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US to provide military support to Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan: Gen. Milley

Any suggestions as to what they may be if not military?

China's military is bigger and better than Russia's, so it can very easily fight US and cause damage.
PLA is already engaged with India at LaC. She can't afford open a new front in SCS. I already knew China is giving fake warning to US as Indian forces already breathing on the neck of PLA.
This is the beginning of the story, not the end. China is bound to retaliate.

If the USA can solve inflation and does not have an economic crisis this time, it can be regarded as a win. If the USA enters a long-term economic recession for this reason, it will really lose.
The USA actually wants economic collapse that's the next step food crisis more vaccines control of lithium resources the next push is a global reset before the full transfer of power to Israel and USA doesn't really care if Americans die there are millions of homeless on the streets but American politicians gives billions to the Ukraine and Israel American dollar is dying they been printing and manipulating the market for to long the Chinese and the Russians started trading in their own currency before the covid started that happened right after when the tariffs were being placed on the Chinese products and that didn't work out China was hit with the covid then Iran and than Italy was hit when they decided to become part of One Road One belt initiative SaudiArabia recently announced they would be ok with selling their oil to China for Yuans instead of dollar so the collapse of American dollar is imminent bitcoin has been falling since the China and Russia banned it because it didn't work out as planned😂

PLA is already engaged with India at LaC. She can't afford open a new front in SCS. I already knew China is giving fake warning to US as Indian forces already breathing on the neck of PLA.
LOL no China has you checked in LaC because everyone knows you dont stand a chance against PLA. I wouldn't even call it a front lol fake warnings? I dont recall the Chinese every saying they would stop the visit, so don't count your chickens yet. Only little children like yourself would think that China is incapable of inflicting damage on US forces.
I wish you are not writing this from China. You would be hanged if that's so.
Please dont speak as thought India is a beacon of freedom and free speech. You have a neo-Nazi government who is ethnically cleansing Muslims from its lands simply because they dont wanna worship cow dung.

that's true. **** him
You're blatantly not Chinese and on a troll account from either Israel or Albania.
I wish you are not writing this from China. You would be hanged if that's so.
Xi is the one should be hanged for the embarrassment, I hope he got something big up his sleeves to trun this around or his presidency is finished

You're blatantly not Chinese and on a troll account from either Israel or Albania.
Israel? lmao..I literally wish the Jews to be made into soaps and doormats man
As expected China was merely sable rattling.

Shooting her out of the sky would also be an enormously idiotic move….
LOL no China has you checked in LaC because everyone knows you dont stand a chance against PLA. I wouldn't even call it a front lol fake warnings? I dont recall the Chinese every saying they would stop the visit, so don't count your chickens yet. Only little children like yourself would think that China is incapable of inflicting damage on US forces.
We have seen it Doklam and we are seeing it in Ladhak too. IA is standing firm and strong against PLA. No matter how much bravado you shows in your words while typing, PLA is just looking for escape.
In 2017, PLA got embarrassed in Doklam in the hands of IA and it will be embarrassed in Ladhak too.

On topic- Ask sissy PLA to Show some spine to US.

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