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What is MbS doing that enables KSA to work with USA, China and Russia simultaneously on

Are you on his social media department? Your post says a lot about Unfunded.

Are you sitting in some housing project in Bradford and dreaming of a worldwide Caliphate while cursing the House of Saud for "betraying Islam"? You sound awfully similar to such drones. One-liners and zero argumentation. I can play that game easily and tenfold.

However you caught me with my pants down. Not only that I am a close relative of MbS. So doing it for free.

I have news for you. Money that derives from oil, gas, minerals, petrochemical sector, trade, business sector, agriculture (like mainly in KSA) is the same thing. It is money at the end of the day. Turkey was mentioned. They have a similar, albeit smaller, economy than KSA. Even more intertwined with the West (much greater puppet in your views). NATO members. Hosting US/Western bases in their country. Completely reliant on trade with the West and Western tourists. Yet they have been hit with sanctions, are about to be thrown out of the F-35 project while KSA is doing everything that I mentioned above without the mighty US barely uttering a single word. There was this 9/11 as well that was blamed on KSA. What happened? There was open support from KSA for the Iraqi resistance that killed 1000's of US soldiers just across the border in Iraq. What happened?

Do you get the point now?

But but oil.:lol:

Now genius, tell me WTF is happening in Venezuela again? A country with more oil than KSA. Yeah, I thought so. Or Iran next door. Even while being supposedly "archenemies" with the US they have worse ties with China and Russia than seemingly pro-US KSA. Must be because the Iranian oil is "worse" or different despite being located just across the pond less than 250 km away.

Awaiting a "great" reply to this factual post.
Till now MBS has accomplished nothing,other then spending huge sum of cash and purging those who dissuade including own kin.
They day he would be even able to annex, even tiny state from Gulf and generate a wave of unity among Arabs, he would be something to talk about.

Still Lessons about statecraft and diplomacy are incomplete without him.

2017 mind you..

Crowning achievements

1- Saudi Vision 2030

On April 25, 2016, then deputy crown prince put forth the ambitious Vision 2030 project, aimed at pulling Saudi's economy away from its dependence on oil, implementing structural reforms, and opening the country to diversified sources of income and investments.

2-Saudi PMO

Then deputy crown prince was also behind the launching of Saudi National Transformation Plan (NTP) 2020 across 24 government bodies operating in the economic and development sectors, and most importantly having in 2016 initiated the Project Management Office (PMO), which puts certain consultancies in position to bring more efficiency to the public sector, and mediate issues related to government services.

3- Aramco IPO

In October 2016, it was announced that Aramco was selling 5% of its shares for an estimated value of $100bn, based on a $2trn estimation that the government has put out. The sale, orchestrated by then deputy crown prince, will take place in 2018.

4- Saudi women driving

The Saudi crown prince sponsored the Saudi lifting the world's only ban on women driving, with implementation in June 2018 to allow for the proper laws and procedures to take effect. Already, many advertisers, such as Coca Cola have taken advantage of this and put their products behind the wheel as well.

5- Saudi entertainment

Keen on attracting tourists, but also on keeping Saudis in the country instead of seeing them travel away on tourism, the crown prince was behind the idea of launching a $2.7bn entertainment firm heralding a new era for the kingdom that could relax previously stringent rules on movie viewing, and theatre, among others.

6- NEOM + 50 virgin islands

Virgin Group founder Sir Richard Branson announced his intent to invest in a Red Sea project that turn 50 Saudi Arabian islands into luxury tourism destinations, and the $500bn 100% renewable NEOM city by the Red Sea, with SoftBank investing $$billions into the project as well. Both development projects were launched by the crown prince.


The crown prince approved Saudi Arabia's lifting of its ban on voice calls such as Skype,WhatsApp and other applications, whereas this was not legally possible before, and with it, a new era of open communication was launched.

The close relatives of Mbs would be the last people doing anything for him.
Are you sitting in some housing project in Bradford and dreaming of a worldwide Caliphate while cursing the House of Saud for "betraying Islam"? You sound awfully similar to such drones. One-liners and zero argumentation. I can play that game easily and tenfold.

However you caught me with my pants down. Not only that I am a close relative of MbS. So doing it for free.

I have news for you. Money that derives from oil, gas, minerals, petrochemical sector, trade, business sector, agriculture (like mainly in KSA) is the same thing. It is money at the end of the day. Turkey was mentioned. They have a similar, albeit smaller, economy than KSA. Even more intertwined with the West (much greater puppet in your views). NATO members. Hosting US/Western bases in their country. Completely reliant on trade with the West and Western tourists. Yet they have been hit with sanctions, are about to be thrown out of the F-35 project while KSA is doing everything that I mentioned above without the mighty US barely uttering a single word. There was this 9/11 as well that was blamed on KSA. What happened? There was open support from KSA for the Iraqi resistance that killed 1000's of US soldiers just across the border in Iraq. What happened?

Do you get the point now?

But but oil.:lol:

Now genius, tell me WTF is happening in Venezuela again? A country with more oil than KSA. Yeah, I thought so. Or Iran next door. Even while being supposedly "archenemies" with the US they have worse ties with China and Russia than seemingly pro-US KSA. Must be because the Iranian oil is "worse" or different despite being located just across the pond less than 250 km away.

Awaiting a "great" reply to this factual post.
You are right it can't just be oil. Oil and being are good lapdog too.
The close relatives of Mbs would be tha last people doing anything for h

You are right it can't just be oil. Oil and being are good lapdog too.


You are a genius mate! You truly are.:lol: Can't do anything about your argumentation or one-liners that made me speechless. You win!

Another one just below my post. PDF as we know it when it is best.:lol:

@The SC you take over bro, not bothering to loss more brain cells.
He is only successful because he suck up to israel. The Israeli lobby is strong in USa and they say dont say anything about Saudi no one will dare
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He is only successful because he suck up UK israel. The Israeli lobby is strong in USa and they say dont say anything about Saudi no one will dare

Another post of great length and full of convincing arguments and proofs. The Zionist card.:lol: Surprised that it took so long. Cousins and all after all, is that it?:rofl: @The SC
Saudi Crown Prince commends $76.5bn non-oil revenue in 2018

Saudi Arabia’s non-oil revenue has more than doubled between 2014 and 2018 to $76.5bn (SAR287bn), and Crown Prince HRH Mohammed Bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud said this growth underscores the kingdom’s economic achievements as outlined by the goals of its Vision 2030 long-term diversification programme.

The Crown Prince said Saudi Arabia’s economic and structural reforms are steadily moving to achieve the targets of Vision 2030, which is also accounted for in the 2019 budget. The document was approved by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, HRH King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, on 18 December, 2018.

Calling financial stability a fundamental pillar of economic progress, the Crown Prince said reforms introduced in Saudi Arabia over the last two years have directly contributed to the kingdom’s steady reduction in budget deficit. The kingdom announced a budgetary shortfall for the sixth year in a row as part of its 2019 budget. On 18 December, Saudi announced that its projected 2019 deficit of $36.2bn (SAR136bn) is 32% lower than the corresponding value expected for 2018, $52bn (SAR195bn).

But it is the growth of non-oil revenues that stands out in Saudi Arabia’s 2019 budget announcement. In 2014, non-oil earnings worth $33.9bn (SAR127bn) contributed 12% to Saudi Arabia’s total revenue, and this number has surged to 32% in 2018, when the corresponding figure is valued at $76.5bn. In a statement, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Finance, Mohammed Al-Jadaan, said this growth is “largely attributed to the continued implementation of economic reforms and initiatives such as value-added tax (VAT) and energy price reforms”.


@Al Watan Al Arabi
Let these lapdogs cry.. the facts speak for themselves..
Saudi Crown Prince commends $76.5bn non-oil revenue in 2018

Saudi Arabia’s non-oil revenue has more than doubled between 2014 and 2018 to $76.5bn (SAR287bn), and Crown Prince HRH Mohammed Bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud said this growth underscores the kingdom’s economic achievements as outlined by the goals of its Vision 2030 long-term diversification programme.

The Crown Prince said Saudi Arabia’s economic and structural reforms are steadily moving to achieve the targets of Vision 2030, which is also accounted for in the 2019 budget. The document was approved by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, HRH King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, on 18 December, 2018.

Calling financial stability a fundamental pillar of economic progress, the Crown Prince said reforms introduced in Saudi Arabia over the last two years have directly contributed to the kingdom’s steady reduction in budget deficit. The kingdom announced a budgetary shortfall for the sixth year in a row as part of its 2019 budget. On 18 December, Saudi announced that its projected 2019 deficit of $36.2bn (SAR136bn) is 32% lower than the corresponding value expected for 2018, $52bn (SAR195bn).

But it is the growth of non-oil revenues that stands out in Saudi Arabia’s 2019 budget announcement. In 2014, non-oil earnings worth $33.9bn (SAR127bn) contributed 12% to Saudi Arabia’s total revenue, and this number has surged to 32% in 2018, when the corresponding figure is valued at $76.5bn. In a statement, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Finance, Mohammed Al-Jadaan, said this growth is “largely attributed to the continued implementation of economic reforms and initiatives such as value-added tax (VAT) and energy price reforms”.


@Al Watan Al Arabi
Let these lapdogs cry.. the facts speak for themselves..

Indeed. Me creating this thread (I know that mostly the Arabized and Arab-obsessed users took part in this thread by trolling) was to try to have some short of interesting discussion with like-minded people (read non-trolls) who would have something interesting and valuable to offer. Likewise, can't hide it, I was also pulling the arms of the first category of users to increase their butthurt. A light "offense" but as you say, facts speak for themselves.

Anyway eagerly awaiting the extremely promising future and in the near future a visit from Putin. Or whether the Russians will build some of our nuclear reactors. The S-400 deal and other deals.
Indeed. Me creating this thread (I know that mostly the Arabized and Arab-obsessed users took part in this thread by trolling) was to try to have some short of interesting discussion with like-minded people (read non-trolls) who would have something interesting and valuable to offer. Likewise, can't hide it, I was also pulling the arms of the first category of users to increase their butthurt. A light "offense" but as you say, facts speak for themselves.

Anyway eagerly awaiting the extremely promising future and in the near future a visit from Putin. Or whether the Russians will build some of our nuclear reactors. The S-400 deal and other deals.
Preparations are underway for Putin's visit.. there is a high probability that Russian nuclear technologies will be inducted in KSA.. their offers are just irresistible..

" ROSATOM current offer for Saudi Arabia in terms of large capacity NPP construction projects and different aspects of the project’s localization."


Then, you hear something like this:

Secretary of Energy Rick Perry approved six “secret authorizations” to allow companies to sell “nuclear power technology and assistance” to Saudi Arabia as part of a plan to win a deal to help build at least two nuclear power facilities in the country.

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I will tell you why you can buy armaments from anyone, even Israel. Its because you will very likely use them.
On your own people,
or your neighbours,
or your fellow arabs,
or your fellow muslims.

This is a fact based on your track record.
I will tell you why you can buy armaments from anyone, even Israel. Its because you will very likely use them.
On your own people,
or your neighbours,
or your fellow arabs,
or your fellow muslims.

This is a fact based on your track record.
Are you talking about yourself?

Spending lots of money ...

What.. it didn't want to come out from your mouth.. LOL
MbS has arguably accomplished more within 3 years than most Muslim leaders did in their entire lifetime's in contemporary history. I don't bother posting 100's of links to highlight this (common knowledge for the informed people) but brother @The SC could help here. In any case one just need to look at KSA's economic, scientific, educational, military etc. output and political clout and deals made in the past 3 years as well as internal reforms. Incredible change has occurred within the span of 3 years. Speaking about territory "conquered", MbS has already done that better than Bismarck but unlike the era of Bismarck we cannot incorporate 85% of Yemen (combined size of Syria and Iraq almost) and 30 million people.
I still hold that point other then spending huge sums of cash he has done nothing.
What he has done special,which any other prince won't have been able to do?SC has posted these things and i have seen them nothing is unusual.
Syria,Iraq & Yemen are burning due to proxy war and he failed to do anything.Am I wrong?
Speaking about territory "conquered", MbS has already done that better than Bismarck but unlike the era of Bismarck we cannot incorporate 85% of Yemen (combined size of Syria and Iraq almost) and 30 million people.

Bismarck had decades to prove his worth. MbS has had 3 years in a 100 times more complicated world with powers that are 100 times stronger than anything that Bismarck faced.
Bismarck made the Germany,which resulted in a state which did break British back.
They day MBS can unite all Arab states under one flag then come and say that he is Arab Bismarck.
Germany relationship with European countries was brilliant in Bismarck era I told that for this wise man is who have friendly relationship with both sides of power war .
I am more looking at the way otto did reunified all states under one flag.
MBS is smart and he has the $$$$.
Agreed 100% but you are automatically smart especially in the eyes of the world if you are dirty rich.
Also why would uncle Sam care after the following deal, since they have already taken their loaf of bread

US-Saudi Arabia seal weapons deal worth nearly $110 billion immediately, $350 billion over 10 years
As President Donald Trump begins an official visit to Saudi Arabia, the U.S. finalized a weapons deal that boosts the Kingdom's security.
Agreed 100% but you are automatically smart especially in the eyes of the world if you are dirty rich.
Also why would uncle Sam care after the following deal, since they have already taken their loaf of bread

US-Saudi Arabia seal weapons deal worth nearly $110 billion immediately, $350 billion over 10 years
As President Donald Trump begins an official visit to Saudi Arabia, the U.S. finalized a weapons deal that boosts the Kingdom's security.
I agree but Iran also has oil, so did Saddam and look where Iraq is today or Iran. You need money and some smarts. I get a feeling he is a hard guy who is a do it type of guy. I hope he takes the bull by horns and recognizes Israel thus freeing the Muslim world from a unneccessary burden. Then after recognition he might even manage to help the Palestinians. I hope he takes over Saudia. Either way this guy is a reformer and will bring much needed fresh thinking to KSA.

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