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Varanasi court allows ASI survey of Gyanvapi Mosque, located next to Kashi Vishwanath Temple

Those Ind

The difference being no one is alive who can remember the temple being pulled down. This my last comment here on this look at this thread see the hate from both sides . Indian muslims are being talked about like they guests in India. The Indian Muslims are not the invaders they native to the land and people here talk like they are the owners of the land and decide who lives here .

indian muslims should be aware of the atrocities done on hindus by muslim invaders , they should help govt to recover hindu mandirs and restore to hindus .
Silly bhakt. We and you can say what we please about what's right or wrong - we and you cannot then use that rhetoric to justify damaging or uprooting the places of worship in use by members of a community right now. You have no good, valid, legal reason to uproot this mosque. Your only reason is "cuz Muslims woz bad to us hundreds of years ago" and like some salivating zombie horde you all nod in agreement with each other without thinking logically.

If you live by the sword you die by the sword.Islam enjoyed violating and desecrating others sacred spaces,that is being rectified.So either it will be relocated peacefully or simply destroyed.We don't want to convert mosques to temples like hagia sophia or what the spanish did to arab mosques in andalucia - we don't want to destroy mosques not built over hindu sacred spaces -those are yours.
For us, its hindu reconquista,same as spanish one.It is happening methodically and legally because the times are different,but the essence is same.Islam faces its karma.What goes around,comes around.
You have divided yourselves into 3 parts and thus helpless to stop us,no british to save you like they did from marathas and sikhs.Your country is a periphery,economically finished and content to survive and be a petty nuisance at most.Banglas are surrounded on 3 sides.Its is simply history running its full course and restoring balance.You can only huff and puff in agony and helplessness from the other side of border.Your army doesn't even have the courage to fight us and take kashmir because it knows it will lose.You had it easy for 70 years with a weak congress tolerating your jihadi nonsense.Now we are simply doing to you as you have done to us.So sit down and watch with gritted teeth,its all you can do.
If you live by the sword you die by the sword.Islam enjoyed violating and desecrating others sacred spaces,that is being rectified.So either it will be relocated peacefully or simply destroyed.We don't want to convert mosques to temples like hagia sophia or what the spanish did to arab mosques in andalucia - we don't want to destroy mosques not built over hindu sacred spaces -those are yours.
For us, its hindu reconquista,same as spanish one.It is happening methodically and legally because the times are different,but the essence is same.Islam faces its karma.What goes around,comes around.
You have divided yourselves into 3 parts and thus helpless to stop us,no british to save you like they did from marathas and sikhs.Your country is a periphery,economically finished and content to survive and be a petty nuisance at most.Banglas are surrounded on 3 sides.Its is simply history running its full course and restoring balance.You can only huff and puff in agony and helplessness from the other side of border.Your army doesn't even have the courage to fight us and take kashmir because it knows it will lose.You had it easy for 70 years with a weak congress tolerating your jihadi nonsense.Now we are simply doing to you as you have done to us.So sit down and watch with gritted teeth,its all you can do.

that is true ,
we are just correcting the criminal wrong done with hindu places of worship .
Yes. That could happen. I'm sure the Buddhists and Jains have a list of sites they want back.
There are thousands of Hindu temples in India built by destroying Buddhist pagodas. Brahmins were no better than Islamic invaders.
If you live by the sword you die by the sword.Islam enjoyed violating and desecrating others sacred spaces,that is being rectified.So either it will be relocated peacefully or simply destroyed.We don't want to convert mosques to temples like hagia sophia or what the spanish did to arab mosques in andalucia - we don't want to destroy mosques not built over hindu sacred spaces -those are yours.
For us, its hindu reconquista,same as spanish one.It is happening methodically and legally because the times are different,but the essence is same.Islam faces its karma.What goes around,comes around.
You have divided yourselves into 3 parts and thus helpless to stop us,no british to save you like they did from marathas and sikhs.Your country is a periphery,economically finished and content to survive and be a petty nuisance at most.Banglas are surrounded on 3 sides.Its is simply history running its full course and restoring balance.You can only huff and puff in agony and helplessness from the other side of border.Your army doesn't even have the courage to fight us and take kashmir because it knows it will lose.You had it easy for 70 years with a weak congress tolerating your jihadi nonsense.Now we are simply doing to you as you have done to us.So sit down and watch with gritted teeth,its all you can do.
You do want to erase mughal heritage as you regard it as "non-native", while erroneously regarding Hindu heritage as native.

Both Islam and Vedic Hinduism are equally "non-native" to the subcontinent, hence "you" have no authority based on facts to "reconquer" anything. Muslims built and contributed as much as (probably more, but I don't wish to offend your delicate sensitivities!) Hindus did in Hindustan, hence replacing a temple with a functional and well used mosque is a natural occurrence that should be tolerated as part of Hindustan's diverse heritage (we don't trample old monasteries that were built on pagan sites in Europe and rather we accept this as part of Europe's medieval heritage); moreover, it happened centuries ago before any concepts of universal human rights existed. You people whinge today because the rule book has changed and you didn't have the balls historically to fight for your gold hoarding Brahmin ancestors hundreds of years ago.

Pathetic Qom.

As for hagia sofia, it was a functional mosque in the 16th century when the Turks took it from the byzantines. Again, in the 16th century, the forcible taking over of holy sites was perfectly normal and expected during warfare. The descendants of byzantines at least have some shame and accept that this happened, they couldn't stop it at the time, so today apart from some cosmetic jockeying in the media, there is little more that they will do. The same applies in Spain. The Christians ultimately kicked the Moors out centuries ago - there is little to cry over in 2021 a.d. By the way, was Christianity a "native Iberian faith" that retarded individuals like you are suddenly leaping to the defence of it?? Please enlighten me as to how the war between Christianity and Islam in Spain had ANY original native interests on either side?? The Europeans happily accept their bloody past of slaughtering polytheists. Hindustan is the incel-driven self-loathing aberration in this normal cycle of civilisational progression.

The year is 2021. You have decided consciously and collectively to bully one non-native faith in favour of a second non-native faith. Live with the consequences that will come your way.
There are thousands of Hindu temples in India built by destroying Buddhist pagodas. Brahmins were no better than Islamic invaders.

They should be giving back as well. The Buddhists should come forth with a list of sites. Let's have justice be served.
SaffronNazis think that their failure to fight a medieval battle in medieval times can be made up by a modern form of cowardice - using a majoritarian mob and full backing of the state to pummel and torture minorities.

there are 2600 great mandirs demolished by invaders on which they built masjids , this is documented in court documents of muslim rulers ,we will get all .

thanks to jinnah he got his people with him , others should have gone with him ,
no problem we can handle the rest muslim brothers with harmony .
we have to get back our 2600 important hindu mandirs demolished by invaders .

Those temples are gone, they were destroyed at a time when Hindus lacked balls

Now in the 21st century surely your communal shithole of a state has laws protecting Indian Muslims and other minorities and their existing religious structures
They should be giving back as well. The Buddhists should come forth with a list of sites. Let's have justice be served.

But if those structures were Hindu temples on India independence day in 1947 then Buddhist can go suck eggs

Just like the Hindus asking to destoy existing mosques belonging to Indian Muslims because hundreds of years ago temples were destroyed
indian muslims should be aware of the atrocities done on hindus by muslim invaders , they should help govt to recover hindu mandirs and restore to hindus .

No they shouldn't, Indian Muslims need to look after their own community, they need to look after their own history and religious sites and the law as it stands supports them

India bought about the law after the mob destruction of a historical babri masjid, after making a mockery of Indian judiciary as the mosque was destroyed Ayodya was approved by SC

But the whole point of existing Indian laws was so it can't happen again and no changes can be made to religious buildings after Indian Independence

So as per the law Indian Muslims have a strong defence

India is such a shit communal state Indian Muslims need to look after only their own community as no one else will and fcuk the hindutva extremists
No they shouldn't, Indian Muslims need to look after their own community, they need to look after their own history and religious sites and the law as it stands supports them

India bought about the law after the mob destruction of a historical babri masjid, after making a mockery of Indian judiciary as the mosque was destroyed Ayodya was approved by SC

But the whole point of existing Indian laws was so it can't happen again and no changes can be made to religious buildings after Indian Independence

So as per the law Indian Muslims have a strong defence

India is such a shit communal state Indian Muslims need to look after only their own community as no one else will and fcuk the hindutva extremists
Don't worry about that law... We will handle it...
SaffronNazis think that their failure to fight a medieval battle in medieval times can be made up by a modern form of cowardice - using a majoritarian mob and full backing of the state to pummel and torture minorities.

Their miserable history is reflected in today's miserable histrionics.

Whether it was cowardice, a lack of capacity to repulse the Muslim empires, or a simple refusal from sensible rank and file Hindus to risk death defending someone else's horde of gold, the outcome is the same. They have borne this sad burden for generations and will never find peace until a new war unfolds on the subcontinent. Their PTSD will continue in spasms of cyclical inevitability.
Their miserable history is reflected in today's miserable histrionics.

Whether it was cowardice, a lack of capacity to repulse the Muslim empires, or a simple refusal from sensible rank and file Hindus to risk death defending someone else's horde of gold, the outcome is the same. They have borne this sad burden for generations and will never find peace until a new war unfolds on the subcontinent. Their PTSD will continue in spasms of cyclical inevitability.

Jinnah understood that the Hindus suffered from this historical PTSD, his utter clarity on the subject is why he understood a united India would be a absolute disaster

If you look at the Hindus, some of them.on this thread foaming at the mouth, declaring they will violate or abuse their own laws so they can destroy a religious place of worship for a minority

India is becoming a cess pit
You do want to erase mughal heritage as you regard it as "non-native", while erroneously regarding Hindu heritage as native.

Both Islam and Vedic Hinduism are equally "non-native" to the subcontinent, hence "you" have no authority based on facts to "reconquer" anything. Muslims built and contributed as much as (probably more, but I don't wish to offend your delicate sensitivities!) Hindus did in Hindustan, hence replacing a temple with a functional and well used mosque is a natural occurrence that should be tolerated as part of Hindustan's diverse heritage (we don't trample old monasteries that were built on pagan sites in Europe and rather we accept this as part of Europe's medieval heritage); moreover, it happened centuries ago before any concepts of universal human rights existed. You people whinge today because the rule book has changed and you didn't have the balls historically to fight for your gold hoarding Brahmin ancestors hundreds of years ago.

Pathetic Qom.

As for hagia sofia, it was a functional mosque in the 16th century when the Turks took it from the byzantines. Again, in the 16th century, the forcible taking over of holy sites was perfectly normal and expected during warfare. The descendants of byzantines at least have some shame and accept that this happened, they couldn't stop it at the time, so today apart from some cosmetic jockeying in the media, there is little more that they will do. The same applies in Spain. The Christians ultimately kicked the Moors out centuries ago - there is little to cry over in 2021 a.d. By the way, was Christianity a "native Iberian faith" that retarded individuals like you are suddenly leaping to the defence of it?? Please enlighten me as to how the war between Christianity and Islam in Spain had ANY original native interests on either side?? The Europeans happily accept their bloody past of slaughtering polytheists. Hindustan is the incel-driven self-loathing aberration in this normal cycle of civilisational progression.

The year is 2021. You have decided consciously and collectively to bully one non-native faith in favour of a second non-native faith. Live with the consequences that will come your way.

Hinduism is a synthesis of aryan and harappan culture and beliefs.All vedas and hindu holy scriptures were written in india.Shakti mother goddess and Shiva are not 'aryan' dieties at all. Ritual bathing,tilak,sindur,namaste gesture,yoga are all harappan practices.India is the holy land of hindus and all dharmics.How can it be non native?
We did have the balls to fight,thats why sikhs and marathas more or less finished off muslim rule in india.Only the british interrupted and saved you from your karma.It is your muslim punjabis and sindhis who surrendered .As for europeans accepting it,lol - europe is done with christianity -they are going atheist or pagan.Iran is also more or less done with arab islam.Tick tock.
This is just a continuation of that corrective process.We will take kashi and mathura,either by peaceful relocation or by a repeat of babri if forced.
There are no consequences,subcontinent muslims are too weak and divided into 3 impotent parts.Pakistan army is too afraid to even attack us in kashmir and 'liberate' it after removal of 370,forget this.Middle eastern muslims dont care about you 2nd class desi converts and are busy taking our money for oil and giving medals,and hoping they can survive after oil.Europe is lining up its growing muslim population for a holocaust in coming decades with right wingers coming .USA is already your great satan.China gives 2 shits about islamists,will use some as puppets as needed.Islam is finished as a global force ,it has no hard power,no technology,no economy except oil,and is hated by all.Islamic civilization has reached a dead end,with no capacity to deal with challenges of a modern world and archahic laws designed to rule tribal/feudal societies.Frankly what islam does is your business,we have nothing in common.So you stay out of our business and concentrate on your collapsing country.We will redress unfinished business of muslim desecration of hindu sacred spaces and restore balance.Muslim mosques built otherwise are theirs to worship as they see fit with no problems.Muslims will simply be treated as they treat others.If they have dhimmi mentality for non muslims they will be treated as dhimmis in return.If they were truly respectful they would voluntarily relocate from these 2 sites which is visibly clear are hindu temples.If not the lesson will be driven home.You can do nothing but whine helplessly from accross the border,you shouldn't bother.Better focus on pakistan.
Hinduism is a synthesis of aryan and harappan culture and beliefs.All vedas and hindu holy scriptures were written in india.Shakti mother goddess and Shiva are not 'aryan' dieties at all. Ritual bathing,tilak,sindur,namaste gesture,yoga are all harappan practices.India is the holy land of hindus and all dharmics.How can it be non native?
We did have the balls to fight,thats why sikhs and marathas more or less finished off muslim rule in india.Only the british interrupted and saved you from your karma.It is your muslim punjabis and sindhis who surrendered .As for europeans accepting it,lol - europe is done with christianity -they are going atheist or pagan.Iran is also more or less done with arab islam.Tick tock.
This is just a continuation of that corrective process.We will take kashi and mathura,either by peaceful relocation or by a repeat of babri if forced.
There are no consequences,subcontinent muslims are too weak and divided into 3 impotent parts.Pakistan army is too afraid to even attack us in kashmir and 'liberate' it after removal of 370,forget this.Middle eastern muslims dont care about you 2nd class desi converts and are busy taking our money for oil and giving medals,and hoping they can survive after oil.Europe is lining up its growing muslim population for a holocaust in coming decades with right wingers coming .USA is already your great satan.China gives 2 shits about islamists,will use some as puppets as needed.Islam is finished as a global force ,it has no hard power,no technology,no economy except oil,and is hated by all.Islamic civilization has reached a dead end,with no capacity to deal with challenges of a modern world and archahic laws designed to rule tribal/feudal societies.Frankly what islam does is your business,we have nothing in common.So you stay out of our business and concentrate on your collapsing country.We will redress unfinished business of muslim desecration of hindu sacred spaces and restore balance.Muslim mosques built otherwise are theirs to worship as they see fit with no problems.Muslims will simply be treated as they treat others.If they have dhimmi mentality for non muslims they will be treated as dhimmis in return.If they were truly respectful they would voluntarily relocate from these 2 sites which is visibly clear are hindu temples.If not the lesson will be driven home.You can do nothing but whine helplessly from accross the border,you shouldn't bother.Better focus on pakistan.

Yaar bas Karo

You just lost 25 elite cobra commandos when 400 armed men attacked them in the heart of India AND they took a commando hostage which you had to beg to get returned

China last year slaughtered your soldiers, took territory, built fortifications and took multiple Indian officers POW
India had to beg to get them back

Year before that you lost 40+ soldiers in pulwama, after trying to be stupid, Pakistan shot down your jet, captured your pilot and as a message hit multiple Indian military targets
And India had to beg to get it's pilot back

Every year your capital city is either burning under riots or attack, the latest your.policw taking a mass beating from Sikhs on the red fort
Last year it was mass communal riots

Even now the U.S has understood your aukad as is blatantly saying it dosent give a fcuk and will do.what it wants in India's waters

You were pussies Infront of Muslim empires and lost your temples, and now in the 21st century you want to make mobs, violate your own laws to target minorities

You Hindus ARE PATHETIC, and Indian Muslims are on the front line against your hindutva clowns and LL should support the Indian Muslims

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