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What Afghanistan looked like in the past.


May 13, 2011
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A small video showing how Afghanistan really looked like before Islamic fanaticism, Arab/Pakistani Islamist values and Sharia took over the country.

A small video showing how Afghanistan really looked like before Islamic fanaticism, Arab/Pakistani Islamist values and Sharia took over the country.

That is known as pushing own's own bigotry by twisting the tale.
That video is pre-Soviet invasion Afghanistan.. during Zahid Shah's rule.. After which the Soviets who were such close friends with India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Soviet_Treaty_of_Friendship_and_Cooperation
invaded and destroyed the country.. Raping, Murdering and ravaging the land ..

The Jihadists only came into the stage after there was Nothing left.. where warlords played havoc on Kabul..
You can thank your idiotic soviet friends and those few moronic countries that backed its invasion of Afghanistan.

effectively fcking up and disturbing the equilibrium that had existed

oh do you know why did the USSR invaded AF bcause the extermists who taught that Allah had personally decided who was Rich & who was Poor opposed the land reforms by the Govt
& the Americans dont blame them who supported them the Pakistani Govt & ISI were Responsible for it
you yourself are to be blamed

A small video showing how Afghanistan really looked like before Islamic fanaticism, Arab/Pakistani Islamist values and Sharia took over the country.

if you look at the starting of the video there are two perspectives on afghan living in 1967, on one side there is highly poor area of afghans, who dont dress as western and are roaming along with burka women in a market bustling with common afghani people, looks poor

on other hand there is highly westerised area of afghanistan with proper infrastructure with women dressed in skirts, but you can easily see the density of such area, very less number of cars, very less people etc

so actually it shows two sides of afghan society, poor afghan people and the previliged few not mixing

this proves my point, on the left you see mud houses with people using donkeys as means of transportation and right you see well made apartments with cars


typical afghan burka women

oh do you know why did the USSR invaded AF bcause the extermists who taught that Allah had personally decided who was Rich & who was Poor opposed the land reforms by the Govt
& the Americans dont blame them who supported them the Pakistani Govt & ISI were Responsible for it
you yourself are to be blamed

That is called coming up with a crow using just a feather.. maybe not even a feather in this case..
Afghanistan or just Kabul ? Remember Kabul was hub for Elites and people living there were other extremists.
oh please,we don't need any lecture on Islam from a Pakistani.we have more muslims in our country than pakistan.so,please..

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Just because u have more name sake Muslims in yr country then our Islamic republic with 97.2% Muslims then u know more about Islam then us!!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

But the reality is that u dont know even 0.00000001% Islam with those more so called muslim who r just mere 21% of yr entire population.
you Bigot Islamists

It is a proper known Fact that the Islamists in Afghanistan were against the Land Reforms the reason the used was Allah had already Decided who was Rich & who was not & there were more reasons why USSR had to invade

You indians are some of the stupidest people I've ever observed.

"Land and wealth redistribution" a la soviet model doesn't work and it absolutely angered a huge segment of Afghan population. Islamists, industrialists (many who had to flee in fear of being seen as "opposition" whose houses were marked red) - even secular elements were alienated.

Your soviet buddies used gun ships on villages. You conveniently overlook their crimes. Of course you would.

Fcking retards devoid of any knowledge of the war
I know History Better than you
Mr poopy Pants

AHHH really so lets test it then....Prove yr point then.

You indians are some of the stupidest people I've ever observed.

"Land and wealth redistribution" a la soviet model doesn't work and it absolutely angered a huge segment of Afghan population. Islamists, industrialists (many who had to flee in fear of being seen as "opposition" whose houses were marked red) - even secular elements were alienated.

Your soviet buddies used gun ships on villages. You conveniently overlook their crimes. Of course you would.

Fcking retards devoid of any knowledge of the war
Leave it bro they r hindus remember!!! they have blood of Millions of Muslims that they martyred during our independence and of Kashmiris....Their bharat matta is mahan for them!! they will nvr understand no matter how logical we become.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Just because u have more name sake Muslims in yr country then our Islamic republic with 97.2% Muslims then u know more about Islam then us!!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

But the reality is that u dont know even 0.00000001% Islam with those more so called muslim who r just mere 21% of yr entire population.

thats where ignorance lies..calling your fellow muslims "namesake muslims" shows what kind of muslim you are.I have nothing more to prove..

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Just because u have more name sake Muslims in yr country then our Islamic republic with 97.2% Muslims then u know more about Islam then us!!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

But the reality is that u dont know even 0.00000001% Islam with those more so called muslim who r just mere 21% of yr entire population.

thats where ignorance lies..calling your fellow muslims "namesake muslims" shows what kind of muslim you are.I have nothing more to prove..
Afghanistan was a highly fragmented society as with any pro-communist country the upper echelons of power had it abundant but the lower classes were dirt poor making them an easy target of radicalization and revolt against the state. Afghans should blame nobody else but themselves. They have been the most corrupt nation on Earth since existence!
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