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Wen to visit in Dec, as India hosts the world's who's who


Sep 3, 2010
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Wen to visit in Dec, as India hosts the world's who's who

Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao will visit India in December. He arrives close on the heels of US President Barack Obama (November 6-9), French President Nicolas Sarkozy (December 6-7), and on the eve of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s scheduled visit beginning December 21.

With the recent visit of British Prime Minister David Cameron, New Delhi would have hosted all the heads of government of the veto-wielding permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in the second half of 2010. The visits come on the eve of India seeking a non-permanent seat on the UNSC for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2011.

Informed sources told Business Standard that the initiative for Wen’s visit was taken by Beijing. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has sent the Chinese Prime Minister a letter of invitation.
Wen’s decision to visit India comes at a particularly touchy time in India-China relations. Singh has expressed concern about China’s “new assertiveness” with respect to India. It also comes set against the backdrop of China’s confrontation with Japan and other East and Southeast Asian neighbours. Singh visited Beijing in January 2008. Wen was in India in April 2005.

China has emerged as India’s biggest trade partner. Bilateral trade has increased from a modest $3 billion in 2000 to over $60 billion this year. China is increasingly eyeing India’s infrastructure business and could also be interested in investing in civil nuclear energy development.

The economic engagement between the two Asian giants has been steadily increasing. This is despite rising tensions on China’s approach to Pakistan and the Kashmir issue, its renewed claims to Arunachal Pradesh and lack of interest in addressing the longstanding border issue.

Interestingly, Wen’s desire to visit India comes on the eve of Singh’s visit next month to Japan and South Korea. India is negotiating a comprehensive economic partnership agreement with both East Asian nations.

With so many heads of governments scheduled to pay India a visit and his own overseas travel plans, Singh’s diplomatic calendar is nearly full for the last quarter of 2010.

Atleast they are not worried about security in India unlike some of the athletes. Good to see India is doing well on diplomatic front.
Good news. Hope to see enhanced relationship between China and India.
Uk Prime Minister July
US President Obama Nov 6-9.
French President Nicholas Sarkozy - Dec 6-7.
Russia President Dmitry Medvedev- December.
China Prime Minister Wen Jinbao - December.

Uk Prime Minister July
US President Obama Nov 6-9.
French President Nicholas Sarkozy - Dec 6-7.
Russia President Dmitry Medvedev- December.
China Prime Minister Wen Jinbao - December.

Thats' called a potential super-power
watever our enemies do,but in the end of the day,everyone wishes to be with india,even the closest ally of our enemies..coz they know,there are Russia,japan,US,france,south korea,encircled em..and from this side INDIA

lol MMS and Wen look twins, analyze nose shape, lips and eyes. Only cheeks and facial hair differentiates them.

Height and bone structure is similar too.
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lol MMS and Wen look twins, analyze nose shape, lips and eyes. Only cheeks and facial hair differentiates them.

Height and bone structure is similar too.

MMS is a Chinese stooge !


Wen is an Indian stooge ! (part of our top secret cloning program)
Well in a normal year, there are hundreds of diplomatic visits and close to a 100+ visits of head of states president/PM of India to other countries and vice versa.

For example, President Pratibha has been to Russia beginning of this year. Turksih president and PM visited India begeinning of this year. Karzai from Afghanistan and HAsina from Bangladesh were also here. Manmohan singh has been to Saudi Arabia and will likely go to UAE as well at the end or begeinning next year. So its not really surprising.
A few issues India must raise with China:

1. Massive trade imbalance
2. Currency undervaluation
3. Climate Change (BRIC strategy)
4. Support for UNSC seat
5. Chinese investment in infrastucture projects in India.
6. Nuclear deal with Pak
7. Military assistance to Pak
8. Increasing access to Indian Companies in the Chinese Markets.
A few issues India must raise with China:

1. Massive trade imbalance
2. Currency undervaluation
3. Climate Change (BRIC strategy)
4. Support for UNSC seat
5. Chinese investment in infrastucture projects in India.
6. Nuclear deal with Pak
7. Military assistance to Pak
8. Increasing access to Indian Companies in the Chinese Markets.

Issues or demands?
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