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What if Germany had won the WW II?

Lockheed F-16

Dec 16, 2008
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What would be perhaps the situation in the world, if Germany had won the WW II? It would have been better to have a counterpart to the Yankees and I think Germany would have played this role. What's your oppinion?
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we all would be waiting in the line for our turn to be exterminated in the concentration camps!!! Hitlers only view was Aryan Supremacy! Blondies would have ruled the planet! ;)
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I would like see a section for Muslims who fought in WW2
My Grand Uncle fought in WW2, in the British army.
It needs to be told that Muslims did fought against the Nazi instead of equating them as Nazi Volunteers.
This is a huge load of Zionist propaganda. They wanted to link the muslim "terrorists" to the nazis. But its nice to see some mslims here believe that crap.

I'm sorry, but the Grand Mufti and his S.S division was as real as it gets. No propaganda here. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" defines the best relation between the Nazi leadership and the Grand mufti.
I'm sorry, but the Grand Mufti and his S.S division was as real as it gets. No propaganda here. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" defines the best relation between the Nazi leadership and the Grand mufti.

How long would that so-called friendship last ?
NAzi couldn't take anyone who wasn't white, and muslims being multi racial and even having Blacks in our religion is laughable., I mean think about it Black Muslim Nazi ??????????
even Our religion is extremily against on the issue of killing an innocent, being a racist and nationlist.
Heck I see Nazis today killing muslims ...well on a daily bases here in europe so......

that it itself and with the thing with grand mufti is kinda illogical and playing with the game of the Islamaphobes point of veiw.

One Youtube Vid is not gonna work here. But then again its your believe.
How long would that so-called friendship last ?
NAzi couldn't take anyone who wasn't white, and muslims being multi racial and even having Blacks in our religion, heck I see skins heads killing muslims ...well on a daily bases here in europe so......

that it itself and with the thing with grand mufti is kinda illogical and playing with the game of the Islamaphobes point of veiw.

One Youtube Vid is not gonna work here. but then again its your believe.

I never talked to you about the "Future" of the coalition. I simply told you that denying the involvement of Grand Mufti with the Nazi's is ridiculous.

As for the neo-nazi's, they know about the National Socialism just like how a Mechanic knows about performing a heart surgery. I've dealt with them personally in different countries and everywhere, and it's the same. 18 year old hopped up teenagers using Neo-Nazism as a scapegoat to secure their insecurities. Different in some cases, but majority consists of illiterate thugs.

As for saying that "One video is not going to work here. But then again it's your belief".

All my life has revolved around the military advancements, ideologies, and technologies related to the Second world war. Professionally, i also hold a diploma in the field. So i'm pretty sure i know what i'm talking about.
Man no matter what the current conditions are, but those Nazis, man they were monsters, the way they killed poeple is truly unimaginable and too much for any person with heart. I wouldn't want them winning the WWII.
I never talked to you about the "Future" of the coalition. I simply told you that denying the involvement of Grand Mufti with the Nazi's is ridiculous.

As for the neo-nazi's, they know about the National Socialism just like how a Mechanic knows about performing a heart surgery. I've dealt with them personally in different countries and everywhere, and it's the same. 18 year old hopped up teenagers using Neo-Nazism as a scapegoat to secure their insecurities. Different in some cases, but majority consists of illiterate thugs.

As for saying that "One video is not going to work here. But then again it's your belief".

All my life has revolved around the military advancements, ideologies, and technologies regarding the Second world war. Professionally, i also hold a diploma in the field. So i'm pretty sure i know what i'm talking about.

Yes, there was a SS-Division called Schutzstaffel Handzar with the Grand Mufti as its head. And a friend of Hitler, Heinrich Himmler was very interested in Islam and saw many similarities between his ideology and Islam. Nazis are shown very bad in the media but they weren't all so bad.

For example they allowed polygamie, they paid women for their work in household, marrying in his own culture was only allowed.....
While you prattle on about the SS Muslin units, you seem to forget your Muslim brothers who fought for the Free French against the Germans.
I believe their story to be more of shear courage, a reflection of their faith, belief in themselves and a national loyalty.

From what I understand of these units they deserve a salute.

There was film made of this called “Days of Glory”. It is worth watching.
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