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Vietnam & India to hold fifth strategic defence talks

Oh, defence talks between Vietnam and India? feel very sorry for vietnam, why talk with a country in this kind of condition? Shame, shame, no good for Vietnam, never deal with b......:no:
Super power Global Index, very out standing!!:smitten:
India on various Global ranking studies

Global Hunger Index (GHI)

India’s score is 23.7, with a rank of 66th out of 88 countries, categorized under Alarming

The Human Development Report UNDP

India 134 out of 182 countries , categorized under Medium Human Development

Global Peace Index

India’s ranked 122 with 2.422 score

Global Corruption Index

Transparency International has downgraded India’s ranking from 72 to 85 in the list of world’s corruption-plagued countries

WEF The Global Gender Gap Report

India ranked 114 lisetd very poorly on the economic, education and health sub-indexes.

WEF Global Information Technology Report

India is down four places this year, at 54th

Failed State Index 2010

India positioned 87. Read country report from here

CIA world fact book on Account Balance

India listed as 182, the Current account balance of India is -37,510,000,000 (minus)

World Health Organization Statistical System
India on various Global ranking studies India Fact Book

This post reminds me of grey boy post.

So Molawchai is born again grey boy.
This post reminds me of grey boy post.

So Molawchai is born again grey boy.

Good, calling me grey boy now? so will you happy if i call you curry boy? stop personal attack please, ask Mod to give answer to your stupid question? don't act like a women bitching at me ok? :argh::hang2:
Good, calling me grey boy now? so will you happy if i call you curry boy? stop personal attack please, ask Mod to give answer to your stupid question? don't act like a women bitching at me ok? :argh::hang2:

I am not attacking you. There was Chinese member "grey boy2". He normally posts same post may be 100 times. You can search his posts.
this topic is for India and Vietnam where did u find the US

As AVet from Vietnam states. When and if Vietnam needs a country to counter Chinese aggression, the country that they would request is the US. The same would be for India.
India and Vietnam co-built aircraft carrier to be base in the South China Sea together to deal with China

2009-05-06 17:23

Comprehensive news recently, Japan's "Sankei Shimbun" reported that the Vietnamese to give up to pursue a "North against the South attack," National Military Strategy, is working with India against China's paramilitary alliance, "India and Vietnam co-operation program," The plan agreed to India 2010-2016 year "lease" Vietnam will build the "Tokyo Bay naval base", used to stop aircraft carriers.

The naval base is located in the northern Bay of the West Bank, now under construction, planned in early 2009, the total invested 12 billion U.S. dollars, be able to accommodate 80,000 tons class destroyers, the base will also equip a number of far Cheng Duihai surveillance radar.
The article said the so-called "rent" is only the surface of an excuse, afraid of the transition concerned the international community, especially China.
India has 6 years total, "rents" less than one billion U.S. dollars, even the base of the basic maintenance costs are not enough, but according to sources within the military in Vietnam, India will provide free technical assistance to Vietnam's development of long-range strategic missiles and medium-sized aircraft carrier.

。 Japan Asia Center for Strategic Studies in Tian Yifu private experts said that India and Vietnam's move greatly angered the Chinese, followed by China to increase military presence in the South China Sea, an increase of two "092" strategic nuclear submarines, and in the Guangzhou Military Region, the Guangxi regional deployment the two J-10 air squadrons, plans to build large-scale Nansha Islands on the Air Force Base, to safeguard China's energy channels, to protect national security in the territory.
A stern warning the face of China's military, had unilaterally suspended negotiations in Vietnam, "Vietnam and India cooperation program," then the proposed timing.

"Tokyo Bay Naval Base" Description

Tokyo Bay is located in northern Vietnam, southern China's Guangxi Province, is a semi-closed sea bay in China called the Tonkin Gulf.
Vietnam's northern coast is the most concave arc of the Gulf, but also curb the South China Sea and the strategic sea lanes, the throat. 2005,
。 2005, Vietnam declared that began to establish large-scale deep water naval base in Tokyo Bay, Vietnam will have to stop large-scale submarines and ships.

India's "rent" the purpose of Tokyo Bay

Vietnam and China have been in the South China Sea territorial disputes, but China's military, political and economic power to the Vietnamese feel to win the South China Sea islands be prohibitively difficult, so look for ways to introduce foreign forces into the South China Sea, especially in countries hostile to China, complicate the issue for the South China Sea, took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters; India because India has territorial disputes also have a hostile attitude to China, "Indian Navy on the Chinese navy, the army should be like China, like the Indian Army to maintain an overwhelming advantage," Indian Foreign veteran Panikkar of this famous points to India's "rent" the fundamental purpose of Tokyo Bay. In this case, the two countries to establish a "more Indian cooperation plan" also is not surprising.

According to a Chinese news website called.NFDAILY.cn
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Another interesting article:

Vietnam's defense minister visits India

07/11/2009 Posts updated at: 01:24 on 07/11/2009

According to VOV on 6-11, in New Delhi, Indian Defense Minister Antoni general held talks with Minister of Defence Phung Quang Thanh Vietnam are an official visit to India.

Minister Antoni said India will further promote bilateral cooperation in defense field. He also recalled the good feelings about the country and people of Vietnam, as well as meeting General Vo Nguyen Giap during his visit to Vietnam in 2008.

Minister Phung Quang Thanh proposed India continues to support training and training of officials and officers for Vietnam. After the talks, the two sides signed a memorandum on enhancing defense cooperation between the two countries.The same day, Minister Phung Quang Thanh met Indian Foreign Minister Crisna; to and discussed with the commander of three strains of the Indian Army.

According to a Vietnamese news website:tinmoi.vn

Can some one explain me the bolded part or is it what i think it is?
As AVet from Vietnam states. When and if Vietnam needs a country to counter Chinese aggression, the country that they would request is the US. The same would be for India.

What you said is true to some extent.

But Vietnamese are 1 step ahead of what both of us can think of.Vietnam will rely on both USA & India rather than, only on USA or only India.Just like India doesn't soley rely on US as a counterweight to China.We consider Russia and Japan in the equation too while making decisions.

By the way,when i was searching for India,Vietnam defence cooperation i stumbled upon a comment by a Vietnamese which kinda clears out:

"Vietnam needs India from the East,

the United States from the West,

Japan/Korea/Taiwan in the North

and ASEAN in the South to

balance out the powerful force of China.

This is like Feng Shui.

Besides,I don't think Mr.AVet represents the mindset of entire Vietnamese.
Another interesting article:

Vietnam's defense minister visits India

07/11/2009 Posts updated at: 01:24 on 07/11/2009

According to VOV on 6-11, in New Delhi, Indian Defense Minister Antoni general held talks with Minister of Defence Phung Quang Thanh Vietnam are an official visit to India.

Minister Antoni said India will further promote bilateral cooperation in defense field. He also recalled the good feelings about the country and people of Vietnam, as well as meeting General Vo Nguyen Giap during his visit to Vietnam in 2008.

Minister Phung Quang Thanh proposed India continues to support training and training of officials and officers for Vietnam. After the talks, the two sides signed a memorandum on enhancing defense cooperation between the two countries.The same day, Minister Phung Quang Thanh met Indian Foreign Minister Crisna; to and discussed with the commander of three strains of the Indian Army.

According to a Vietnamese news website:tinmoi.vn

Can some one explain me the bolded part or is it what i think it is?

Vietname should train the Indian troops to increase India's combat capability.
Vietname should train the Indian troops to increase India's combat capability.

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