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What comes first?Nation or religion?

What comes first?

  • Nation

    Votes: 112 62.6%
  • Religion

    Votes: 67 37.4%

  • Total voters
And India is here to stay because we do not believe in Two Nation theory....we believe in
Unity in Diversity

ghora kabhi gadhe k sath istable mai nahi rah sakta..
shair aur cheetah aik jungle mai nahi rah sakte...
price/taste/need of apple is different with mangoes...
India or any other states can live jointly unless the religion should be vanished...
thats what i believes..
bro the problem is there is no co-existence in inida too, plz be realistic you know how much hatred mumbaikars have against biharis and other statesmen. Ok forget kashmir what is happening in other states of india...
there is no religious harmony in India..
plz it is not a troll and i know you are a proud indian but plz..

"Unity in Diversity" is a real concept ..biggest and most successful example of above is USA ...

US is also very diverse nation not only they racial diversity, linguistic , religious , ethnic(belonging to different nations eg NRIs and Pakistan residents)

But there is no greater power on earth than US ...this is despite the fact they had a full blown civil war on the basis of racial diversity.

Hence in comparison India is lot more homogeneous than US ...and unlike US(which is relatively new country) ...ppl here have lived together for many centuries.

"Unity in Diversity" is a real concept ..biggest and most successful example of above is USA ...

US is also very diverse nation not only they racial diversity, linguistic , religious , ethnic(belonging to different nations eg NRIs and Pakistan residents)

But there is no greater power on earth than US ...this is despite the fact they had a full blown civil war on the basis of racial diversity.

Hence in comparison India is lot more homogeneous than US ...and unlike US(which is relatively new country) ...ppl here have lived together for many centuries.

there is no religious following amongst the native Americans,
American development and harmony is due to the fact that they are industrialized very heavily, people have getting jobs without any quota system, believe me if economy tumbles more in Us then this diversity pushes them into civil war....
biggest example is USSR, division of India, Korea...
The problem is when a virus is broke then you can cure first and then evacuate it,,,India is diverse but this uniqueness can cause problems in the society b/c of so many languages spoken, different cultures in a state..
All it requires to allowed free independence with the check of central legislation...
there is no religious following amongst the native Americans,
American development and harmony is due to the fact that they are industrialized very heavily, people have getting jobs without any quota system, believe me if economy tumbles more in Us then this diversity pushes them into civil war....
biggest example is USSR, division of India, Korea...
The problem is when a virus is broke then you can cure first and then evacuate it,,,India is diverse but this uniqueness can cause problems in the society b/c of so many languages spoken, different cultures in a state..
All it requires to allowed free independence with the check of central legislation...

Native American is only one group there various other religious groups
eg Christians , Muslim , Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Atheist , Amish , sciencetologist, Baha'i ,Unitarian Universalism etc...Many of which you may not even have heard outside US.

Industrial revolution did not come to US automatically...they too started with nothing and despite all those differences they have achieved everything.

US was not a rich country when civil war broke out there..one half of the country was fighting the other half...they were able overcome that too.

Its good that you mentioned USSR ...In 1987 when USSR was on its last breaths ..

president Gorbachev asked then PM Mr Rajiv Gandhi .." How India despite being poor country and having so many different ethnicities , languages ,religion is able to stay together"...in his reply Mr Gandhi wrote t..that in India every different group is allowed to keep their own unique identity ..which was not there in communist Soviet Union
Native American is only one group there various other religious groups
eg Christians , Muslim , Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Atheist , Amish , sciencetologist, Baha'i ,Unitarian Universalism etc...Many of which you may not even have heard outside US.

Industrial revolution did not come to US automatically...they too started with nothing and despite all those differences they have achieved everything.

US was not a rich country when civil war broke out there..one half of the country was fighting the other half...they were able overcome that too.

Its good that you mentioned USSR ...In 1987 when USSR was on its last breaths ..

president Gorbachev asked then PM Mr Rajiv Gandhi .." How India despite being poor country and having so many different ethnicities , languages ,religion is able to stay together"...in his reply Mr Gandhi wrote t..that in India every different group is allowed to keep their own unique identity ..which was not there in communist Soviet Union

By force yes we can able to come out of civil war unless a brutal disaster (in case of america)...
You have every rights to defend your part..
I rest my case..
Islam comes first, and in the spirit of Islam, the country that came into existence in the name of Allah comes second. Ethnicity comes last.

To me, my religion and my country cannot be separated. Islam and Pakistan cannot be looked at individually for me. I am a Muslim first; a bad one, but a Muslim nonetheless. I'm a Pakistani just as much.

This explains what I mean: Pakistan ka matlab kia... La Ilaha Ill Allah
If you still don't get it, you never will.

Who do you love more, Father or Mother?

Whom do you save if you have one parachute son or daughter?

I don't know why after small time this point is raised by indians and discussed to death.
Very well written. What we Pakistanis have is something no other nation on the planet has. Therefore, those who don't have it, those who try to hide under the mask of "secularism", seek to belittle it through ridiculous methods.

It's a sour grapes kinda thing.

Ill tell you why....
Coz Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism did not preceed the land you live on....

Your roots are in your land, not your religion.....
Its what gave you life......

At times we forget that nature itself is god.....The Sun, the moon, the ocean, the earth....life would not exist without them......

FYI: Im no tree hugger....I just appreciate and respect nature....
welll religion let us know who we are and how we run countries so for me religion is first without it cannot be build nation we should know who we are first so we can become a good nation
Nationality and Religious identity two different thing Nationality come first because it is LAW OF LAND that is constitution of country for me is constitution of India and individual identity is come from religion beliefs...
In case of Pakistan, Pakistan has formed on the basis of religion but Pakistani identity is come from constitution of Pakistan. We can’t say Pakistan and Islam same because till Pakistan hasn’t accepted Sharia Law which is law based on Islam rules... Pakistan is Muslim majority country. Which is governed by constitution of Pakistan..
Nation is based on religion not on man made geographical boundries.

Question is wrong
Give people money and prosperity, they will soon mend their extremist ways and their religion will start to see sign of evolution. I think an example of that in a big way is America. But then what happened in the Sands of the Sauds?? They actually went in the other direction, or did they? I debunked my own theory.
So by reading comments i concur that Pakistanis think like Israel i.e Islam= Pakistan, Judaism=Israel.

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