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Violent ethnic clash between 1000 Hui Muslim and Han Chinese reported

It does not matter.

Historically, China has the hui or so-called muslim problems.

Historically, China has dealt with those problems successfully, either bloodly or peacefully.

I have to admit that most of the times, China has to adopt the bloody way to eradicate those hui problems.

Like anywhere in the world, we have moderate, peaceful muslims.

However, we indeed have radical muslims who want to convert China into so-called allah's kingdom.

They forget that majority China have zero interest to become that.

If they want to fight, they all end up being bloodily erased. Of course, those hui's who was in the right team survived.

China, no more can deny the Hui issues.Having a Hui politician in beijing,or a Hui general in PLA does not solve the Hui Problems.Look at kashmir,kurdistan,sothern thailand,chechnya.Islamic separatist movements are Very Real.

Chinese as a race is an accident of history???

Another joker???

We human beings need to outgrow from our need to dominate and learn to cooperate and share the planet. No one should be allowed to dominate, just because the accidents of history have given them a large ethnic group or a country.
Don't worry... you will eventually realize it. One can turn a blind eye only for so long mate.

The point here is not what they are or what they practise; the point is, Jihad is a growing reality in and against a lot of non-Islamic countries. You have the problem too but not at a very serious level since your government is taking every measure possible not to let the news out in the open.

Peddling Islamophobia to the Chinese again. We do not need to have discussions with sick minds, we just need to catch them red-handed at their acts. Note I don't see Muslims peddling hatred against any non-Muslim people in this forum.
It does not matter.

Historically, China has the hui or so-called muslim problems.

Historically, China has dealt with those problems successfully, either bloodly or peacefully.

I have to admit that most of the times, China has to adopt the bloody way to eradicate those hui problems.

Like anywhere in the world, we have moderate, peaceful muslims.

However, we indeed have radical muslims who want to convert China into so-called allah's kingdom.

They forget that majority China have zero interest to become that.

If they want to fight, they all end up being bloodily erased. Of course, those hui's who was in the right team survived.

They are only doing what they think they are ordained to do. No different from their counterparts everywhere.

But frankly never read or heard much about these people having done anything to achieve this on a large scale in China.

I think some Muslims (probably from Central Asia or Khwarzm) helped Genghis with his seize machines (though not sure if the local Huis were involved).
Chinese as a race is an accident of history???

Another joker???

Having a large large unified race is an accident, as some people way back decided to conquer and assimilate others. It did not happen in this scale in any other part of the world. Also without Yuan Mongols or Manchu Qing, China would probably disintegrate into many different parts. So those were also accidents and nothing to do with "Han Chinese".
Peddling Islamophobia to the Chinese again.

The Chinese have their own opinions about Islam and Muslims! And they can be seen on open forums anywhere.

Negative views of Muslims were also strong in several Asian countries: Half or more of the Japanese, Indians, Chinese and South Koreans surveyed said they had negative impressions of Muslims.

Anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim attitudes rise in Europe - The New York Times

Both the Chinese and Japanese express generally unfavorable views of Pakistan, while the Chinese tend to feel negatively toward India as well.

Publics of Asian Powers Hold Negative Views of One Another | Pew Global Attitudes Project

Go to any Western forum and you will how much Chinese like Pakistanis and Muslims. That they are quite anti Muslim would be an understatement. ;)

We do not need to have discussions with sick minds,

But we are having a discussion with you! You are afraid because you don't have legs to stand on.

If I have to give a label to you in response to being called "Islamophobe", how does "Islamofascist" sound?

You hate India and Hindus (is it not just self loathing, think deeply about it) just because we are not acting like Dhimmis? Just because we are dar-al-harb (as is the land you have migrated to) and it is your duty to make war on us?

Only you are too weak currently to indulge in wanton open violence and booty taking and living off the zaziya and so need to have a temporary truce? Taqiyya 101 anyone?

Frankly, Muslim converts like you forever have this identity crisis of being wannabe Arabs. Sir Vidia covered it well in his "Among the believers".

“Islam is in its origins an Arab religion. Everyone not an Arab who is a Muslim is a convert. Islam is not simply a matter of conscience or private belief. It makes imperial demands. A convert’s worldview alters. His holy places are in Arab lands; his language is Arabic. His idea of history alters. He rejects his own; he becomes, whether he likes it or not, a part of the Arab story. The convert has to turn away from everything that is his. The disturbance for societies is immense, and even after a thousand years can remain unresolved; the turning away has to be done again and again. People develop fantasies about who and what they are; and in the Islam of the converted countries there is an element of neurosis and nihilism. These countries can be easily set on the boil.”

we just need to catch them red-handed at their acts. Note I don't see Muslims peddling hatred against any non-Muslim people.

You just have to remove the filter and you will see it all.

Another taqiyya or you really want me to show the other side?

In fact you are getting away with too much, in the politically correct world we are living in.
Will you feel happy that you share the same negative view against Muslims with those 'high caste' nations in East Asia?

My indian friend told me that foreign people were treated as Kshatriya in India.
You are not making sense.

Your friend told you wrong.

He himself is from a Brahman. So I guess you may come from a lower caste. It make sense because a majority lot of IT workers, who have the rare capability to get in touch with computers/internet in such a country like india, are from lower castes.
He himself is from a Brahman. So I guess you may come from a lower caste. It make sense because a majority lot of IT workers, who have the rare capability to get in touch with computers/internet in such a country like india, are from lower castes.

Because you are acting like a buffoon (habitually), I can only guess you are still a semi cooked Han. ;)
You are not making sense.

Your friend told you wrong.
if he was wrong then explain this to me: when i was in India last time, i was trying to invite our driver to join dinner with me and other Indian bosses, but the Indian manager told me not to, and I asked why, he said, thats not how it works in India as that driver is from lower social status (caste)

for god sake, I always having lunches with all of my factory workers from low position to high, and its common in China
if he was wrong then explain this to me: when i was in India last time, i was trying to invite our driver to join dinner with me and other Indian bosses, but the Indian manager told me not to, and I asked why, he said, thats not how it works in India as that driver is from lower social status (caste)

for god sake, I always having lunches with all of my factory workers from low position to high, and its common in China

if he was wrong then explain this to me: when i was in India last time, i was trying to invite our driver to join dinner with me and other Indian bosses, but the Indian manager told me not to, and I asked why, he said, thats not how it works in India as that driver is from lower social status (caste)

for god sake, I always having lunches with all of my factory workers from low position to high, and its common in China

When I was in China last year, went out to have dinner with my Chinese colleagues, they tied one Uyghur and one Hui Chinese to the chair and they were forced to eat pork. After which they were forced to drink wine. :eek:
One thing people in China do believe is that all men are born equal which may be too avant-guard for indians to understand.

if he was wrong then explain this to me: when i was in India last time, i was trying to invite our driver to join dinner with me and other Indian bosses, but the Indian manager told me not to, and I asked why, he said, thats not how it works in India as that driver is from lower social status (caste)

for god sake, I always having lunches with all of my factory workers from low position to high, and its common in China

Let's not get into this "feudal society" and "uncooked barbarian" business here. I have read about your own feudal society (leave alone how the Manchus and others treated you, queue hairstyle and all) and that is your business as far as I am concerned.

I have no means of verifying any anecdotes and I don't see people caring about castes of people or even knowing about them.

Not sure if you check the % of cooking a barbarian has gone through. I hope not...

When I was in China having dinner with my Chinese colleagues, they tied one Uyghur and one Hui Chinese to the chair and forcing them eat pork :eek:

Some of these "Western Chinese bananas" try to act smart on forums thinking they can hide their reality.

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