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West-India Nexus Aiming For Another Dacca



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West-India Nexus Aiming For Another Dacca

Two things stand between Pakistan and its enemies: People’s power
and the nukes.
Jawad Raza Khan | Friday | 16 December 2011

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—It was afternoon or perhaps evening tea time when I entered my house in a middle class neighborhood of Karachi.

This time of the day was a leisure stretch, with jokes cracking along with rusk and tea, but today I realized that the environment was different. The intense silence at that unexpected time left a permanent mark in my memory for the rest of my life.

I looked around to see if everyone was fine. But nothing of that sort was the reason for that eerie hush. While looking at those gloomy faces my eyes turned into a question mark. My grandmother, feeling my confusion, broke into tears, grabbed me tight, and cried, ‘son, we have been divided. Pakistan is broken.”

At the tender age of four I couldn’t comprehend much from that cry of sorrow, but the intense emotions of my grandmother made me cry louder than her.

This was 16 December 1971.

This was how most Pakistanis reacted to this tragedy.

It took twenty five years after our independence for our corrupt, selfish and incompetent leaders after Mr. Jinnah and Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan to commit this act, and for India’s wicked diplomacy to prevail and for the real intentions of the West to come to the fore, exposing the real intent of all of them regarding this ideological Muslim state, to achieve the result by way of dismembering Pakistan.

Students of history must know that Pakistan achieved independence on 14 August 1947 without even properly defined boundaries. It was on 17 August 1947 when Boundary Commission of British India formally announced the areas falling in the jurisdiction of the two newly formed States of Pakistan and India. The game to turn Pakistan into a failed state was on since then and a milestone was achieved in 1971.

After 1971, Pakistani politicians, India and the West have been three sources of trouble for Pakistan. The situation hasn’t changed much since then.

Two of our provinces, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, are racked by an insurgency, and more than 40,000 Pakistanis have been killed since 9/11. How much longer would it take for them to deal a fatal blow to Pakistan?

This is the theme to ponder now. Another thing to watch out is the media in Pakistan. This media is doing the bidding of India and the West by creating and manipulating divisions between all important institutions of Pakistan. The last decade saw a wave of uncontrollable cyclone of complete disinformation targeting the minds of Pakistanis. So now the work of our enemies has received a boost thanks to our Pakistani media unwittingly supporting the anti-Pakistan agenda.

Pakistanis know now that the actual agenda of 9/11 was to target Pakistan.

So what is stopping our enemies from making a final move against us?

Two things: Pakistani people’s power and our nuclear capability.

Combination of the two has turned Pakistani society into an un-crushable impediment for its enemies. An extremely swelled up lower and lower middle class in combination with energetic youth comprising 60% of 180 million is indeed an alarming recipe for corrupt leaders, India and West. They are modern, equipped and are in abundance to defend Pakistan from its enemies of the outside world because

1. They are vibrant

2. They love the ideology of Pakistan

3. They are fearless

4. They are not slaves by their mindset (courtesy cyber revolution) which engulfed them at the very right time

Most young Pakistanis don’t find the primetime 8 to 100 pm political content of these TV stations much interesting. The young have a better use for this time by getting busy in understanding the threats facing Pakistan and by getting active to counter them, all using the cyber media.

(thats us guys lol)

The people’s pressure has forced the Government of Pakistan to revisit the foreign policy especially with US. Together – people’s power and nuclear capability – they have provided the leadership a cushion to do what they couldn’t do or didn’t want to do.

No CIA drones after 26 November, the Shamsi base was freed before the deadline and, more importantly, after the failure of Bonn conference, Pakistani leadership must now feel confident about what they are doing. Our media should understand the nation’s priorities. Pakistan is not supposed to be handled commercially now!

Buck up Pakistan.

Mr. Khan can be reached at jrkhan67@yahoo.com . Slightly edited for space and clarity.

© 2007-2011. All rights reserved. PakNationalists.com
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium
without royalty provided this notice is preserved.
Just another conspiracy theory :lazy: :lazy:

pass the buck to India, USA or alien they are evil we are very good and capable doing fine and everything bad is due to them. :lazy:
I remember 20 years back when any and everything going wrong in India was blamed on the nefarious designs of "Videshi Taquatein" and "Padosi Mulk"

Looks like Pakistan is going thru the same phase now.. :)
It is natural and expected that such articles surface at this time of the year.

For a nation to lose a wing & 93000 POWs must be traumatic to say the least.

As for the content of article it borders on delusional. Another case of repeating the lie to one's self so often that one starts believig it.
lolz i really love the part where the authors goes like....

Pont 1...they are vibrant..(such contrast to saas bahu watching indians...)
point 2..They are fearless

On a very light note...
Im sure the author wrote this in a fit of rage when his gdaddy told him about indian/western attrocities of the past.
Im just imagining.....He rose in anger...looked at his Gdad and said..dont worry ..i will rouse the nation with my brilliant piece..and she sat down on the commode ..Once done ..he took a good looka nd said..woah!!! thats some ..mega s**t..

I mean you folks do such a spelndid job of making journos dissapear..how did this one escape the net??

Seriously now u pakisatnis cannot pull that rubbish aaj tak/india Tv thing on us..this one makes us equals... :)
I remember 20 years back when any and everything going wrong in India was blamed on the nefarious designs of "Videshi Taquatein" and "Padosi Mulk"

Looks like Pakistan is going thru the same phase now.. :)

It's still same situation in india :)
I remember 20 years back when any and everything going wrong in India was blamed on the nefarious designs of "Videshi Taquatein" and "Padosi Mulk"

Looks like Pakistan is going thru the same phase now.. :)

Interesting that you believe that particular phase has ended in India. :)
oh really ?
If that was the case USA might just detonate a nuke bomb or biological bomb in pakistan and blame it on terrorists or label it as industrial accident .
Not everything revolves around pakistan.

No really, Americans only performed cruel and an inhuman feat when they were of sure that the Japanese do not have any nuke. Now they have to think many times to perform such feat again - world is changed man...!

For industrial accidents, India is good ground of practice for them (remember Bhopal) and for future nuke accidents coverage they already have a beneficial (for American) contract with Indian government. Pakistan is not a good place for them for any such incident any more.

Don't you think that it was very easy for them to attain their evil goals in Afghanistan/Iraq by just using a single nuke rather than spending billions of dollars in war and now their economy is on knees? Learn man learn don't just troll...
I remember 20 years back when any and everything going wrong in India was blamed on the nefarious designs of "Videshi Taquatein" and "Padosi Mulk"

Looks like Pakistan is going thru the same phase now.. :)

You are right, In my personal opinion, I think that era is not yet 100% over. It is still echoing on both sides may be somewhere more louder than other.
West-India Nexus Aiming For Another Dacca

Two things stand between Pakistan and its enemies: People’s power
and the nukes.
Jawad Raza Khan | Friday | 16 December 2011

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—It was afternoon or perhaps evening tea time when I entered my house in a middle class neighborhood of Karachi.

This time of the day was a leisure stretch, with jokes cracking along with rusk and tea, but today I realized that the environment was different. The intense silence at that unexpected time left a permanent mark in my memory for the rest of my life.

I looked around to see if everyone was fine. But nothing of that sort was the reason for that eerie hush. While looking at those gloomy faces my eyes turned into a question mark. My grandmother, feeling my confusion, broke into tears, grabbed me tight, and cried, ‘son, we have been divided. Pakistan is broken.”

At the tender age of four I couldn’t comprehend much from that cry of sorrow, but the intense emotions of my grandmother made me cry louder than her.

This was 16 December 1971.

This was how most Pakistanis reacted to this tragedy.

It took twenty five years after our independence for our corrupt, selfish and incompetent leaders after Mr. Jinnah and Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan to commit this act, and for India’s wicked diplomacy to prevail and for the real intentions of the West to come to the fore, exposing the real intent of all of them regarding this ideological Muslim state, to achieve the result by way of dismembering Pakistan.

Students of history must know that Pakistan achieved independence on 14 August 1947 without even properly defined boundaries. It was on 17 August 1947 when Boundary Commission of British India formally announced the areas falling in the jurisdiction of the two newly formed States of Pakistan and India. The game to turn Pakistan into a failed state was on since then and a milestone was achieved in 1971.

After 1971, Pakistani politicians, India and the West have been three sources of trouble for Pakistan. The situation hasn’t changed much since then.

Two of our provinces, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, are racked by an insurgency, and more than 40,000 Pakistanis have been killed since 9/11. How much longer would it take for them to deal a fatal blow to Pakistan?

This is the theme to ponder now. Another thing to watch out is the media in Pakistan. This media is doing the bidding of India and the West by creating and manipulating divisions between all important institutions of Pakistan. The last decade saw a wave of uncontrollable cyclone of complete disinformation targeting the minds of Pakistanis. So now the work of our enemies has received a boost thanks to our Pakistani media unwittingly supporting the anti-Pakistan agenda.

Pakistanis know now that the actual agenda of 9/11 was to target Pakistan.

So what is stopping our enemies from making a final move against us?

Two things: Pakistani people’s power and our nuclear capability.

Combination of the two has turned Pakistani society into an un-crushable impediment for its enemies. An extremely swelled up lower and lower middle class in combination with energetic youth comprising 60% of 180 million is indeed an alarming recipe for corrupt leaders, India and West. They are modern, equipped and are in abundance to defend Pakistan from its enemies of the outside world because

1. They are vibrant

2. They love the ideology of Pakistan

3. They are fearless

4. They are not slaves by their mindset (courtesy cyber revolution) which engulfed them at the very right time

Most young Pakistanis don’t find the primetime 8 to 100 pm political content of these TV stations much interesting. The young have a better use for this time by getting busy in understanding the threats facing Pakistan and by getting active to counter them, all using the cyber media.

(thats us guys lol)

The people’s pressure has forced the Government of Pakistan to revisit the foreign policy especially with US. Together – people’s power and nuclear capability – they have provided the leadership a cushion to do what they couldn’t do or didn’t want to do.

No CIA drones after 26 November, the Shamsi base was freed before the deadline and, more importantly, after the failure of Bonn conference, Pakistani leadership must now feel confident about what they are doing. Our media should understand the nation’s priorities. Pakistan is not supposed to be handled commercially now!

Buck up Pakistan.

Mr. Khan can be reached at jrkhan67@yahoo.com . Slightly edited for space and clarity.

© 2007-2011. All rights reserved. PakNationalists.com
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium
without royalty provided this notice is preserved.


nuff said!!

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