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Vivek Agnihotri deactivates Twitter account after receiving death threats for his upcoming movie ‘The Kashmir Files’

I agree..

I also don't understand why cringy posters like areesh try to constantly to reason with our subjects of over 1000 years who got independence just 74 years ago.. let them breathe for awhile.. Also PDF'ers stop trying to reason with them... Give them some respite and breathing space
Put very simply, @Areesh is focussed on fighting single-handed against the oppression of India. Keeping in view the major victories that he has won, using the power of the keyboard alone, he should be decorated and pensioned off.
Two wrongs do not make a right.

It does not take much intimidation to cow down a tiny minority. Only those who watched the situation develop will know how the tension was ratcheted up.

The massacres in Jammu are a shameful episode in Indian history, and bringing this up to justify the pressure campaign against the Pandits is a really underhand thing to do.

Nobody is justifying anything

Just criticizing the way this incident is over exaggerated by Hindus to justify even bigger crimes they commit against Muslims of IOK or India

The issue is over exaggeration of the kashmiri pandit killings and its misuse by Hindus
It is over exaggerated

Hindus present it like the biggest catastrophe that ever happened in Indian history while more muslims have been killed in Mumbai alone in communal riots

Even Hindutva figures put it at less than 500 killed during the whole period of 90s but present it as the biggest atrocity like this movie is trying to show

When we would see a movie for Jammu genocide or muslims killed in Nellie or Gujarat or Muazffarnagar or Mumbai all of whom have greater deaths than this kashmiri pandit drama?
Make one, or persuade some film-maker to make one. Nobody dictates to these people what subject they should choose.

Vivek Agnihotri, however, is in a class of his own. He is utterly despicable.
Make one, or persuade some film-maker to make one. Nobody dictates to these people what subject they should choose.

Vivek Agnihotri, however, is in a class of his own. He is utterly despicable.

Kashmiri pandit are a very famous excuse that even your PM uses to justify hate against Muslims

It is important to expose the over exaggeration of this drama
Nobody is justifying anything

Just criticizing the way this incident is over exaggerated by Hindus to justify even bigger crimes they commit against Muslims of IOK or India

The issue is over exaggeration of the kashmiri pandit killings and its misuse by Hindus
If you look at the numbers, you will not be so biased.

There were in the region of 150,000 Kashmiri Pandits, in a population of 7 million in the Vale. Intimidating them, and committing murders, assaults and rape was enough to break their morale. It is a pity that the majority did not think about the oppression of a minority in their middle, depending on them for support and safety.

It is very strange to find your references to Hindus as a monolithic bloc, doing this, that and the other. For your information, I doubt that even 1% of even Sanghis know anything about the Jammu massacres. Second, the people of Jammu who bore the brunt of the attacks by Sanghis and refugees from the Punjab riots were not connected to the people of the valley. To conclude that what happened in the valley in 1990 was in some way connected to what crimes were committed in 1947 is using a deliberately broad brush to justify the expulsion of the Pandits.

I have friends among both the KPs and the KMs, and the pain due to what is happening has forced me to isolate myself from both sets of people. Those of us who wish both sections well are completely isolated today. Pakistani extreme statements on these topics do nothing to help.
Kashmiri pandit are a very famous excuse that even your PM uses to justify hate against Muslims

It is important to expose the over exaggeration of this drama
@Joe Shearer
Not exact but genocide is the systematic killing of one ethnicity, caste, group etc. Like 1947 killings were massacre. Gujrats 2002 events were riots and massacre. Also, the number doesn't matter much as no one can kill entire caste, nation etc. (see UN definition)
I think that Kashmiri Pandist episode was outcome of few hate speaches, like prior to any riot. There was no ideology but discriminiation (common in any killing).
Edit: Also, I think it is creating mountain out of mole, just for publicity. Perhaps, the 'haters' were paid.
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Kashmiri pandit are a very famous excuse that even your PM uses to justify hate against Muslims
NOTHING justifies hate against citizens of India. What Modi is doing is extra-constitutional and should be prosecuted.
It is important to expose the over exaggeration of this drama
I sincerely ask you to concentrate on the rat Agnihotri, not on the genuine pain of the KPs.

At a more innocent time, I used to be a vociferous support of Aarti Tikoo Singh. She, her husband, a Sardar, her mother-in-law, her father-in-law were all known to me, and I was a friend of some of them; the father-in-law, an eminent person who retired as Principal Secretary to the J&K Government, and who has very strong views on the mismanagement of Kashmir's affairs, is still a close friend and a contributor to a very small group of friends who remain interested in south Asian affairs.

I do not have an axe to grind, other than a loathing for Agnihotri (having met him, it was increased). There is no desire to minimise the sufferings of the Muslims in Jammu, none whatever, but it is not a reason to justify another set of murderous attacks 43 years later.

Even the highest Hindu nationalist estimates claim 400 Pandits were killed. Compare that to the 250,000 killed in Jammu in one month alone, which is the reason for Jammu being Hindu majority.

It's obvious which side started this conflict and continues to make it a problem, and because of them South Asia is the only place where a nuclear war is realistically a threat.
I am ashamed that someone, anyone should compare one disgraceful incident with another and seek to justify it by what happened 43 years earlier.

This is not right of you.

As per Hindus 200 - 300 odd Kashmiri pandits dying is a genocide but 250000 muslims killed in Jammu isn't :lol:

Lol he acted like a true virat hindu :)
No decent person, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Jain, Christian, atheist, whatever, will minimise the killings of Muslims in Jammu.

Please do not equate the decent people of India with Sanghis.
I didn't knew he was that big of a coward. Makes a movie based on a big fat lie and half truths. And when some people just show their feelings he runs like hell.
Filmmaker Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri has deactivated his Twitter account after he was shadow-banned by Twitter and received death threats and vulgar calls to stop the release of his upcoming movie, ‘The Kashmir Files’. The movie depicts the plight of Kashmiri Pandit refugees following the 1990 Kashmiri Pandit exodus from the valley.


what happened in gujrat ? back in 2002 ?
Nobody is justifying anything

Just criticizing the way this incident is over exaggerated by Hindus to justify even bigger crimes they commit against Muslims of IOK or India

The issue is over exaggeration of the kashmiri pandit killings and its misuse by Hindus
I agree that this incident should not be used to justify what happened 43 years earlier. Even less should it be used to justify what is happening today.

All I ask is that you and others should not take Vivek Agnihotri's disgrace to bring these up and to equate them.

Is that too much?

what happened in gujrat ? back in 2002 ?
A Chief Minister betrayed his oath of office taken to uphold the constitution, interfered with the working of the police, and tacitly encouraged the worst elements to attack the Muslim community.

Does that make any other incident acceptable?

Do the happenings of 2002 justify the happenings in 1990?

@Joe Shearer
Not exact but genocide is the systematic killing of one ethnicity, caste, group etc. Like 1947 killings were massacre. Gujrats 2002 events were riots and massacre. Also, the number doesn't matter much as no one can kill entire caste, nation etc. (see UN definition)
I think that Kashmiri Pandist episode was outcome of few hate speaches, like prior to any riot. There was no ideology but discriminiation (common in any killing).
I agree.

Had I used the term 'genocide' about the flight of the Pandits?

By and large, I agree with your observations.
I didn't knew he was that big of a coward. Makes a movie based on a big fat lie and half truths. And when some people just show their feelings he runs like hell.
Trust me, I have observed him.

He is the p**ck who coined the phrase 'Urban Naxal' to denigrate all men and women of conscience who protested the communalism being spread by the Sangh Parivar, on the specious grounds that opposing them was equal to supporting the Naxals and was an equally anti-national thing to do.

On cue, this has been picked up by the National Security Advisor, who had the audacity to identify civil society as a possible future opponent of the forces of administration and law and order.

It is clear how the ideologues prepare the ground for the lumpen elements to attack individuals, and women and children, and not kill themselves for shame.
283 is the number and Kashmiris have not asked Kashmiri Pandits to leave, they never even threatened them.

The number of Kashmiris killed from 1989 by Indian forces stand close to 80k as per available data. Hidutvadis don't even talk about muslims killed by Indian forces.
As a Kashmiri living near LOC on the Pakistan side whose many relatives still live in Indian Occupied Kashmir I can testify that number of Hindu Pandits killed is just a negligible fraction of Muslims massacred in the Kashmir valley. It is height of hypocrisy and double standards from Indian media that they are only trying to show Hindu pandits killings which are just around 300-400 heads but on the other hand, 250,000 Muslims were just killed in Jammu in the late 1940s and more than 90,000 killed just after 1989.
Make one, or persuade some film-maker to make one. Nobody dictates to these people what subject they should choose.

Vivek Agnihotri, however, is in a class of his own. He is utterly despicable.

He has Anupam Kher in his film again after his anti-Communism film Buddha in a Traffic Jam. Vivek is a serial criminal but that apart I acknowledge the atrocities against the Pandits. The unfortunate story of the region in context of all communities there. Vivek's colleague from the film industry, the fine actor Sanjay Suri, is a KP from Srinagar. His father was killed in a militant attack and the family fled to Jammu and then he went to Delhi and then to Bombay. But in all the films I have seen him in or know him in I have not found him filled with hatred against Muslims. In the film Firaaq which is set a month after the 2002 Gujarat violence he plays a Muslim married to a Hindu. The film is a good one with Naseeruddin Shah in it too.
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I agree that this incident should not be used to justify what happened 43 years earlier. Even less should it be used to justify what is happening today.

All I ask is that you and others should not take Vivek Agnihotri's disgrace to bring these up and to equate them.

Is that too much?

Nobody is justifying any killings of civilians or anything like that

We are simply questioning the lies and over exaggeration of some particular killings by hindutva for pushing its own hateful agenda

At a more innocent time, I used to be a vociferous support of Aarti Tikoo Singh.

Isn't Aarti Tikoo Singh the mouthpiece of Modi government nowadays when it comes to Kashmir? A Kashmiri pandit being a mouthpiece for sanghis. Poetic :)
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