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US will deliver 8 advanced F-16 fighter aircraft to Egypt

Question: From what i read on the posts of some members here, it seems that they "want" Egypt to prepare war against Israel. From what I know, the two countries is at peace with each other since the Camp David Accords. I mean seriously guys?

@500 , I need clarification brother. Are there any Is there animosity between the two countries nowadays? Last time I heard you guys are friends now.
Israel - Don't think so.
ISIS - Seems like it!
@500 , I need clarification brother. Are there any Is there animosity between the two countries nowadays? Last time I heard you guys are friends now.
No any animosity nowadays. Even when Morsi was in power relationships were OK.
What the point you get the latest one, without ARMRAAM
Question: From what i read on the posts of some members here, it seems that they "want" Egypt to prepare war against Israel. From what I know, the two countries is at peace with each other since the Camp David Accords. I mean seriously guys?

@500 , I need clarification brother. Are there any Is there animosity between the two countries nowadays? Last time I heard you guys are friends now.
just to defend ourselves and fight terror in the region my friend nothing more
"members" who want Egypt to attack Israel are not Egyptian, you will find most of those "members" are 10,000 miles away from Israel lol.

They keep running their mouth about the relationship between Egypt and Israel and the peace treaty and keep chanting free Palestine! Save the Muslims! shame on Egypt for not attacking Israel! while their own b!tch azz country never fired a bullet for Palestine, they keep asking for war because they're safe away from it, asking for a war which will only end with massive destruction on both sides for no avail.
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Thanks @Wasteland and @Mahmoud_EGY ! I have three officemates here in the Big Apple, one Egyptian (from Alexandria) and two Israelis (from Tel Aviv), and they are good friends. I don't see the "HATE" that some members show here. I find Hany (the Egyptian), quite a nice fellow, warm and accommodating. They are good friends if you ask me. He even invited me to visit him next year! I have to save for that! I'm lookin forward to see some belly dancers hahaha!
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Thanks @Wasteland and @Mahmoud_EGY ! I have three officemates here in the Big Apple, one Egyptian (from Alexandria) and two Israelis (from Tel Aviv), and they are good friends. I don't see the "HATE" that some members show here. I find Hany (the Egyptian), quite nice fellow, ward and accommodating. They are quite good friends if you ask me. He even invited me to visit him next year! I have to save for that! I'm lookin forward to see some belly dancers hahaha!
also sometimes people forget 73 the last war between Egypt and isreal is a long time ago many has changed since then the peace treaty worked and became accepted by all
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