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WATCH: Radical Hindu tries assaulting a Muslim cop in Leicester, easily gets manhandled

Assaulting a police officer is a serious crime in the UK.

Jail time for pajeets will be interesting as their small lulli sizes will make them top contenders for prison bitches.

Check the comments on the tweets 😂
A re-enactment of how quantity Hindus were manhandled by quality Muslims for a thousand years. :lol:
aha, so you'd suggest quality muslims to stop whining then.

Assaulting a police officer is a serious crime in the UK.

Jail time for pajeets will be interesting as their small lulli sizes will make them top contenders for prison bitches.

Check the comments on the tweets 😂
This is what makes pdf interesting, look at the eclectic mix of experiences here, even people like you with prison romance experience!
That father and son is gonna face heavy fine or jail. As deserved.

If your father behaved like a stupid @ss then he must face consequences. Do not think you can get away with playing tough against the police.

Had this been America, mark my words the son would have been tazed or shot on the spot.

But what happened?

It is not fair to assume the cop was in the right without back story.
This is what makes pdf interesting, look at the eclectic mix of experiences here, even people like you with prison romance experience!
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In that hell-hole, you'll not only find your type, but it'll have plenty of material that'll keep you entertained.
But what happened?

It is not fair to assume the cop was in the right without back story.
Idk but keep in mind the beasts in the video are attending an event hosted by a radical Hindu preacher who made a name for himself back in India by telling Hindus to arm themselves and attack Muslims for Hindu Rashtra.

Ah this must be the immese power of the Hindutva soldiers. No wonder they gather in the tens of thousands to attack Muslim localities where the people number a few hundred.

Both him and his father got picked up in one hand each.
Take a look at who they have come to see, a complete rabid Muslim hater.

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