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What if Narendra Modi becomes the Prime Minister of India?


He is much spontaneous in his approach and aggressive against Muslims that I don't like......

You are wrong. Ask Gujarat Muslims. They have started loving Him. Recently my brother went to Juha Pura, A muslim area to purchase a steel cupboard. The lower middle class muslims were so pleased with Modi, that they praised him like anything, offered my brother a cold drink and said that sir if Modi would not have been there, you would not have come to buy the cupboard in my area.

The Most posh C G road was an exclusive Hindu area with not a single Muslim Shop now there are many. The same is true for Surat also. Once your economic interest is surved, other interests become secondary.

The good thing about Modi is that if he dislike something, he will tell it openly but he will not betray like congress. Even a business delegation came from Karachi to Gujarat was impressed with Modi and invited him to Pakistan.
Modi means Honesty. If he do not like you, he will tell you on the face. If he do not believe in pseudo secularism, he will refuse the skull cap though election is cumming and he has an eye on Muslim vote. But once he said that I will protect you, he will not even hesitate to mess with VHP or BD to protect Muslim. He will never betrayed any one or he will not do any gimmick with any one. No Muslim in Gujarat can say that modi cheated them like they say about Akhilesh or Congress.
[Bregs];4776435 said:
It was this party leader n PM vajpayee ji enjoying bus yatra when kargil was happening why a simple thank from me pisses you off n not the other abuses your namo supporters throw at others

What about NAMO supporters rebuking choicest of abuses to fellow Indians who do not agree with there ideology, ours is a democratic country with abuses at internet you can not make modi win elections

see my 1st post in this thread it was met with sudden outburst of abuses n personal attacks modi may be lord for some not for me at least
so who is your lord mate?i think it's Amul Baby or perhaps Diggy raja or maybe Salman Khurshid.well good for you but people like me will never forgive the congress led UPA coalition for what they did to our country in the last 10 years stealing trillions of Ruppees publicly and then shamelessly defending themselves....
[Bregs];4777346 said:
Bro all lies of Modi will be discussed here whom you are calling a sincere leader

Sonia gandhi summoned by a US court for a crime committed in riots has nothing to do with her being involved in it, she will reply to legal matter, how many times Modi has replied to Godhra riots in which whole state machinery involved for weeks together in massacre and whole India knows that in 1984 RSS too was involved discreetly in riots led by some congressi leaders. Many IPS officers and state DGP have testified against Modi but he has dumped them all in jail using them as handkerchief. Even the home minister of Gujarat which Ben she is waiting death sentence in riots role. Modi will not escape the law for long too while sonia her self has no such blatant direct role in 1984 riots as she was not in politics at that time

Manmohan singh replied back in language you all understand in 2009 and the result is for everyone to see for five years upto 2014

i have hatred for lies and hypocrisy of BJP but i will never lower the dignity of my beloved country

Modi answered more that 100 questions asked by SIT team for over 10 hours. Modi is answering it every day. Modi is a democratic leader and has answered it on many public forum.

How many times did you here Sonia and her moron son Rahul answering the 1984 riots, Bn of dollars of Rajiv in swiss accounts, Bofors commission, illegal purchase of daccan house, private trips to Europe by private jets, relation with arms smugglers?
[Bregs];4777346 said:
Bro all lies of Modi will be discussed here whom you are calling a sincere leader

Sonia gandhi summoned by a US court for a crime committed in riots has nothing to do with her being involved in it, she will reply to legal matter, how many times Modi has replied to Godhra riots in which whole state machinery involved for weeks together in massacre and whole India knows that in 1984 RSS too was involved discreetly in riots led by some congressi leaders. Many IPS officers and state DGP have testified against Modi but he has dumped them all in jail using them as handkerchief. Even the home minister of Gujarat which Ben she is waiting death sentence in riots role. Modi will not escape the law for long too while sonia her self has no such blatant direct role in 1984 riots as she was not in politics at that time

Manmohan singh replied back in language you all understand in 2009 and the result is for everyone to see for five years upto 2014

i have hatred for lies and hypocrisy of BJP but i will never lower the dignity of my beloved country

Modi answered more than 100 questions asked by SIT team for over 10 hours. Modi is answering it every day. Modi is a democratic leader and has answered it on many public forum.

How many times did you here Sonia and her moron son Rahul answering the 1984 riots, Bn of dollars of Rajiv in swiss accounts, Bofors commission, illegal purchase of daccan house, private trips to Europe by private jets, relation with arms smugglers?
[Bregs];4777282 said:
Still i can't recall which post i thanked abusing my country, it might have been a mistake while clicking although it was me who when i joined here opposed posting all domestic politics issues here as it gives a chance to other to meddle too, i have no problems with modi praising threads at all as long as other Indian politicians are not abused here in the foreign forum

I was talking about Post#67 .
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