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US wants four ex-ISI officials declared terrorists


Oct 28, 2008
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US wants four ex-ISI officials declared terrorists

Thursday, December 04, 2008

By Ansar Abbasi

ISLAMABAD: The US has given four names of former ISI officials, including Lt-Gen (retd) Hameed Gul, to the UN Security Council to put them on the list of international terrorists.

Government of Pakistan is aware of this move, which is considered here by some as part of an international conspiracy to target the ISI, whose reformation has already been sought by Washington.

The US embassy in Islamabad claims to be completely unaware of this move while the foreign office spokesman also did not come up with any explanation on the matter despite being approached on Tuesday.

However, Lt-Gen (retd) Hameed Gul confirmed to this correspondent that he was included in the list of those four or five former ISI officials whose names had been provided to the UN secretary-general by the US government to be included in the list of international terrorists.

Gul admitted that he had already met the foreign affairs secretary to discuss the issue. A Foreign Office source also told this correspondent that the issue had already been referred to the prime minister’s office but despite the lapse of a few weeks, no decision had been taken by the government so far. It is not clear whether or not Islamabad wants to pursue intense lobbying to stop this thing to happen.

A diplomatic source in Washington, however, told this correspondent that it would not be easy for the United States to get all these names enlisted in the list of terrorists because it would require the consent of the all the five permanent members of the Security Council.

Foreign Office spokesman Muhammad Sadiq was contacted on Tuesday to give its response on the matter but The News has not heard anything from his side till the filing of this report on Wednesday night. Off the cuff, Sadiq said he had heard or read about this but was not sure about the case.

The Pakistan embassy in Washington is not in the know of this move. Pak envoy to US Hussain Haqqani, when contacted, said he had no comment to offer as no such thing was routed through the Pakistani embassy.

However, another diplomatic source there confided to this correspondent that the US State Department had formally conveyed to the UN Security Council four to five names of former ISI officials, including Lt-Gen (retd) Hamid Gul, for inclusion in the list of international terrorists under Resolution 1267 of the Security Council.

In such a situation, those enlisted in this list of bad guys will be prevented from travelling outside the country of their residence while their assets would also be monitored and even frozen at times.

Lou Fintor, the US embassy spokesman, when contacted also said the embassy did not know anything about this. He said if this was true, then such a thing would have been dealt by the State Department and taken up directly with the UN there in Washington.

Lt-Gen (retd) Hameed Gul, however, admitted that he was aware of the move but was not sure if the prime minister had taken a decision on the issue. Believing that this is a move to target the ISI, he warned if the government of Pakistan did not protect him and others on the recommended list of terrorists, he would directly write to the UN secretary-general.

He said the government should immediately move to protect the ISI from this indirect attack from Washington. He said the United States and some other Western nations were against him for the simple reason that he did not support their war on terror which, he said, was based on Washington’s greed for energy.

He said the US and its allies in the war on terror had turned the world upside down and had made it far more dangerous than what it was before. He volunteered to present himself before any neutral enquiry commission. He said he also had the option to go to the country’s court of law but hastily added that he did not have trust in Pakistan’s judiciary.

When asked how he had come to know about this, he said, he was informed of this by a highly responsible person, who had personally seen the written US request. He hoped the government would not show callousness towards its own individuals and institutions like the ISI which, he admitted, was the first line of the country’s defence. Therefore, he must be protected from any external onslaught.
US wants four ex-ISI officials declared terrorists

Thursday, December 04, 2008

By Ansar Abbasi

ISLAMABAD: The US has given four names of former ISI officials, including Lt-Gen (retd) Hameed Gul, to the UN Security Council to put them on the list of international terrorists.

Government of Pakistan is aware of this move, which is considered here by some as part of an international conspiracy to target the ISI, whose reformation has already been sought by Washington.

The US embassy in Islamabad claims to be completely unaware of this move while the foreign office spokesman also did not come up with any explanation on the matter despite being approached on Tuesday.

However, Lt-Gen (retd) Hameed Gul confirmed to this correspondent that he was included in the list of those four or five former ISI officials whose names had been provided to the UN secretary-general by the US government to be included in the list of international terrorists.

Gul admitted that he had already met the foreign affairs secretary to discuss the issue. A Foreign Office source also told this correspondent that the issue had already been referred to the prime minister’s office but despite the lapse of a few weeks, no decision had been taken by the government so far. It is not clear whether or not Islamabad wants to pursue intense lobbying to stop this thing to happen.

A diplomatic source in Washington, however, told this correspondent that it would not be easy for the United States to get all these names enlisted in the list of terrorists because it would require the consent of the all the five permanent members of the Security Council.

Foreign Office spokesman Muhammad Sadiq was contacted on Tuesday to give its response on the matter but The News has not heard anything from his side till the filing of this report on Wednesday night. Off the cuff, Sadiq said he had heard or read about this but was not sure about the case.

The Pakistan embassy in Washington is not in the know of this move. Pak envoy to US Hussain Haqqani, when contacted, said he had no comment to offer as no such thing was routed through the Pakistani embassy.

However, another diplomatic source there confided to this correspondent that the US State Department had formally conveyed to the UN Security Council four to five names of former ISI officials, including Lt-Gen (retd) Hamid Gul, for inclusion in the list of international terrorists under Resolution 1267 of the Security Council.

In such a situation, those enlisted in this list of bad guys will be prevented from travelling outside the country of their residence while their assets would also be monitored and even frozen at times.

Lou Fintor, the US embassy spokesman, when contacted also said the embassy did not know anything about this. He said if this was true, then such a thing would have been dealt by the State Department and taken up directly with the UN there in Washington.

Lt-Gen (retd) Hameed Gul, however, admitted that he was aware of the move but was not sure if the prime minister had taken a decision on the issue. Believing that this is a move to target the ISI, he warned if the government of Pakistan did not protect him and others on the recommended list of terrorists, he would directly write to the UN secretary-general.

He said the government should immediately move to protect the ISI from this indirect attack from Washington. He said the United States and some other Western nations were against him for the simple reason that he did not support their war on terror which, he said, was based on Washington’s greed for energy.

He said the US and its allies in the war on terror had turned the world upside down and had made it far more dangerous than what it was before. He volunteered to present himself before any neutral enquiry commission. He said he also had the option to go to the country’s court of law but hastily added that he did not have trust in Pakistan’s judiciary.

When asked how he had come to know about this, he said, he was informed of this by a highly responsible person, who had personally seen the written US request. He hoped the government would not show callousness towards its own individuals and institutions like the ISI which, he admitted, was the first line of the country’s defence. Therefore, he must be protected from any external onslaught.

CIA is the greatest terrorist organization and Pakistan can easily get evidence of that from Moscow. If ISI is going to be charged why should Pakistan let go CIA and its heads untouched ?
and wat about RAW and Mossad busy in Balauchistan!!! they hve got some evidence!!
Not a big fan of Hameed Gul, but he did do a lot of our dirty work. It's never going to happen. They have worked with him and they know him, he knows them. I bet they want him out of commission for this very reason.

Hameed Gul isn't involved in any activities now. At most he bitches about Pakistan all the time and bitches about America too. It's a free country, let him speak.
usa has just declared 4 ISI officials terrorists

Pakistan should declare WHOLE of the CIA force as terrorists

That is the correct attitude under these circumstances but unfortunately the Pakistani politicians and the generals are in the pockets of so-called ally of Pakistan. Some people are being paid by dollar just to remain quiet and that's why we do not see this kind of steps taken by the Pakistani side.
Hameed Gul is in loop with Al Qaeda: US secret document
Sunday, December 07, 2008

ISLAMABAD: A US secret document has declared ISI former chief, General Hameed Gul maintaining links with the Taliban and Al Qaeda network besides being involved in arranging financial assistance to them.

The two-page unsigned document had already been provided to the government. Sources on the condition of anonymity told that Hameed Gul has been blamed for arranging financial assistance to the criminal groups operating in Kabul beside he has been involved in recruiting the youths from seminaries and giving them training in subversion, who allegedly launch assaults on the Allied Forces with high-tech weapons.

Hameed Gul is one of the five former ISI officials, whose names Washington has recommended to the UN Security Council for their inclusion in the list of international terrorists. Earlier, US government Deputy spokesperson had denied sending any such list to the UN, while Hameed Gul has termed this report ridiculous. :angry:

Though I personally do not agree with Gen Hamid Gul Views, but as far as the US concerens, and how US adminstration project such issue, showing their injustice and bias attitude, by hiding he facts. They talk about soem secrate documents, they may be right but their are lot of live evidences and documents proving that the CIA/USA is only reponsible and promoter of the current global situation, including radicalism of so called Islamists.

Why dont US arrnage trial on the following designators main responsible to run the show and even they are few of those of USA adminstration /CIA who reinforced the Pakistan during covert activities against USSR:

Robert Gates, who held the position of deputy CIA Director at the height of the Soviet Afghan war, US intelligence was directly involved from the outset, prior to the Soviet invasion, in channeling aid to establish Madarssa's netwrok and text books containing exploiting materials to boost the Islamic brigades, against Soveit union. Check the following link for further info:'Blowback,' the Prequel

Richard Armitage, During the Reagan era, he held the position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy. In this capacity, he played a key role in the implementation of NSDD 163 while also enforcing liaison with the Pakistani military and intelligence apparatus.

Paul Wolfowitz was at the State Department in charge of a foreign policy team composed, among others, of Lewis Libby, Francis Fukuyama and Zalmay Khalilzad.

And Ultimately why not UN take action against Former US "President Ronald Reagan" who issued National Security Decision Directive 166 (NSDD 166), which authorized "stepped-up covert military & financial aid to the Mujahideen" as well a support to religious indoctrination. He had good connections with US's established Alqaida /Talibaan leader as we can see the following picture( and even CIA is still not having connections but supervising and using Talibaans as their own accord.)
I think, sooner rather than later, Hamid Gul and his sympathisers would be made into a CIA/RAW/MOSSAD target. If you play with fire, you are bound to get burnt !! Good luck guys:usflag:
This Hamid Gul is particularly vitriolic. Not sure what he up to now to get into the US cross hairs.
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I somewhat agree.He should shut the **** up instead of giving interviews and talking about jihad

I think Hamid gul has been used in his ignorance when he facilitated anti Mushrraf alliance of traitors and now he will be dispensed like toilet paper.
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Gen Hamid Gul is a bigot and a fundamentalist. His policies have hurt Pakistan’s interest in Afghanistan thru his blind trust in Gulbuddin Hikmatyar who was a fickle ally at best. According to Gen Nasir ullah Babur, Hamid Gul was fired as Head of ISI for incompetence. All that said and done, IMO despite his past close links with Afghan organizations and his anti US and pro MMA stance; Hamid Gul is not a terrorist. He is simply a misguided sectarian and ethnic bigot.
WASHINGTON, Dec 7: The United States has not asked Pakistan to hand over former ISI chief Hameed Gul to India, US and diplomatic sources told Dawn on Sunday.
WASHINGTON, Dec 7: The United States has not asked Pakistan to hand over former ISI chief Hameed Gul to India, US and diplomatic sources told Dawn on Sunday.

But Did India ask for Hameed Gul ? I believe not.
From the Long War Journal:

Former ISI chief linked to banned al Qaeda WMD advisory group

By Bill Roggio
December 8, 2008 2:06 AM

A former leader of Pakistan's Inter-Service Intelligence agency has been implicated as serving on the board of a proscribed non-governmental organization that advised al Qaeda and the Taliban on the development of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons.

Lieutenant General (Retired) Hamid Gul served on the board of the Umma Tameer-E-Nau, an organization founded by Pakistani nuclear scientists and industrialists, according to a secret dossier that the United States has put together to present to the United Nations Security Council, The News reported. Gul has also been implicated in supporting the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban, the Haqqani Network, al Qaeda, and other extremist groups.

The Umma Tameer-E-Nau "was founded by Pakistani nuclear scientists with close ties to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban," the US government stated in December 2001 after blocking the group's finances under Executive Order 13224. Three of the group's directors - two Pakistani nuclear scientists and an industrialist - were also proscribed under the executive order.

Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood, the group's founder, served as Pakistan's Director for Nuclear Power at the Pakistani Atomic Energy Commission. He also directed the Khushab nuclear plant which produces plutonium for Pakistan's nuclear weapons program. Abdul Majeed, a board member, was a senior official at the Pakistani Atomic Energy Commission.

US charges against Gul

The US government claims Gul "maintained extensive contacts over the years with Taliban and al Qaeda operatives located in Pakistan, providing financial support and encouragement to these groups," The News reported. He has provided "general, over-arching guidance to the Taliban leadership on operational activities in Afghanistan."

Gul has maintained direct contact with the Pakistani Taliban and Baitullah Mehsud, the group’s leader, as well as with Siraj Haqqani, the powerful warlord in North Waziristan and eastern Afghanistan.

According to the report, Gul has helped with "spotting, assessing, and recruiting young men from various Pakistani Madrassas for training in eventual attacks against US-led coalition forces in Afghanistan." He also helped establish terror training camps and appointed the leader of one of the camps.

Gul also is involved with financing a "Kabul-based criminal group" that kidnapped foreigners and "sold weapons and explosives to the Taliban and acted as travel facilitators for Taliban members in Afghanistan." The criminal group is the notorious D-Company, the mafia-terror outfit run by wanted South Asian don Dawood Ibrahim, a senior US military intelligence official told The Long War Journal.

US targets Pakistan's shadow command

In the wake of the Nov. 26 Mumbai, India terror siege, the US has stepped up the pressure on the Pakistani government to urge the military and intelligence services of al Qaeda and Taliban supporters and sympathizers. The Indian government and US officials have directly implicated the ISI and military-backed Lashkar-e-Taiba as being behind the 62 hour-long-assault by a team of trained terrorists that shut down India's financial hub.

Late last week, news that the US is planning to approach the United Nations Security Council to have several senior ISI and military leaders added to the UN list of terrorists. The move would block their internationals finances as well as add them to INTERPOL's list of wanted individuals.

Included on the list of former Pakistani intelligence officers being submitted to the UNSC are former ISI officials Hamid Gul, Javid Nasir, and Zahirul Islam Abbasi, as well as Aslam Beg, a senior Army officer. The US is also considering adding Khalid Khawaja, a former Squadron Commander in the Air Force, and Brigadier Ijaz Shah, the former Director of Intelligence Bureau. Khawaja has aided al Qaeda members that sheltered in Pakistan after the fall of the Taliban in 2002, while Shah has been implicated in the death of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

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