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Weekly report of the Turkish Armed Forces (01-07 June 2018)


May 18, 2016
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DATE: 08 June 2018
TIME: 12:05

(01-07 June 2018)

1. The Turkish Armed Forces are resolutely continuing their struggle against PKK / KCK / PYD-YPG and DEAŞ, especially within the country and abroad, in order to ensure the security of our country and nationality.
2. Medium-sized operations carried out in Diyarbakir, Mardin, Şırnak and Northern Iraq, which the PKK / KCK terrorist organization used as a route of residence and domestic route during the past period (01-07 June 2018), continued without interruption.
a. During the operations carried out;
(1) 64 terrorists have been neutralized, 2 of them being supposed to be the leading members,
(2) 19 (including 2 infantry rifles, 2 AT-5 anti-tank guns, 4 AT-4 anti-tank weapons, 1 AT-5 anti-tank launcher, 2 Dragunov sniper rifles, 1 hunting rifle and 1 pistol) weapon seized,
(3) The 23 EYPs and 8 weapons sites, shelters and shelter that were detected were destroyed,
(4) Six heroes are martyrs, 15 heroic gun friends were wounded.
b. As a result of the controls and controls carried out in the context of effective border security and services, 4,171 people were caught trying to make illegal transgressions.
c. As a result of the measures taken in the border line against smuggling and fighting against drugs, which are the most important financial resources of the PKK / KCK terrorist organization and the operations carried out, 25,000 pieces of cannabis, 580 liters of fugitive fuel and 30,959 packs of smuggled cigarettes were seized.
d. As a result of the persecution and firmly executed operations, the PKK / KCK terrorist organization is under pressure, the free movement of the organization and its ability to act are restricted.
3. Within the scope of the operation carried out in the north of Syria;
a. Operation of Euphrates Shield:

Thanks to the intense and determined struggle of the Free Syrian Army, supported by the Turkish Armed Forces, in order to secure border security, to prevent threats and attacks of DEAŞ terrorist organization, to contribute to the transformation of displaced persons into their homes, to protect civilians / A total of 243 built-up areas and 2,015 km² of area between Azez-Cerablus are under control.

Continuation of exploration and mine exploration and cleaning works in Bab district; The terrorist elements of the PKK / KCK / PYD / YPG continue to be sensitive to the implementation of the measures taken to stop the attacks from Münbic to the west. Within this scope, from time to time, there is a legitimate defense against harassment and assault from the Münbic region. It contributes to the normalization (infrastructure, superstructure, support of local governments, etc.) carried out in the region.
b. Idlib Region:

In the İdlib District, the Turkish Armed Forces as the Tension Reduction Control Force, with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of the ceasefire in the scope of the Astana negotiations, ending the conflicts, delivering humanitarian aid to the needy, providing suitable conditions for returning the displaced to their homes and providing favorable conditions for settlement of the conflict through peaceful means. .

In this scope; From 13 October 2017 to now, 12 Observation Points have been established and operated. The elements of the Turkish Armed Forces continue to carry out their duties in the region in accordance with the agreed rules of engagement in the Astana negotiations.
c. Olive Branch Operation:

In order to ensure the security and stability of our borders and our region by the Turkish Armed Forces, it is necessary to neutralize the terrorists belonging to the PKK / KCK / PYD-YPG and DEAS in the Afrin region in the north of Syria and to save the people of the friendly and brotherly regions from their oppression and oppression, "Olive Branch Operation" was started from 17:00 on January 20, 2018.

The operation is based on the rights of our country stemming from international law, the decisions of the UNGC against terrorism in particular 1624 (2005), 2170 (2014) and 2178 (2014) and on the subject of the Legislative Defense in the 51st article of the UN Convention, is performed respectfully.

Only the terrorists and their shelter, shelter, positions, weapons, tools and equipment are targeted in the planning and execution of the operations which are based on our glorious history and culture.

In the area of operations by the Turkish Armed Forces, the most modern warfare weapons, tools and equipment and ammunition are effectively used in harmony with innocent people and the environment, in accordance with international law, with the attention and sensitivity not shown by any other country at the expense of delay.

At the same time, the religious and cultural structures, historical monuments and archaeological remains in the area of operation since the beginning of the operation and the facilities operating in the public interest are certainly not among the targets of the elements of the Turkish Armed Forces.

In addition to this matter, ammunition prohibited by international law and treaties is not used by the Air Force. Such ammunition is not on the inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces. Our black fire support means also act on the same bases.

For the Turkish Armed Forces associations, the necessary support is provided for the access to the region of humanitarian aid provided by the Red Crescent, AFAD and UN; Work is continuing to restore normal life in Afrin.

The number of terrorists who have been inactivated since the beginning of the operation has been 4.503.

Up to now, 54 heroes have been killed and 234 heroic gun friends have been wounded in the conflicts entered with terrorist organization members.

Mine and hand-made explosives exploration activities are underway in Afrin, which is under control by the Turkish Armed Forces and the Free Syrian Army as of 18 March 2018. 240 mines and 1,231 EYPs have been identified and destroyed as part of the operation.

The operation of the Olive Branch is continuing successfully.

All activities carried out by the Turkish Armed Forces are carried out in a transparent manner with the self-confidence they have today, as it was in the past. The Operation of the Olive Branch will continue with the same perseverance and determination until the last terrorist in the frame of moral values and international law rules against all terrorists to ensure peace and stability in the region.

4. Turkish Armed Forces, the Republic of Turkey to protect the rights and interests of state and its citizens in order to ensure safety, national unity and territorial integrity, our first target area FETO / PCM, the PKK / KCK / PYD-YPG and the fight against all terrorist organizations, including DEAS terrorist organization, to continue in the country and abroad without interruption until the last terrorist is neutralized.
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