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What about Turkey ?

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Nov 21, 2015
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There is a lot of fuss going on about turkey and personally most of it is true ...... there is many discussion about its future and its current position and there is a lot of argument about which some agree and some don't... but there is one thing for sure turkey is in trouble
If we see current situation then turkey has following major problems
  • Kurdistan
  • Russia
If we see at the kurd problem then you will notice that it is being favoured by west and america why ? here comes the secret of SEVEN SISTERS .... kurd territory is rich in oil and this will not only provide oil but it will have a position in the center of middle east so US can easily keep it disturb to keep the flow of oil...... we have seen this happened in Sudan and Nigeria , .... this has also happened in afghanistan in which US wants to disturb the pro- russia Central asia and which also have OIL..............
according to me and mind you me I may be wrong ...... turkey must re conciliate with russians and a slightly (not completely) shift its alliance
There are flaws in your thinking:

1. Most weapons pkk is using is of Russian origin and some Chinese recently.
2. Kurdish region is not oil rich in Turkey apart from a couple wells.
3. Russia has the complete opposite of Turkish interests, be it in Karabakh preventing Azerbaijan to take back its legitimate lands, in Syria or energy routes to Europe.
4. Its not Turkey that provoked Russia but the opposite, Turkey should not apologize nor reconciliate, if anything then its Russias duty to apologize its bully behavior. But even after an apology the relations wont be as good as to become allies.
5. You suggest Turkey to become ally with Russia and China, this is just not possible.
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