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Western Media Lying About Taliban(Watch Thread)

State Department website doesn’t list Taliban as Terrorist organizations but according to Facebook they are.

I think the key thing is we are loud mouth at times and don't seem to understand our limitations. When our folks English vocabulary is so limited then why say anything to any foreign journalist at all knowing well their words are going to be twisted. Why not we educate our population that if some foreign journalist shoves a mike in your face just say sorry and walk away. These foreign journalists and NGO's have got their own agenda, camera lens and mouth and all they need your face to stick on to it for their grand schemes. Then having said that we have got innocent fools who got exploited who just want to be on the camera and then we have got paid fools like Malala who got exploited by these journalists.

Why give the white mans opinion any value?
It is important to address these misconceptions through talks.

I have my fair share of debates with Americans in another forum in which I corrected many misconceptions about Islam and Prophets. This wasn't an easy debate TBH. These people have different mindsets and perceptions which are not easy to change.

Terrorists have damaged reputation of Islam in many countries unfortunately. This needs to be undone. True Islamic scholars need to step up in this regard.
Yes, he also quoted few verse of Nafal. I told him that quraan is a book of law, not a religious story book, and almost ever chapter addresses some aspect of human life. Surah E Anfal has more to do with war times. Then he took a deep breath and said: Oh I see 😁
But one thing, yes terrorists have defamed Islam, but almost all terrorists have cause more problems in Muslim societies. Do you think that Islamic societies themselves have created this terrorism issue, or its someone else?
Mullah Umar just entered once In Pakistan, even then in border area. He always lived in Afghanistan.

In fact, he was living just 1-2 miles away from a very important US military base.

So the narrative that safe heavens were in Afghanistan rather in Pakistan.
YouTube and Internet is filled with all kinds of Islamic info.

Sure, but the issue is which info is proper and correct. I saw one misguided Indian Muslim in a YouTube song comment section, admonishing an Indian Muslim girl by quoting ibn Taymiyyah who it seems said that music is alcohol of the mind / soul and leads one astray and so as a good Muslim should not be listened. This is what the Taliban says too.
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Sure, but the issue is which info is proper and correct. I saw one misguided Indian Muslim on a YouTube song comment section, admonishing an Indian Muslim girl by quoting ibn Taymiyyah who it seems said that music is alcohol of the mind / soul and leads one astray and so as a good Muslim should not be listened. This is what the Taliban says too.
People should use their common sense too. If he wants to follow inn Taymiyyah let him follow it. Every body have their own opinion.
People should use their common sense too.


If he wants to follow inn Taymiyyah let him follow it. Every body have their own opinion.

But if he is able to influence more than they will corrupt the society and make it a place to be indirectly ruled by Western powers. That is why Nasser acted against the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, why Gaddafi acted against LIFG in Libya and Hafiz al Assad acted against the Syrian MB in the 1980s. BTW, one of the early leaders of the MB, Sayyid Qutb, was influenced by ibn Taymiyyah.
Some of them don’t want to hear the truth. They will pretend to listen to you and than walk away and talk trash about you. YouTube and Internet is filled with all kinds of Islamic info. Now there is no excuse for misconceptions.
Of-course, everybody will not listen to you.

It can still be helpful to address misconceptions about Islam in conversations with people in the WEST. You do not have to do this on regular basis (tiresome) but whenever you feel in the mood. Perceptions do not shift overnight but over the course of years.

There are many in the WEST who will listen to you as well.

Those who do not listen, do not worry about them. If you corrected them once, you did your part.

I have fact-checked and addressed misconceptions in this forum as well. Some accepted, others continue to repeat same things over and over again. People are much the same everywhere even if they have different beliefs.
At least the Afghans have regain control of their own country.

Of course the USA government will never understand why the Afghan army they trained refuse to fight with the Taliban.
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