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US to rely on India if Afghan supply route is not opened: official

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My prediction ;)

1)Either using russia (by negotiating missile defense,i already posted thread few days back)

2)By tapping with iran(Through under table negotiation and lifting of sanctions)

3)India can surely go to a-stan through iran..;)

pakistanis have to see a lot of things in 2-3 years;)

But my 1st point is very much likely as russia has offered their bases..
I doubt if India would like to get involved in it. USA is on the verge of pulling out and India helping a defeating force wouldn't earn it any strength.

No I think they will try. They would love to be proxy of America. they already have several consulates in Afghanistan.

My prediction ;)

1)Either using russia (by negotiating missile defense,i already posted thread few days back)


negotiating missile defense is not that easy they have been attempting to for some time. In any event its more costly. Cost is one of the reasons Americans are pulling out of this futile war

My prediction ;)

2)By tapping with iran(Through under table negotiation and lifting of sanctions)

3)India can surely go to a-stan through iran..;)


Yea rite you Indians crack me up some time. Iran will never allow American interests or American proxys routes so Americans can keep an eye on them. Are you that slow. Iranians hate American govt as much as we do.
U.S is ready to give or have already given missile codes of the missile shield on russian concerns;)

so game is out from pakistan hands and u will see with in 2 yrs:D
I fear you are probably wrong. Nothing has changed.


They crooks are simply holding out for a bigger bribe.

I hear what you have to say. Even I am surprised at the resiliance of Pakistan on this occasion. But it can only be because of the scenario I have postulated. Lets not knock it and or them until it happens. I also think that India being allowed a proxy role in Afghanistan is a red line for us or should be.
U.S is ready to give or have already given missile codes of the missile shield on russian concerns;)

so game is out from pakistan hands and u will see with in 2 yrs:D
Yeah - Game will be out of Pakistani Hands the day Indian Diplomats can roam freely in Afghanistan without any security.Remember how well it worked for your embassy in Afghanistan.It will be a cold day in hell when Iran allows US Military supplies to go through it's ports.The Israelis will ensure that Iranians and American Relations does not normalize.
U.S is ready to give or have already given missile codes of the missile shield on russian concerns;)

so game is out from pakistan hands and u will see with in 2 yrs:D

In your desperation to knock Pakistan and ingratiate yourself with white masters you will speculate to the nth degree. Do you not know that Putin and America's plans for the silk road clash?? Don't you remember what happened at the regional conference in Turkey about Afghanistan where America suggested their version of the future. Russians, Chinese, Iranians and Pakistan registered disapproval and even your govt kept quite.
Alright , which geography book did they take the reference from ? :rofl:

We need to make sure that it isn't being sold in Pakistan :)
Yeah - Game will be out of Pakistani Hands the day Indian Diplomats can roam freely in Afghanistan without any security.Remember how well it worked for your embassy in Afghanistan.

oh come on sir!!!!!!!

deal with it;)
oh come on sir!!!!!!!

deal with it;)

It has been. america wants to use India in Afghanistan so its corporations can milk it in building pipelines as opposed to gazprom etc. At the same time contain Iran and China. And make India a proxy. yep neighbourhood will all back that
How exactly Indians are hoping that Iran will assist US in WoT ? :lol:

I mean cm'on , why would they want to dig their own graves ? Just for you ? :azn:

Not for us;)
but for the gas reserves here and oil too;)..they need bases near central asia;)

we dont need u.s to be there..we have iran route:)
Maybe they mean logistics supply chain which India has developed for Northern Aliiance via Tajikistan

What they mean is to Airlift US Equipment from Afghanistan to India and then using Indian ports shipped out of India.

Listen mate/madam the statements you are making are nothing but mere speculation. In two years India may have splintered.. Your speculation is no more than intellectual masturbation. For a country that had to have a curfew in various parts of Indian occupied Punjab in two years you may not only have to deal with Pakistan for routes but Khalistan as well to get to Afghanistan. I know that is speculation but I am doing the same as you here.
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