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War is coming in mid april .......intl report Pak Gov

Just bring it on and history will remember you asked for it :butcher:

Let's calm down. We won't be able to fight for longer then 300 hours before we run out of money. Yes, wars cost money. Instead I wish if Pakistani's showed their loyalty by paying taxes, getting modern education and building a potent economy. Wars are won in universities. Why do you think USA and Russia can make F-32 Raptor or Sukhoi-52 stealth fighters. Because their young boys and girls went to science universities 10,20,30 years ago and now are scientific power that makes these deadly instruments of war.

Our people go in droves to madaris, or don't bother with any modern education and the result is predictable. We have to import everything.
300 hours are roughly 12 days and here and are saying that a regional nuclear power with worlds 23rd largest economy cant fight for more than 12 days??We are not as big as india but i am 100% sure we are big enough to give india bloody nose in the war and teach them a nice lesson.
Previously you insulted pakistani passport and here you are talking non sense.Why you are suffering from such a inferiority complex or you are simply feeling scared because you have relatives living in pakistan.
We should accept our weaknesses and realities but what you are saying is simply too much pessimism.
How about land attack??? Did your intelligence report miss out to include it?
No land attack i think because that will trigger our first use nuke policy .Indian leadership is smart enough to not use the cold start doctrine or any border infiltration attack because they know that will force us to use NASR missiles.
I think it will be another airforce based attack or a conventional missile attack.This time they will try to cause maximum damage with some proof so modi can win elections easily.
No land attack i think because that will trigger our first use nuke policy .Indian leadership is smart enough to not use the cold start doctrine or any border infiltration attack because they know that will force us to use NASR missiles.
I think it will be another airforce based attack or a conventional missile attack.This time they will try to cause maximum damage with some proof so modi can win elections easily.
expected from any front @SecularNationalist bro SMQ not refer to any specific front and first use policy is only for major conflict, if there will be slightly bigger skirmish then FEB 27 @SecularNationalist
No land attack i think because that will trigger our first use nuke policy .Indian leadership is smart enough to not use the cold start doctrine or any border infiltration attack because they know that will force us to use NASR missiles.
I think it will be another airforce based attack or a conventional missile attack.This time they will try to cause maximum damage with some proof so modi can win elections easily.

Your Nuclear Bluff was exposed long before when you chose to introduce NASR aka Tatical NUKE's. LOL :lol::lol::lol:
Your Nuclear Bluff was exposed long before when you chose to introduce NASR aka Tatical NUKE's. LOL :lol::lol::lol:

Why ? Instead of laughing like a guy who lost his ijjat, explain us how a bluff was exposed by Nasr which I remind you frozen your cold start ready men.
Why ? Instead of smiling like a guy who lost his ijjat, explain us how a bluff was exposed by Nasr which I remind you frozen your cold start ready men.

You are welcome.

Now just tell me how many Nuclear armed nations still maintain a miniature war head except Pakistan ?? If you can, I guess you will find your answer. :-)
You are welcome.

Now just tell me how many Nuclear armed nations still maintain a miniature war head except Pakistan ?? If you can, I guess you will find your answer. :-)

I don’t know for others nations but I know for Pakistan but I want hear your explanation, I mean why according to you Pakistan’s nukes are bluff ?
Ramazan isn't far either
See What are the teachings of Islam? Right.... Islam teaches us, not to look for war, but look for peace, BUT if war is imposed on you, Know that, 'Heaven is under the shadows of Swords.'

And ALLAH's last Prophet Hazrat Mohammad Sallalahu Alahi Wasallam said,

O people! Do not wish to meet the enemy, and ask Allah for safety, but when you face the enemy, be patient, and remember that Paradise is under the shades of swords.” Then he said, “O Allah, the Revealer of the Holy Book, and the Mover of the clouds and the Defeater of the clans, defeat them, and grant us victory over them.”(Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 266l)

So, ALHAMDULILLAH, we don't want war, we have been offering peace & dialogue to Indians since decades, We do not want to be indulged in any confrontation.

But, if War is imposed upon us, we will fight it united, resolutely, and with a commitment to deliver so much pain to the enemy, that is worthy of remembrance for decades to come INSHAALAH.
This is called jihad for us. Period

Remember one thing always, Weakness or weaker appearance invites aggression from the enemy, the world is no longer a place for weak.

A day for every living being is fixed by ALLAH PAK, we all have to die one day, so what is the fear?, if i must have to die one day, then why die like a jackal, why not like a tiger.

A muslim lives a life of dignity and dies with dignity. We want peace, but if India wants war, so be it.

May the eyes of the cowards never rest.

Hazrat Khalid bin Al-Walid R.A

View attachment 551953

Report from 27h March 2019...

View attachment 551954

Where are those ppl now who want to have friendly relations with Israel? You ppl are deluded....these zionists will never rest until they harm us
What ummah ...
We were And we are by our own .
Malaysia has declared its neutrality btw indo pak conflict .
Saudis are silent , they called both countries close "friends" ask for calm down .
UAE , Oman playing in indian hands .
Afghanistan and Iran literlaly in alliance with India .declared their hostilities .
serious threats of chahbahar port wld be used militarily by india . Attack from oman port and chabahar port is imminent .
Dont you know in recent indo pak conflict , Iran threatned pakistan and brought its assets near border .
Afghan forces had engaged so many pakistani posts during late february puting pressure .
Isreal is directly involved in this conflict .

I am not talking abt governments... I’m talking abt individuals...when India attacked Balakot the Imam e Kaaba did dua for Pakistan...I still have belief in the ordinary Muslim ...most Muslim governments have become sell outs

Proud MQM supporter


How is your party managing after the income from extortion dried up?
I don’t know for others nations but I know for Pakistan but I want hear your explanation, I mean why according to you Pakistan’s nukes are bluff ?

Plain and simple. Pakistan's sheer reluctance to use/hit hard in a single go without giving her advrseries an excuse or chance to retaliate is clearly evident from the development and deployment of tatical nukes.

TBH, more than a deterrent it can actually serve the purpose of a trigger to get Pakistan nuked overwhelmingly.

Even though I'm not a big fan of your ex COAS/President aka Dictator Mr. Pervez Musharraf. I do agree with his views on this matter.

If Pakistan Attacks With One Nuclear Bomb, India Can Finish Us With 20, Says Pervez Musharraf

And an excerpt from above.

If we would attack India with one atomic bomb, then the neighbouring country could finish us by attacking with 20 bombs. Then the only solution is that we should first attack them with 50 atom bombs so that they cannot hit us with 20 bombs. Are you ready to first launch an attack with 50 bombs?"

And fyi here he is not talking about miniature warheads.

So yes, tactical nukes are nothing more than a bluff. In any unlikely even of using any one of them will prove disastrous to Pakistan more than her enemies. The response will be brutal and overwhelming. Period. :(

Its not a BLUFF but its reality you troll @Tom M ;):enjoy:

It's a BLUFF, BLUFF and more BLUFF. While the big boys in your arsenal indeed server the purpose of a credible deterrent.

The question is how far you are ready to go if you plan to nuke the enemy. I mean the initial attack must be brutal decapitation the enemy completely. Will that be possible?? :azn:
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