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War Plan Red . US war with Britian

Aug 23, 2012
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Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan Red, also known as the Atlantic Strategic War Plan[citation needed], was a war plan by the United States to initiate war with the British Empire (the "Red" forces)."[1] Although a war plan (theoretical), it nevertheless discussed the potential for initiating a war with the British Empire and what steps would become necessary to defend the Atlantic coast. As well as initiating war with Britain, it also discussed fighting a two-front war with both Japan and the British Empire simultaneously (as envisioned in War Plan Red-Orange).[citation needed]
War Plan Red was developed by the United States Army following the 1927 Geneva Naval Conference and approved in May 1930 by the Secretary of War and the Secretary of Navy and updated in 1934–35. In 1939 a decision was taken that no further planning was required but that the plan be retained.[2] War Plan Red was not declassified until 1974.
The war plan outlined those actions that would be necessary to initiate war between the British Empire and the United States, for example as a result of commercial conflicts. The plan suggested that Britain could be forced into war by the United States' invasion of Canada and that the British Empire would initially have the upper hand by virtue of the strength of its navy. The plan further assumed that Britain would probably use its dominion in Canada as a springboard from which to initiate a retaliatory invasion of the United States. The assumption was taken that at first Britain would fight a defensive battle against invading American forces, but that the US would eventually defeat the British by blockading the United Kingdom and economically isolating it.[3]

Would Britian use its colonies once again to fight for it ? with the lands gained with divide and rule?

Britian was devestated by WW1 so how could it respond to this?
what this thread all about, can't get it.
Yes War Plan Red was a US initiative to take down Britain if it NEEDED to. Obviously as history shows world war 2 stopped this plan from ever being implemented and UK fell off as a world power.

Most experts conclude that if such a war had occurred Britain would have lost and Canada would have most likely been annexed by the USA. Feel free to research more if need be on your own.

PS- I am sure everyone has these types of plans for any situation. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
Yes War Plan Red was a US initiative to take down Britain if it NEEDED to. Obviously as history shows world war 2 stopped this plan from ever being implemented and UK fell off as a world power.

Most experts conclude that if such a war had occurred Britain would have lost and Canada would have most likely been annexed by the USA. Feel free to research more if need be on your own.

PS- I am sure everyone has these types of plans for any situation. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

I actually dont know where US standed in 1930s , how was their world position ? I know they were starting to gain strength and economy but what was their position.

If USA got Canada they would be much much stronger , Canada has alot of resources , just as if our stupid leaders shouldnt have fought europe and colonised all of africa like the europeons did afterwards.
I actually dont know where US standed in 1930s , how was their world position ? I know they were starting to gain strength and economy but what was their position.

If USA got Canada they would be much much stronger , Canada has alot of resources , just as if our stupid leaders shouldnt have fought europe and colonised all of africa like the europeons did afterwards.

The US navy at the time was the second best in the world and was still building. The US strategy would be to keep the conflict exclusive to the Western Hemisphere and force the Royal Navy to cross the Atlantic to assist. This would have been hard for Britain to maintain and they probably would have settled with surrendering Canada to the US.
IMO , it would have been clever for US to go depending on capabilities , Britian was in problems after WW1 and it would have been easier to fight its neighbour for US until other reinforcements came.
IMO , it would have been clever for US to go depending on capabilities , Britian was in problems after WW1 and it would have been easier to fight its neighbour for US until other reinforcements came.

World War 2 prevented the need for this plan as UK collapsed as a world leader due to the war. In hindsight it still worked out well for us. :smokin:
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