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What do Israelis think of Pakistan? : Corey Gil-Shuster

To be honest, we (Pakistanis) did alot of not so nice things in the Israel Palestinian conflict.

For instance, Zia ul Haq’s role in massacre of Palestinian fighters from Jordan in Sep ‘71.

Pakistan needs to stay out of conflicts. We have our hands full fighting traitors within.
That was different. PLO was corrupt and tried to everthrow the Jordanian royal family for some reason (cant remember).

Jordan called on Pakistan's help, to assist them militarily. General Zia Ul Haq gave them the assistance they needed to quell the rebellion and to stop Syria from attacking.
To be honest, we (Pakistanis) did alot of not so nice things in the Israel Palestinian conflict.

For instance, Zia ul Haq’s role in massacre of Palestinian fighters from Jordan in Sep ‘71.

Pakistan needs to stay out of conflicts. We have our hands full fighting traitors within.
Pakistan did no massacre of Palestinians. Fix your verbal diarrhea. Read a book.
Zia was there to train jordanian soldiers when the war started and got request from their king to help in deployment..zia only relayed the request to Pakistans FO via the jordanian ambassador. The reply came back in affirmative from Pakistan but a day later the war was over. Yasir Arafat was very fond of zia met him on several occasions and endorsed his view on the conflict.
As I always said, Israelis don't care about Pakistan, which is funny considering the obsession certain Pakistanis have on Israel

Is that why your ministers meet insignificant US Pakistani delegations to pretend they have some sort of relation with Pakistan?

Not only are you Israelis obsessed with Pakistan, you also seek friendly relations. At least on a diplomatic level.
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As I always said, Israelis don't care about Pakistan, which is funny considering the obsession certain Pakistanis have on Israel
yeah , personally , I think Pakistan and Isreal has lot of commonalities not just at geopolitical level but societal level as well , both societies want to preserve their ancient cultural heirtage but also familiar there is need to modernize , Isreal is obviously doing much better here. There is lot of common grounds that can be talked about much more than countries that are suppossedly freinds of Pakistan
yeah , personally , I think Pakistan and Isreal has lot of commonalities not just at geopolitical level but societal level as well , both societies want to preserve their ancient cultural heirtage but also familiar there is need to modernize , Isreal is obviously doing much better here. There is lot of common grounds that can be talked about much more than countries that are suppossedly freinds of Pakistan

Did you watch the video? The ordinary people don't care nor want to have any relations. In fact, some Israelis think there are only terrorists roaming around in Pakistan. Some think that Pakistan is bad for Israel because it is Muslim.

What commonalities are you talking about? There are none. Pakistan is a failed country where it's military leaders change governments overnight with the help of USA. Could such a thing happen in Israel?
They don't give a F*** about Pakistan but they're desperate to be recognized by the sole nuclear powered Muslim country. :disagree:
They don't give a F*** about Pakistan but they're desperate to be recognized by the sole nuclear powered Muslim country. :disagree:

The Israeli government is obsessed with Islamic Republic of Pakistan because they think that a nuclear Pakistan is bad for them. That is all to it. Nothing more nothing less. Otherwise the ordinary Israelis couldn't give a shit about Pakistan in any shape or form.
Even Pakistan will not ask you when we take you out of the map to defend the rights of our Muslim brothers and sisters.

Let's worry about Pakistan and Pakistanis first before we try to be the saviours for non-Pakistani Muslims who see us as inferior human beings........ :azn:
As I always said, Israelis don't care about Pakistan, which is funny considering the obsession certain Pakistanis have on Israel

We literally dont recognize israel, we think it doesn't exist, and u think we r obsessed? Its also an israeli saying this on a Pakistani forum, lolz the irony. Also shows how big a retard u are.
Buddy, I love Pakistan, too, but let's be real. Pakistan is one of the most corrupt and one of the easiest countries to buy influence.

Also, Israelis are a thousand times more patriotic, organized and resourceful than Pakistanis. In the face of terrorism they have completely changed their society to deal with it. If you leave out Israeli Arabs for a second, they have one of the most eqalitarian and democratic societies in the world. Even the daughter of the highest politician will go to the same school and must serve in the front lines alongside the son of a janitor.

There are a lot of good things we can learn from Israeli society, if we set aside their anti-Arab bigotry.

There is a day and night difference between corrupt Pakistanis and patriotic Israelis. We are in a blackhole as a nation. Our leaders and people are living in a different universe. We are so off course we don't realise it.
Honestly speaking Who gives a shit?
That was my first reaction after reading the title
honestly that's the first thing came into my head as well. like who the F gives two damn shits about what israeli people think about Pakistan or Pakistani people like seriously go F yourself for all we care
honestly that's the first thing came into my head as well. like who the F gives two damn shits about what israeli people think about Pakistan or Pakistani people like seriously go F yourself for all we care

The thing is we should care. You should even learn from your foes. We don't even learn from our friends. We are such a pathetic people that we will rave about certain things, but never learn or adopt anything positive.

Let's try to learn something from the Israelis. Our leaders are corrupt and so is our society. That is an established fact. Now, are the Israelis corrupt? Do the Israelis backstab their own cause for money or power? Isn't that an interesting question.
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