Zahid hameed
Where is Pakistan going so bloody wrong in crushing the TTP & BLA insurgencies ??
What is the core strategic blunder Islamabad & GHQ are doing ?
Pakistan is bleeding a slow death....100,000 Pakistanis killed, $150 billion dollars in losses since 9/11....Ibd is clueless, lost!

Madness if defined as repeating the same blunders over and over again and expecting different results every time....!
There is NO doubt that Islamabad's policy makers have lost control of national security......they are afraid, reactive, defensive....waiting for next attack only.

To say that I am angry would be an understatement. I am in rage....saw the pictures of 14 FC & civilians killed by BLA yesterday, being dragged and defiled....by Afghanistan based, RAW backed, BLA insurgents supported by Afghan NDS & CIA.

Someone is responsible in Pak for this.

For the last 19 years, since US occupation of Afghanistan, Pakistan has seen 4 Governments......Musharraf, Zardari, Nawaz and now Imran. All followed the same retarded, defensive, passive, reactive & failed Afghan policy & kept bleeding Pakistan with total strategic blindness.

In 1971, USSR had actively collaborated with India to dismember Pakistan.
On this date, Dec 27th 1979, Soviet Tanks then rolled into Afghanistan & came to Torkham....the border between Pakistan & Afg.
Now we had Soviet tanks 30kms from Peshawar. Their guns could hit outskirts.

So, Pakistan was trapped between a hammer and an anvil. Indians on the East, Soviets on the West and an army which had faced a humiliation just 8 years earlier & lost half of the country & was still bleeding & trying to recover from those wounds.
We had two options only.....!

Pakistan could have roll over & bend backwards & accept defeat....
US assessment was that Afg is a lost case & now USSR can never be ejected like eastern Europe.
So, Pakistan was all alone. No one in the world was willing to take on mighty Soviets in those dark Cold war era.

Millions of Afghan refugees had started to pour into Pakistan & there was NO organized armed resistance to the Soviets yet. Just refugees....more refugees....
And Pakistan was all alone. US had abandoned Pak, & China was not willing to take on USSR.
Islamabad had to decide....

So what were Pakistan's options ??
Accept Soviet occupation of Afg as a fait accompli & then wait for the Soviet tanks to roll into Baluchistan & NWFP?
Build an aggressive proactive strategy to bog, stop & push back USSR from Afghanistan, away from our borders...

General Zia, may God rest his soul, opted to take on the Soviets. This was the most daring & risky decision ever taken by Pakistani state after the nuclear project.
Faced with an existential threat from USSR & India, Pak had no choice really & needed to secure the Western front.

Pakistan had minimal assets within Afghans since 1975 which it had kept as strategic reserve to counter Kabul's Communist regimes constant support to insurgents & separatists in NWFP & Baluchistan.
Hekmatyar & Ahmed Shah Masood were Pakistan trained militants when USSR invaded.

For nearly two years, it was Pakistan which alone supported, funded, trained & launched Afghan Mujahideen to stop the Soviets in Afg. USA & the bloody Charlie Wilson was no where to be seen....
It was only in 1981 that US started to notice with amazement the Afghan resistance.

Pakistan built an international alliance much later....exploited it to its finest advantage....built the nuclear bomb from the same funds it received for stopping the Soviets.....forced US into giving latest F16s.... and within 10 years, destroyed the entire USSR.
Sweet revenge!

By 1992, Pakistan had overrun puppet Kabul regime & Mujahideen came into power in Kabul.
But before that tragedy had struck in Pakistan. Mossad, CIA & RAW collaborated through traitors within Pakistan army to assassinate General Zia. He had become a threat to global Zionists.

After most focused & determined Afghan policy of General Zia, came the era of democracy. Benazir became the PM, who ironically was later assassinated in 2007 on December 27th as well, the day of Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
But PPP regime destroyed entire Afg policy after Zia

After Zia, Pakistan lost control of Afghan leadership. Civil war ensued. First Masood, then after 3 years, Mullah Omer took Kabul......and this phase of civil war continued till 9/11.

But with a difference..

The war did NOT spill into Pak & there was NO Indian presence in Afg.

So, from a grand strategic perspective, if there are no foreign forces of occupation in Afghanistan and no hostile Kabul regime, then even a civil war in the country is NOT a threat to Pakistan. Though not a preferred option but better than a hostile Kabul regime anytime.

During 1992 to 2001.....there was civil war in Afghanistan. But Kabul Govts were friendlies to Islamabad.
Indian presence was totally eliminated. All anti Pakistan terrorist gangs backed by Communists were destroyed. There was NO terrorism in Pakistan & NO BLA, TTP gangs.

After 9/11......Afghanistan was once again occupied by foreign forces....Kabul regime became hostile to Pakistan, Indians came back with a bang & every terrorist gang of all colors & hues launched their deadliest war against Pak.

Result....we bleed to this day...100K dead!!

So, what does Afghan Jihad of the 80's teach Pakistan?
There can be NO peace in Pak if :

Kabul regime is hostile.
Country is occupied by Extra regional forces.
Indians have a foothold in Afgh.
TTP/BLA/ISIS type gangs are backed by NDS/RAW/CIA.

Solution? Undo the above!

Today, Pakistan is chasing shadows & ghosts in Afghanistan...sleeping with the same enemies who are bleeding us...
Ibd is trying to ride two boats in the middle of a stormy sea.......have given full space to India & NDS to keep bleeding us & Pak maintain an afraid, defensive stance.

Pakistan does NOT have an afghan policy of its own.
Islamabad is only doing what Washington is asking it to do...bring Taliban to peace talks with occupation forces to legitimize a hostile Kabul regime which in itself is arch enemy of Pak & supporting multiple terror gangs in Pak

That is why we are bleeding nonstop.....and will continue to bleed for all times to come......unless Pakistan decides to take the war to the hostile elements inside Afghanistan....like we did in the 80s.
Today, US is like USSR in 1988. Broken, defeated & about to leave Afg.

I am putting it very simply......
Pakistan need to change the regime in Kabul.....Period!
These bastards in Kabul are incorrigible & are responsible for killing 100,000 Pakistanis. They need to be de-legitimized by Islamabad & punished so hard that they cry out in pain...

Americans need to pushed out of Afghanistan at all cost. They are broken, demoralized, defeated.....it is not 2001 today.....we can be firm with them now.

Afghan Taliban need to given formal recognition & replaced by Kabul regime.

Then we need to enter Afg to destroy RAW assets.

There is NO other way to peace in Pakistan & no other way to secure our western front. Barbed wires, fences & reactive defensive posts will NEVER stop the incoming attacks & we will continue to bleed out to death.....Enemy has the initiative, advantage & element of surprise now

Franky, Pakistan is very late now.
Indians are poised to attack anytime....
All their terrorist insurgent assets are launched already in every province of Pak. Now BLA even has anti aircraft guns.
Pakistan army is fighting East & West while its back is exposed within...

Pakistan has been failed by its leadership....past and present....all Govts.
Most brilliant army, most battle hardened men....yet all their sacrifices going to waste, but glorified by myopic Political leadership to hide their incompetence & corruption...!

Long live Pakistan!!
Amazed at reading this. So many details just shockingly ignored.

Mr. Zahid Hameed is angry but he offers no solution. Recycling past events and presenting it with jaundiced views is not the solution.

Every war has a price. Soviet war or the American war will extract a price. One war cannot be good and another won cannot be bad. It is wrong to say Pres Zia and his military establishment was good, but after him everyone is bad.

Pakistan had little choice in either of these wars. Pakistan lost Siachen in 1984 and had to endure one of the most corrupt dynasties after that. Afghan refugees, weaponization and ethnic warfare within Pakistan were the fall out.

In the second war, we are still paying a heavy price.

The common denominator in both wars has been Pakistan's failure to assess the 'unintended consequences' and their remedial measures.

Simply put, Pakistan leadership past or present has failed to deliver stability.

Power grab drama is what goes on every time.

Pakistan ideally needs an organization like FSB in Russia, CSF in Egypt IRGC in Iran etc.

A large internal troop formation that maintains a large intelligence corp dedicated to internally stabilize and monitor vital aspects of Pakistani state. From espionage to corruption from tax revenue to guarding critical infrastructure to maintaining vigilance in univ campuses etc and creating harmony in the society, this force is needed.

This is essential to build national power.
Amazed at reading this. So many details just shockingly ignored.

Mr. Zahid Hameed is angry but he offers no solution. Recycling past events and presenting it with jaundiced views is not the solution.

Every war has a price. Soviet war or the American war will extract a price. One war cannot be good and another won cannot be bad. It is wrong to say Pres Zia and his military establishment was good, but after him everyone is bad.

Pakistan had little choice in either of these wars. Pakistan lost Siachen in 1984 and had to endure one of the most corrupt dynasties after that. Afghan refugees, weaponization and ethnic warfare within Pakistan were the fall out.

In the second war, we are still paying a heavy price.

The common denominator in both wars has been Pakistan's failure to assess the 'unintended consequences' and their remedial measures.

Simply put, Pakistan leadership past or present has failed to deliver stability.

Power grab drama is what goes on every time.

Pakistan ideally needs an organization like FSB in Russia, CSF in Egypt IRGC in Iran etc.

A large internal troop formation that maintains a large intelligence corp dedicated to internally stabilize and monitor vital aspects of Pakistani state. From espionage to corruption from tax revenue to guarding critical infrastructure to maintaining vigilance in univ campuses etc and creating harmony in the society, this force is needed.

This is essential to build national power.
Read it he clearly does offer a solution derrr
Pakistan needs to increase support for taliban and stop giving legitimacy to ashraf ghani and amrullah saleh. These are indian snakes and they will even damage Afghanistan for indian sake. Pakistan needs to give more legitimacy to afghan taliban, let them have a diplomatic office in Pakistan. Provide them with advanced weapons and make future defence and trade deals with taliban. The OP is right, we need to be active and assertive now.
By Zahid hameed
Where is Pakistan going so bloody wrong in crushing the TTP & BLA insurgencies ??
What is the core strategic blunder Islamabad & GHQ are doing ?
Pakistan is bleeding a slow death....100,000 Pakistanis killed, $150 billion dollars in losses since 9/11....Ibd is clueless, lost!

Madness if defined as repeating the same blunders over and over again and expecting different results every time....!
There is NO doubt that Islamabad's policy makers have lost control of national security......they are afraid, reactive, defensive....waiting for next attack only.

To say that I am angry would be an understatement. I am in rage....saw the pictures of 14 FC & civilians killed by BLA yesterday, being dragged and defiled....by Afghanistan based, RAW backed, BLA insurgents supported by Afghan NDS & CIA.

Someone is responsible in Pak for this.

For the last 19 years, since US occupation of Afghanistan, Pakistan has seen 4 Governments......Musharraf, Zardari, Nawaz and now Imran. All followed the same retarded, defensive, passive, reactive & failed Afghan policy & kept bleeding Pakistan with total strategic blindness.

In 1971, USSR had actively collaborated with India to dismember Pakistan.
On this date, Dec 27th 1979, Soviet Tanks then rolled into Afghanistan & came to Torkham....the border between Pakistan & Afg.
Now we had Soviet tanks 30kms from Peshawar. Their guns could hit outskirts.

So, Pakistan was trapped between a hammer and an anvil. Indians on the East, Soviets on the West and an army which had faced a humiliation just 8 years earlier & lost half of the country & was still bleeding & trying to recover from those wounds.
We had two options only.....!

Pakistan could have roll over & bend backwards & accept defeat....
US assessment was that Afg is a lost case & now USSR can never be ejected like eastern Europe.
So, Pakistan was all alone. No one in the world was willing to take on mighty Soviets in those dark Cold war era.

Millions of Afghan refugees had started to pour into Pakistan & there was NO organized armed resistance to the Soviets yet. Just refugees....more refugees....
And Pakistan was all alone. US had abandoned Pak, & China was not willing to take on USSR.
Islamabad had to decide....

So what were Pakistan's options ??
Accept Soviet occupation of Afg as a fait accompli & then wait for the Soviet tanks to roll into Baluchistan & NWFP?
Build an aggressive proactive strategy to bog, stop & push back USSR from Afghanistan, away from our borders...

General Zia, may God rest his soul, opted to take on the Soviets. This was the most daring & risky decision ever taken by Pakistani state after the nuclear project.
Faced with an existential threat from USSR & India, Pak had no choice really & needed to secure the Western front.

Pakistan had minimal assets within Afghans since 1975 which it had kept as strategic reserve to counter Kabul's Communist regimes constant support to insurgents & separatists in NWFP & Baluchistan.
Hekmatyar & Ahmed Shah Masood were Pakistan trained militants when USSR invaded.

For nearly two years, it was Pakistan which alone supported, funded, trained & launched Afghan Mujahideen to stop the Soviets in Afg. USA & the bloody Charlie Wilson was no where to be seen....
It was only in 1981 that US started to notice with amazement the Afghan resistance.

Pakistan built an international alliance much later....exploited it to its finest advantage....built the nuclear bomb from the same funds it received for stopping the Soviets.....forced US into giving latest F16s.... and within 10 years, destroyed the entire USSR.
Sweet revenge!

By 1992, Pakistan had overrun puppet Kabul regime & Mujahideen came into power in Kabul.
But before that tragedy had struck in Pakistan. Mossad, CIA & RAW collaborated through traitors within Pakistan army to assassinate General Zia. He had become a threat to global Zionists.

After most focused & determined Afghan policy of General Zia, came the era of democracy. Benazir became the PM, who ironically was later assassinated in 2007 on December 27th as well, the day of Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
But PPP regime destroyed entire Afg policy after Zia

After Zia, Pakistan lost control of Afghan leadership. Civil war ensued. First Masood, then after 3 years, Mullah Omer took Kabul......and this phase of civil war continued till 9/11.

But with a difference..

The war did NOT spill into Pak & there was NO Indian presence in Afg.

So, from a grand strategic perspective, if there are no foreign forces of occupation in Afghanistan and no hostile Kabul regime, then even a civil war in the country is NOT a threat to Pakistan. Though not a preferred option but better than a hostile Kabul regime anytime.

During 1992 to 2001.....there was civil war in Afghanistan. But Kabul Govts were friendlies to Islamabad.
Indian presence was totally eliminated. All anti Pakistan terrorist gangs backed by Communists were destroyed. There was NO terrorism in Pakistan & NO BLA, TTP gangs.

After 9/11......Afghanistan was once again occupied by foreign forces....Kabul regime became hostile to Pakistan, Indians came back with a bang & every terrorist gang of all colors & hues launched their deadliest war against Pak.

Result....we bleed to this day...100K dead!!

So, what does Afghan Jihad of the 80's teach Pakistan?
There can be NO peace in Pak if :

Kabul regime is hostile.
Country is occupied by Extra regional forces.
Indians have a foothold in Afgh.
TTP/BLA/ISIS type gangs are backed by NDS/RAW/CIA.

Solution? Undo the above!

Today, Pakistan is chasing shadows & ghosts in Afghanistan...sleeping with the same enemies who are bleeding us...
Ibd is trying to ride two boats in the middle of a stormy sea.......have given full space to India & NDS to keep bleeding us & Pak maintain an afraid, defensive stance.

Pakistan does NOT have an afghan policy of its own.
Islamabad is only doing what Washington is asking it to do...bring Taliban to peace talks with occupation forces to legitimize a hostile Kabul regime which in itself is arch enemy of Pak & supporting multiple terror gangs in Pak

That is why we are bleeding nonstop.....and will continue to bleed for all times to come......unless Pakistan decides to take the war to the hostile elements inside Afghanistan....like we did in the 80s.
Today, US is like USSR in 1988. Broken, defeated & about to leave Afg.

I am putting it very simply......
Pakistan need to change the regime in Kabul.....Period!
These bastards in Kabul are incorrigible & are responsible for killing 100,000 Pakistanis. They need to be de-legitimized by Islamabad & punished so hard that they cry out in pain...

Americans need to pushed out of Afghanistan at all cost. They are broken, demoralized, defeated.....it is not 2001 today.....we can be firm with them now.

Afghan Taliban need to given formal recognition & replaced by Kabul regime.

Then we need to enter Afg to destroy RAW assets.

There is NO other way to peace in Pakistan & no other way to secure our western front. Barbed wires, fences & reactive defensive posts will NEVER stop the incoming attacks & we will continue to bleed out to death.....Enemy has the initiative, advantage & element of surprise now

Franky, Pakistan is very late now.
Indians are poised to attack anytime....
All their terrorist insurgent assets are launched already in every province of Pak. Now BLA even has anti aircraft guns.
Pakistan army is fighting East & West while its back is exposed within...

Pakistan has been failed by its leadership....past and present....all Govts.
Most brilliant army, most battle hardened men....yet all their sacrifices going to waste, but glorified by myopic Political leadership to hide their incompetence & corruption...!

Long live Pakistan!!
You need to adopt these things in your strategy.
  1. A full scale military operation in Baluchistan.
  2. Hitting BLA and BLO and other groups in their hideouts in Afghanistan as well as Iran.
  3. Eliminating their leadership hiding in western countries.
  4. Making sure for every attack in Pakistan India faces two at least. Plus make sure you hit India in its main cities like Mumbai and Delhi and Goa and others.
  5. Increase pace of development in Baluchistan. Special focus on education and health and job creation.
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