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What About : 40, Su-35 BM for Stratageic Forces Command ( India ) ?

Here's the toilet onboard Su-34.


I saw that pic too in google search but wasnt sure because of the height.

Do they have smoke alarms in that toilet too? :smokin::smokin:
Combat radius Su-34 : 1,100 km (680 mi)
Combat radius Rafale: 1,852+ km (1,000+ nmi) on penetration mission

Who is better>?
Rafale is also better in hard points, service ceiling, TWR, etc.

---------- Post added at 10:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

Ok, lets talk about price. :P

Sorry i am not talking to u anymore.:sick:
The main job for SFC will be too handle nukes.

Dropping nukes from Tu-160's is not a good idea.

Isnt it why Tu-160 developed to drop nukes far from homme base flying supersonic?

For sure you can use atrike a/c like Su 34/ Rafale to drop dumb nuke bombs on target A and return back home. They will get killed even before they reach A. Hence you need long range a/c that can fly supersonic and drop off some stand-off nuclear bumbs.

for that purpose of sending a couple of a/c with meagre payload one would rather send one a/c with huge payload factor with a couple of protection a/c.

In my own opinion, A Tu-160 ( with payload of 40 tonnes for an unrefuelled range of over 10k km) carrying atleast 10 Nirbhay( with strike range of over 1500km or even the under development supersonic ADM with range 1200km) with a couple of MKI or FGFA/ MRCA as protectors armed with full load of BVRAM`s and a couple of drop tanks will do the job quickly and with less foot print than compared to 10 strike a/c carrying the same load.

Since we are talking about china here, Tu-160 fits the bill easily for its given range. It dont even have to fly over china, instead it can either fly over sea using re-fueller( if needed) or fly over friendly territory.
What do the pilots in EFT's,F-16's,MKI's etc do when they have nature's call?They don't have toilet's like SU-34's.
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