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USCIRF Releases 2020 Annual Report. Condems India

@waz sir hope you are doing good ..... sir with due respect Assia bibi case was a global news , blasphemy laws od Pak constitution literally justifies the persecution of non muslims and just FYI India is also no heaven
You get added or you don't.
The thing is Islamabad hasn't got scenes of their police shouting Allah Akbar and leading mobs to chop up Christians. You have plenty of videos of your capital's police charging with the mobs yelling Jai Shree Ram to chop up Muslims, and the world saw it. :rolleyes:
@waz sir hope you are doing good ..... sir with due respect Assia bibi case was a global news , blasphemy laws od Pak constitution literally justifies the persecution of non muslims and just FYI India is also no heaven

True and very shameful for Pakistan. I'm also for reforming such laws as well.
Well...we do not need to react to everything that is happening around the world...When nations make hard choices for their long term benefit, there will be certain consequences...So we should be prepared for it...India has to say loud and clear.. We should follow certain good things that is done by China whenever they are handling their internal issues...
Sir I think even in India its always action and reaction kind of thing .... Muslims were always treated like vote banks , Muslim relegious and political leaders have vested interests in keeping the muslim masses poor and uneducated . Eduacted and progressive muslims in India are too scared to talk about such leaders and the reaction of such leaders pro Muslim politics made orgs like RSS more powerful .......you will never found the kids of any such leaders from both sides ever die in riots .
True and very shameful for Pakistan. I'm also for reforming such laws as well.
Sir I think even in India its always action and reaction kind of thing .... Muslims were always treated like vote banks , Muslim relegious and political leaders have vested interests in keeping the muslim masses poor and uneducated . Eduacted and progressive muslims in India are too scared to talk about such leaders and the reaction of such leaders pro Muslim politics made orgs like RSS more powerful .......you will never found the kids of any such leaders from both sides ever die in riots .

Once again parroting lies and half truths. Truth is tough to come by in India these days eh?
Tell the truth ...why sunni muslims are most backward in India may be just above tribals
What to do? When lying comes easy, someone has to stand up and tell you the truth.
Eduacted and progressive muslims in India are too scared to talk about such leaders and the reaction of such leaders pro Muslim politics made orgs like RSS more powerful ..

So those scared educated muslims couldn't talk against their leaders pro Muslim politics and as a reaction rss became more powerful in persecuting Muslims?
Who cares? USCIRF has no locus standi anywhere. Not even US will call on India to change anything.
u people jump up and down when it is Pakistan, but when it is India then who cares!
come on.
They are scared about the fatwas issued against them .... one of the prominet muslim parliamenterian in India once talked about the relevamce of muslim females in corporates , Muslim clergy issued fatwa against him and he got 24×7 securiry ... I dont want to name him here and he was not from BJP he was appoinyed member
So those scared educated muslims couldn't talk against their leaders pro Muslim politics and as a reaction rss became more powerful in persecuting Muslims?
They are scared about the fatwas issued against them .... one of the prominet muslim parliamenterian in India once talked about the relevamce of muslim females in corporates , Muslim clergy issued fatwa against him and he got 24×7 securiry ... I dont want to name him here and he was not from BJP he was appoinyed member

And this thing further aggravated the muslim persecution by rss nazis?
Tell the truth ...why sunni muslims are most backward in India may be just above tribals

Well your highness stated that Muslim religious and political leaders were the reason. I would just like to know how?

There are numerous studies commissioned by the Indian government that have attributed reasons for the low education standards on Indian Muslims. Not one of those studies have blamed religious or political leaders.

Those studies have cited lack of access to education, poverty alleviating schemes and higher participation in informal sectors of the economy as the primary reasons.

Perhaps a good reading of such studies are in order for you. Google is your friend when it comes to things like these. There is a wealth of information for those who choose to go down that road. Otherwise you can stick to WhatsApp propaganda and make snide comments, as a means to justify your inherent bias.
What an american foreginer think the reason behind the backwardness of sunnis if not their relegious and political leaders ...on the other hand Shias ,bohras and Ahamadi muslims excelled in same environment
Well your highness stated that Muslim religious and political leaders were the reason. I would just like to know how?

There are numerous studies commissioned by the Indian government that have attributed reasons for the low education standards on Indian Muslims. Not one of those studies have blamed religious or political leaders.

Those studies have cited lack of access to education, poverty alleviating schemes and higher participation in informal sectors of the economy as the primary reasons.

Perhaps a good reading of such studies are in order for you. Google is your friend when it comes to things like these. There is a wealth of information for those who choose to go down that road. Otherwise you can stick to WhatsApp propaganda and make snide comments, as a means to justify your inherent bias.

RSS is just cashing the reaction of the minority appeasement by Congress
And this thing further aggravated the muslim persecution by rss nazis?
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