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What do Chinese think of Pakistan?

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May 7, 2012
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United Kingdom
In another forum a person claming to be Chinese member made the following remark when in conversation with a Indian member.

"Unfortunately Chinese people used to look down on India and Pakistan culture and economic backwardness. Nowadays chinese people see India as a possible trade partner and future economic power but also a strategic competitor. India is also provoking China by encouraging Tibetan seperatists and fielding a secret Tibetan army of some 10-20 thousand strong.

About Pakistan ... Go to Baidu forums and see how chinese people see Pakistanis as. Pakistanis are seen as Indian muslims who are even backward than arabs. They are mocked everyday. But Pakistan is an ally of China. During the worst period of China Pakistan was there as a friend. Pakistan maybe a cesspool of stupid backward arab worshipping people but they have proved to be a loyal friend. You reward your loyal friends even if they are *******s to everybody else."

This could be a rant of one single individual who might not even be a Chinese. Nevertheless this got me thinking. What do Chinese really think of Pakistani's? I don't mean the fancy speaches at diplomatic functions like "friendship higher then mountains la la". That is just business and in business you even deal with people who you find disgusting.

What I mean is the real sentiment beyond the official headlines and what the normal Chinese citizens think of Pakistanis. The problem here is most of us know what the average American, British, Australian or even Europeans like French or Germans think because English is the prevalent language and Pakistani's have a large diaspora communities living there and thus are a very effective barometer of their thoughts.

Chinese are differant. Until recently it a country that is so close officially but so far unofficialy. There has been far less intereaction with the real China then the the West by Pakistani's. So in a sense what Chinese think of Pakistani;s is to large degree masked and insultated from average Pakistani.

Is this important? Yes it is. Whilst business is above everything but the problem is for a long term strategic relationship to develop and mature at differant levels also requires a sense of goodwill between people. Once upon a time USA is also enjoyed a very strong relationship with Pakistan but under it all at the ground level there was friction. Most Americans did not find average Pakistani agreeable. This friction on the ground would along with other factors lead to where we are today.

I guess what I am saying is if Chinese dislike us in private than this China/Pak thing is only going to go so far before the internal contradictions start showing up. There is a essential differance between Chinese and the West. Chinese tend to be more introverted in their thinking and ae not prone in showing what they really think. They might hate you but you won't see it behind the smiling face. However in private and in Chinese fora where they are free to say what they want - hardly any outsiders and even less Pakistani's speak Chinese therefore are sealed off from what is really said. This is unlike the Western style of saying it as it is and being quite forthright in their views. Their media is very accessible as English is the most used language.

From the few objective measure we have things don't look pretty. The "higher then moountain" love only seems to be coming from the Pakistani side. The Chinese are not returning those feelings. Indeed shockingly Chinese have far more favourable image of USA then Pakistan despite Pakistani's regarding China as hevean on earth with 78% of Pakistani's - the top on the list with pro China views.

Indeed the Chinese regard Pakistani only slightly above the Indian's. This does not look like "equal love" and that never bodes well for any relationship.


What other countries thought of China. Pakistan came top in holding pro China views.


Is this important? Very much so because any relationship requires the 'likeability factor' for it to sustain and grow into a viable and dynamic relationship. Further, it gives and should give thought to those in positions of power bith in Pakistan and China to work on improving the image of each other by creating positive people to people contacts and or setting up lobby groups which work to find ways to improve the relationship stock in China.

Another rather disturbing fact is that as China prospers millions of Chinese are on the move and form significant numbers of tourists in the world today. The Chinese also tend to spen far more money then other tourists and are also very well behaved on the whole with no gangs of drunks running wild. Therefore they are sought out by tourist destination countries. London, Paris , Turkey , USA and you name it you will see millions of Chinese tourists.

Yet, Pakistan hardly is getting any Chinese tourists. What does this show? Chinese business interests are in Pakistan but their heart is in other places. Indeed I have not checked but I suspect more Chinese visit India then they do Pakistan. This possibly cannot be because Pakistan does not have fantastic sites - we have some of the best in the world but why are the Chinese avoiding coming to Pakistan - a country where they would be welcome with open arms?

There is no issue here on the business side of the relationship. The survey below shows most Chinese are supportive of more cooperation with Pakistan.


I invite thoughts on thos from senior Pak members and Chinese members. This is a serious issue that despite being uncomfortable needs looking at so that this problem can be addressed. What do they say? Accepting you have a problem is half of the solution.
I think as we get more stable and peaceful regarding security, more tourists, including Chinese, will come to Pakistan...

Pakistan do suffers image problem in the world due to propaganda of west, add it with fukin organized propaganda against Muslims in general after 9/11, which caused misconceptions in general public regarding Muslim societies.

I hope CPEC will bring Pakistanis and Chinese more close towards each other, minimizing all misconceptions/stereotypes we do have regarding each other.

Your opinion, guys, regarding topic...

@Rasengan @Taimoor Khan @Shotgunner51 @jkroo @Dungeness
So Some Pathetic Indian Pretended to Be Chinese And Talked Trash And You Just Took It To Heart.Come On Bro I Thought You Were Better Than That.

I Know From Firsthand Experience in Guangzhou How Much Chinese Like Us
So Some Pathetic Indian Pretended to Be Chinese And Talked Trash And You Just Took It To Heart.Come On Bro I Thought You Were Better Than That.

I Know From Firsthand Experience in Guangzhou How Much Chinese Like Us

Please share your experience...
In another forum a person claming to be Chinese member made the following remark when in conversation with a Indian member.

"Unfortunately Chinese people used to look down on India and Pakistan culture and economic backwardness. Nowadays chinese people see India as a possible trade partner and future economic power but also a strategic competitor. India is also provoking China by encouraging Tibetan seperatists and fielding a secret Tibetan army of some 10-20 thousand strong.

About Pakistan ... Go to Baidu forums and see how chinese people see Pakistanis as. Pakistanis are seen as Indian muslims who are even backward than arabs. They are mocked everyday. But Pakistan is an ally of China. During the worst period of China Pakistan was there as a friend. Pakistan maybe a cesspool of stupid backward arab worshipping people but they have proved to be a loyal friend. You reward your loyal friends even if they are *******s to everybody else."

This could be a rant of one single individual who might not even be a Chinese. Nevertheless this got me thinking. What do Chinese really think of Pakistani's? I don't mean the fancy speaches at diplomatic functions like "friendship higher then mountains la la". That is just business and in business you even deal with people who you find disgusting.

What I mean is the real sentiment beyond the official headlines and what the normal Chinese citizens think of Pakistanis. The problem here is most of us know what the average American, British, Australian or even Europeans like French or Germans think because English is the prevalent language and Pakistani's have a large diaspora communities living there and thus are a very effective barometer of their thoughts.

Chinese are differant. Until recently it a country that is so close officially but so far unofficialy. There has been far less intereaction with the real China then the the West by Pakistani's. So in a sense what Chinese think of Pakistani;s is to large degree masked and insultated from average Pakistani.

Is this important? Yes it is. Whilst business is above everything but the problem is for a long term strategic relationship to develop and mature at differant levels also requires a sense of goodwill between people. Once upon a time USA is also enjoyed a very strong relationship with Pakistan but under it all at the ground level there was friction. Most Americans did not find average Pakistani agreeable. This friction on the ground would along with other factors lead to where we are today.

I guess what I am saying is if Chinese dislike us in private than this China/Pak thing is only going to go so far before the internal contradictions start showing up. There is a essential differance between Chinese and the West. Chinese tend to be more introverted in their thinking and ae not prone in showing what they really think. They might hate you but you won't see it behind the smiling face. However in private and in Chinese fora where they are free to say what they want - hardly any outsiders and even less Pakistani's speak Chinese therefore are sealed off from what is really said. This is unlike the Western style of saying it as it is and being quite forthright in their views. Their media is very accessible as English is the most used language.

From the few objective measure we have things don't look pretty. The "higher then moountain" love only seems to be coming from the Pakistani side. The Chinese are not returning those feelings. Indeed shockingly Chinese have far more favourable image of USA then Pakistan despite Pakistani's regarding China as hevean on earth with 78% of Pakistani's - the top on the list with pro China views.

Indeed the Chinese regard Pakistani only slightly above the Indian's. This does not look like "equal love" and that never bodes well for any relationship.


What other countries thought of China. Pakistan came top in holding pro China views.


Is this important? Very much so because any relationship requires the 'likeability factor' for it to sustain and grow into a viable and dynamic relationship. Further, it gives and should give thought to those in positions of power bith in Pakistan and China to work on improving the image of each other by creating positive people to people contacts and or setting up lobby groups which work to find ways to improve the relationship stock in China.

Another rather disturbing fact is that as China prospers millions of Chinese are on the move and form significant numbers of tourists in the world today. The Chinese also tend to spen far more money then other tourists and are also very well behaved on the whole with no gangs of drunks running wild. Therefore they are sought out by tourist destination countries. London, Paris , Turkey , USA and you name it you will see millions of Chinese tourists.

Yet, Pakistan hardly is getting any Chinese tourists. What does this show? Chinese business interests are in Pakistan but their heart is in other places. Indeed I have not checked but I suspect more Chinese visit India then they do Pakistan. This possibly cannot be because Pakistan does not have fantastic sites - we have some of the best in the world but why are the Chinese avoiding coming to Pakistan - a country where they would be welcome with open arms?

There is no issue here on the business side of the relationship. The survey below shows most Chinese are supportive of more cooperation with Pakistan.


I invite thoughts on thos from senior Pak members and Chinese members. This is a serious issue that despite being uncomfortable needs looking at so that this problem can be addressed. What do they say? Accepting you have a problem is half of the solution.

They guy whose words you are mentioning is an Indian with Chinese flags.
He is a troll meant to confuse people.
Unfortunately Chinese people used to look down on India and Pakistan culture and economic backwardness.
many chinese cannot tell the difference between the two. you guys look alike and sound alike. we used to import movies from both countries. it was very hard to remember which country made which movie. some of the negative impression on pakistan may be due to the negative impression on india.

for those who can tell the difference, I think the impression on pakistan is far more favorable.
From my experience Chinese people in general are indifferent to outsiders. Its not a matter of like or dislike but of general indifference. This might have something to do with Chinese history and culture, wherein China was the "Middle Kingdom" and other kingdoms/regions were on the periphery of their world.
The truth is that the vast majority of Chinese people don't really care about foreign politics or the difference between foreigners from different areas of the same region, different religions, etc. (Just like most foreigners don't make much distinction between Chinese, Japanese and Koreans.)

There is a lot of coverage of Sino-Pakistani economic and diplomatic cooperation, which does help a lot. If you tell someone you are a Pakistani you'll usually get a much better reaction than if you were say, an Indian or an American.

A lot of Americans overseas like to pretend that they are Canadians to avoid trouble. In China it's better to be a Canadian than an American, it's better to be a Pakistani than an Indian.
Yet, Pakistan hardly is getting any Chinese tourists. What does this show? Chinese business interests are in Pakistan but their heart is in other places. Indeed I have not checked but I suspect more Chinese visit India then they do Pakistan. This possibly cannot be because Pakistan does not have fantastic sites - we have some of the best in the world but why are the Chinese avoiding coming to Pakistan - a country where they would be welcome with open arms?
Some things just aren't thought through on the Pakistani side. Where are the hotels along CPEC? -Are there tour companies in Karachi that cater to Mandarin speakers? Are these things advertised in China? And so on.
Frankly speaking I have met with few hundred Chinese people and they always had favourable view towards Pakistan.

The China that borders with Pakistan is very different to the China that we know as the emerging Super power... as you know most of the population of China lives in North and East of China and they hardly know the difference between Muslim and Hindu. They are technically closer to Japan, South Korea, Thailand or Singapore rather than India or Pakistan so they are not thinking about these nations as frequently as we do.

I have met some of my Chinese suppliers in Germany and one of the girl literally didn't even know what the Muslim means. The same is true about Pakistan and India as they will view everybody as potential customer and wouldn't care the difference between nations although I do admit I have met many Chinese people who reminded me about Pakistan-China friendship in an attempt to sale those products but I took it as pinch of salt and decided to make decision on pure economics.
From my experience Chinese people in general are indifferent to outsiders. Its not a matter of like or dislike but of general indifference. This might have something to do with Chinese history and culture, wherein China was the "Middle Kingdom" and other kingdoms/regions were on the periphery of their world.
Indifferance applies to most countries. Average citizen of any country is hardly 'gripped' by another distant country - they will be occupied by their local circumstances. I question is more broader. The 'goodwill' that exists in China toward Pakistan is not consistent with the strategic relationship. This needs accepting and working on by Pakistan or else this will be another boat missed. The responsibility lies on Pakistan to build up 'brand Pakistan' in China. If it can't do it their it can;t do it anywhere.

Pakistan should be getting millions of tourists given that it has premier tourist attractions. For example we know that Gandhara had ancient liks with China and Buddhism was 'exported' up along what is the Karakorum Highway - essentially the CPEC route. This offers so much opportunity. According to BBC India recieved 'only' 210,000 tourists from China out of 7 million. I doubt pakistan even got 5,000. This needs fixing.

who is that member, if he is non-chinese, other chinese members can catch him easily.
Some things just aren't thought through on the Pakistani side. Where are the hotels along CPEC? -Are there tour companies in Karachi that cater to Mandarin speakers? Are these things advertised in China? And so on.

Probably something you will enjoy, if you say you are a Jew in China that's usually a big positive. :enjoy:
I think as we get more stable and peaceful regarding security, more tourists, including Chinese, will come to Pakistan...

Pakistan do suffers image problem in the world due to propaganda of west, add it with fukin organized propaganda against Muslims in general after 9/11, which caused misconceptions in general public regarding Muslim societies.

I hope CPEC will bring Pakistanis and Chinese more close towards each other, minimizing all misconceptions/stereotypes we do have regarding each other.

Your opinion, guys, regarding topic...

@Rasengan @Taimoor Khan @Shotgunner51 @jkroo @Dungeness

The Chinese Government through its State Owned Media has done a number of different programs centered on Pakistan. The whole point of this exercise is to educate the Chinese people on the culture, food and landscape of the country in order to entice them to visit Pakistan. The security situation has improved drastically and in the last two years the amount of Chinese tourists and businessmen have increased. But it's our job to make these tourists feel welcomed. Pakistani traders who travel to Kashgar need to promote the country while they are on business. If I had the time, I would open a travel agency with a Chinese friend in Ningxia to attract Hui Muslims with the package of traveling across Pakistan where the tour guide can speak Mandarin. When I was in Dalian every single tour guide could speak Japanese. This was because most of tourists and businessmen who visited the city were Japanese. Once our economy is booming and the security situation is better, trust me a number of people from the Muslim world would be visiting Pakistan let alone the Europeans.
who is that member, if he is non-chinese, other chinese members can catch him easily.
The issue is bigger then what this guy's identity is. I think Pakistan has a issue. For example I am pretty sure more Chinese tourists go to India then Pakistan. I can understand why Pakistan has no Israeli tourists and India is awash with them but Chinese?

A quick read up tells me over 210,000 Chinese tourists went to India. I doubt even 2,000 went to Pakistan. Somebody have any stats for Pakistan?
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