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We're China's Czechoslovakia, says Philippines

Why did Aquino make such an insulting comparison? Doesn't he care about relations with the Czech Republic or Slovakia? As far as I'm aware, comparing another country's people to monkeys is a serious diplomatic gaffe.
I'm wondering why we don't go total out and declaring a diplomatic war with them. Cut all diplomatic tie with them. Ship all Philippines national back to home, period.

I'm still thinking what exactly does the Phillipines offer us that we can't risk having a diplomatic war with them.
Why he doesn't reform the political situation in Philippine first, and then going to modernize his armed forces and put more resources to build up again from scratch their already very antiquated and obsolete armed forces

It's a nation with 1/30th of China's GDP and only 15% of that GDP is from industry.

This just about sums it up. Unfortunately for the Pinoys "right" isn't going to cut it.

Right Vs Might: The Philippines’ Strategy for Confronting China | The Diplomat

The Pinoys have no conception of international issues probably due to their naiveness and their propensity to live in la la land.

To be honest, I am more inclined to believe that Philippine is well aware how international politics works, but like I said before, it is a minor nation and poorly industrialized one at that. It is not going to able to compete with China no matter what it does. However, unlike Germany, China never had any interest in Philippine's homeland. So no matter what Philippine does, at the worst it is just going to return a few islands which Philippine isn't capable of developing the first place, but by crying loud enough, US aid will pour into Philippine. This is the real, tangible benefit for Philippine.

I'm wondering why we don't go total out and declaring a diplomatic war with them. Cut all diplomatic tie with them. Ship all Philippines national back to home, period.

I'm still thinking what exactly does the Phillipines offer us that we can't risk having a diplomatic war with them.

Because it serves no purpose. The root of China's conflicts in East and Southeast Asia isn't Philippine or Japan. It is, and has been for the past few decade, US, currently dominant power in the area and China, the rising power. Your main focus is the other player, not the pawns.
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Philippines only survives through US aid. They have no economy and their main export is their women as maids that repatriate that money back to the Pinoy economy.
you guys realize president aquino is ethnic chinese right? he's part of the cojuangco clan, a family descended from chinese traders who later became landlords

The clan is descended from Co Yu Hwan (Chinese: 許玉寰; pinyin: Xŭ Yùhuán; Quanzhou Hokkien literary: Hěu Ggiókhuán; colloquial: Koǒ Ggiákkuán), who migrated from Hongjian Village, Jiaomei Township, Zhangzhou, Fujian to the Spanish East Indies in 1861.[3]

theyve been in the philippines for a while but only started intermarrying with us malay filipinos 1 or 2 generations ago (and some branches are still pure ethnic han chinese).

please leave race and racism out of this

Why he doesn't reform the political situation in Philippine first, and then going to modernize his armed forces and put more resources to build up again from scratch their already very antiquated and obsolete armed forces
he has. we're in much better shape since he started office. i say that and i didn't even like him. there's a long way to go

It's a nation with 1/30th of China's GDP and only 15% of that GDP is from industry.
industry cannot come out of thin air. we do not have the energy reserves to fuel industrial growth. the only realistic source of energy to expand our capacity are in the spratlys. the only gas field we are able to develop, malampaya, is in a tiny corner of the spratlys so close to one of our main islands that china cannot realistically conquer it. it's smaller than all the gas fields vulnerable to chinese invasion, but it provides 25% of our electricity generation

yes, we're poor and mostly agrarian, we know that and we want to get out. thanks for putting your boots on our necks, though. to you those islands mean a drop in the bucket, to us they mean the difference between a high quality of life and the stone age
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yes, we're poor and mostly agrarian, we know that and we want to get out. thanks for putting your boots on our necks, though. to you those islands mean a drop in the bucket, to us they mean the difference between a high quality of life and the stone age

Your argument does make some sense, but I strongly disagree with the "drop in the bucket" comment. What kind of precedence would we be setting if we just started giving away our territory because it is "a drop in the bucket"? what happen when tomorrow Vietnam begin to ask their "drop in the bucket". Maybe Japan will ask for their share the day after.

True, we managed to industrialize earlier than Philippine, but we still remember quite well how foreign invaders wreck havoc in China. 20 million Chinese died in WWII to secure our home against Japan, 150000 more died in Korea to ensure we won't be invaded again. That 100 years before founding of PRC is essentially written with Chinese blood and there is no way we are going to have a repeat of that if we can help it.

We have a saying in China that "家家有本難念的經", which translates to "everyone has their share of personal problems". You face challenges and we also face challenges. It also happens that the competition is a lot more brutal in the upper echelon. At least take in comfort that no matter what happens, the Chinese are a lot less prone to have an itching trigger finger than many other countries.
Because it serves no purpose. The root of China's conflicts in East and Southeast Asia isn't Philippine or Japan. It is, and has been for the past few decade, US, currently dominant power in the area and China, the rising power. Your main focus is the other player, not the pawns.
And it serves China no purpose to have diplomatic tie with the Phillipines. It makes the relationship awkward and unfriendly. What is the point of keeping the relationship alive when both sides don't need each other? We are different than them and will never accept them. It is what it is.
And it serves China no purpose to have diplomatic tie with the Phillipines. It makes the relationship awkward and unfriendly. What is the point of keeping the relationship alive when both sides don't need each other? We are different than them and will never accept them. It is what it is.

That's not true. In 2012, China-Philippine trade is roughly $12.850 billion. It is a decent amount considering the size of the market. Plenty of countries have unfriendly relationships, but still maintain diplomatic contact. Take USSR and US for example. They were at each others' throat, but they still maintain contact. It is like having a colleague that really bugs you. You don't like him and the feeling is mutual, but you still have to maintain at least a passing relationship.
you guys realize president aquino is ethnic chinese right? he's part of the cojuangco clan, a family descended from chinese traders who later became landlords

The clan is descended from Co Yu Hwan (Chinese: 許玉寰; pinyin: Xŭ Yùhuán; Quanzhou Hokkien literary: Hěu Ggiókhuán; colloquial: Koǒ Ggiákkuán), who migrated from Hongjian Village, Jiaomei Township, Zhangzhou, Fujian to the Spanish East Indies in 1861.[3]

theyve been in the philippines for a while but only started intermarrying with us malay filipinos 1 or 2 generations ago (and some branches are still pure ethnic han chinese).

please leave race and racism out of this

he has. we're in much better shape since he started office. i say that and i didn't even like him. there's a long way to go

industry cannot come out of thin air. we do not have the energy reserves to fuel industrial growth. the only realistic source of energy to expand our capacity are in the spratlys. the only gas field we are able to develop, malampaya, is in a tiny corner of the spratlys so close to one of our main islands that china cannot realistically conquer it. it's smaller than all the gas fields vulnerable to chinese invasion, but it provides 25% of our electricity generation

yes, we're poor and mostly agrarian, we know that and we want to get out. thanks for putting your boots on our necks, though. to you those islands mean a drop in the bucket, to us they mean the difference between a high quality of life and the stone age

The Moro governor Abdusakur Tan is also from a Chinese clan. So were Datu Piang, Jose Rizal, and Emilio Aguilnado. And?
I'm wondering why we don't go total out and declaring a diplomatic war with them. Cut all diplomatic tie with them. Ship all Philippines national back to home, period.

I'm still thinking what exactly does the Phillipines offer us that we can't risk having a diplomatic war with them.

Its Philippines see even they way you write the country's name is sign of your arrogance and stupidity we have a alot to gain if cut ties with your evil neo nazi empire

One no more chinese related crimes from criminal syndicates to smuggling goods both imports and exports and especially no more illegal resources smuggling the number crime that chinese nationals comment here and no more cheap and even illegal chinese labor (wow you people are now stealing what limited jobs in the Philippines and like stealing my country's resources entering and existing this country illegally)
two no more cheap chinese products killing off limited local industries
three no more chinese bullying and no more support to pro chinese traitors

Philippines only survives through US aid. They have no economy and their main export is their women as maids that repatriate that money back to the Pinoy economy.

Wow just proves how stupid you people are when it comes to understanding other countries not surprising coming from the 21st century neo nazi

The Moro governor Abdusakur Tan is also from a Chinese clan. So were Datu Piang, Jose Rizal, and Emilio Aguilnado. And?

Again half truth whole lies yes filipinos have chinese blood and so as malay, Indonesian, Spanish, Latin America etc we are filipinos because birth in this country called the Philippines.
HA HA HA. Industrialized my arse. I was in the Philippines recently and I saw first hand the pervasive and grinding poverty. I saw thousands of children sleeping on the streets next to ritzy hotels and malls. Beggars are everywhere. Our local guy showed us Tondo and I just about puked at the filth and at the same time felt incredibly sad at the plight of those living among trash.

Outside of the capital region, its all poor with people living in huts.

I hope you don't live in Tondo Zero-wits.

Really so kinda explain to why the Philippines is 4th largest shipbuilder in the world? is ship building not an industry?
The world must unite against nazi PRC
you are just crazy and ignorant as usual
read history to know what was happening in WW2!

And this stupid administrator aquino is taking an about turn for making the above outrageous comment:

Aquino didn’t mean to offend China
by Genalyn Kabiling
February 6, 2014

Manila, Philippines – Malacañang was in damage control mode yesterday following President Benigno S. Aquino III’s controversial comparison between China’s claims in the West Philippine Sea to Adolf Hitler’s notorious actions in the past.

The President did not mean to offend China when he mentioned Hitler in the country’s territorial conflict with China during an interview with the New York Times, according to Presidential Communications Operations Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr.

Coloma explained that the President, a known history buff, merely mentioned a historical fact that could be related with the Philippine situation. He said Aquino was not directly comparing China to Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany responsible for the deaths of millions.

“As a storyteller and as a conversationalist, the President often gives details of a particular situation. So it could happen that he was simply citing a fact,” Coloma said in a Palace press briefing.

He noted that the President enjoys reading military history and often gets insights from these books.

“When we learn lessons from history, we can compare them or ask if they are similar or have relevance with what’s happening in the present. So that’s the context when the President mentioned this particular event, when he mentioned the name of Adolf Hitler,” Coloma said in Filipino.

The President earlier compared China’s claims in the West Philippine Sea with the Nazi Germany’s occupation of Czechoslovakia in the 1930s. Aquino urged world leaders not to make the same appeasement and instead resist China’s wrong claim in the Philippine territory.

“At what point do you say: ‘Enough is enough’? Well, the world has to say it. Remember that the Sudetenland was given in an attempt to appease Hitler to prevent World War II,” the President said in the interview with The New York Times.

Aquino was referring to the failure by Western nations to support Czechoslovakia against Hitler’s demand to occupy parts of the Czech land in 1938.

Coloma maintained that the President does not intend to add fuel to the territorial conflict with China. He noted that the country’s case against China has already been filed before an international arbitration tribunal.

International Law

In the New York Times interview, Aquino maintained that the country seeks to end the territorial dispute with China based on international law.

“That’s why we went to arbitration and hopefully through there or the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) mode, we will have a definite understanding of who is entitled to what, and who’s responsible for what,” he said.

While asserting the country’s legitimate claim over West Philippine, the President said he looks forward to an agreement between the Philippines and the United States that would enhance the country’s defense capability.

“We are very optimistic that will happen,” Aquino said, referring to the proposed greater US presence in the country’s military bases.

Aquino, however, said he is not keen on increasing military spending due to concerns it might affect the budget for social services. “I’m not sure if I would be willing to sacrifice social concerns to try to improve the military capabilities,” he said.

The Philippines earlier filed a complaint against China’s aggressive incursions into its territorial waters before an international arbitration tribunal. Manila wants the United Nations-recognized tribunal to declare illegal China’s move in the potentially resource-rich waters.

The President earlier rejected speculations that the Philippines has supposedly lost ownership of the Panatag Shoal amid the increasing presence of China in the area.

He maintained that Filipinos can go freely to Panatag Shoal since it remains a legitimate part of the Philippine territory. “We can still go there and we do have over-flight missions and we do monitor what is happening,” he said.

No Apology

Aquino also said he will not apologize to Hong Kong for the Manila hostage crisis in 2010 despite the recent sanctions imposed against the Philippines.

The President said issuing an apology could create “a legal liability.”

Aquino claimed that China has not yet given compensation to the families of Filipinos who died in recent incidents there. He was apparently referring to the Filipino doctor who was among those killed and her family among the tourists injured in a terror attack in Tiananmen Square late last year.

Hong Kong recently cancelled the visa-free privileges for Philippine officials and diplomats after Manila’s alleged failure to meet its demands after the bungled hostage rescue in 2010. Those affected must seek visas before traveling to Hong Kong, a popular destination for Filipinos.

Aquino explained that he is not apologizing for the death of the hostages, saying the “act of one individual should not be misconstrued as an act of the entire state.”

Aquino said if he accepts the hostage crisis was an act of the state, then compensation comes into the picture.

Aquino didn’t mean to offend China | Manila Bulletin | Latest Breaking News | News Philippines
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Czechoslovakia didn't kill unarmed Austrian or German civilians in disputed territory, weren't an independent country unlike the Philippines, didn't adopt a hypocritical stance in regional affairs, and did not use patrols to harass others.

Moreover, the Czechs did not rely on silly comparisons to push their national while accusing other nations of doing the same.
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