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US to provide military support to Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan: Gen. Milley

I guess there will be massive electronics warfare in East China Sea. If US win, then China radar will be blind.

Nancy Pelosi can land in Taiwan. If China wins, then Chinese warplane will lock on US air targets. US planes will turn back.

Everyone here will never know what is going on.
well...does "the West" even has enough nuclear missiles for both? Regardless of the missiles managed to come through...

Yes, more than enough. At least you admit that neither China or Russia can handle west in a war and go straight to nuke talk.

Btw, I noticed that you aren't living in those utopias... maybe you should put your money on where your mouth is.
This whole thing is somehow fishy and playing out like a wrestling match where the wrestlers are throwing fake punches to wow the audience.

I became suspicious after I saw the video of China launch a fuk load of rockets into waters next to Taiwan AT NIGHT. There's nothing more theatrical than to witness some balls of light streak across the sky on a dark backdrop. In other words China purposely did that at night for the theatrical effects.

I don't think anything will happen over the next few. This Taiwan stunt mainly a bluff agreed to by both USA and China for the public consumption in the USA.

US carriers are so fragile in the face of Chinese missiles, how could they even bring such assets close to China? It mainly because they are bluff accessories, the props in a stage play (aka fake wrestling match between USA and China around Taiwan).

Investors in USA stock markets are given promise of a WAR break out from this event, which will greatly drive up the stock markets world wide should a war actually break out. It's an attempt to sucker people into investments just as the markets are about to collapse this coming Fall/Winter...

This time next week Xi and Biden will be staring directly into the eyes of investors world wide: "You want to make money thru your investments in stocks profitting from us fighting each other and having at each other's throat? Fuk u!!" AND remember, in a wrestling match the ones who make the money from the match are the wrestlers from the entrance fee/TV showing fees not the audience!
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Why this b*tch is so eager to visit Taiwan , is US not tired of putting Ukraine into flames already or they want wars all over the world so their weapons manufacturer can make profit

I wasn't aware that US has invaded Ukraine.

I thought it was Russian who have now lost over 5000 vehicles in there. :sniper:
Haven't we see the tension rise up and died down many times in Past ? American planes often cross into SCS and gets warning from Chinese, I mean at this point its no brainer that nothing will happen, not that I was to see China/America fight a war but if China thinks Taiwan is their land than take it, hell even British went to war thousands of km away for Falkland Island, Taiwan is next door so what is stopping China ? Of course they are scared of world reaction and more importantly not prepared for a full scale War with America and its allies, but question is that will China ever be ? China is progressing fast and so is America, so this gap will remain between them two until one make a daring step to imitate and end this conflict once and for all, Look at Russians, their red lines were crossed and mass gathered their forces, constantly lied about any invasion and they invaded Ukraine and what did NATO do ? they are providing weapons and intel but that's it, as for Taiwan only America can interfere, no other NATO country has enough firepower to cross PLAN into their backyard except USN, now will US sacrifice their own soldiers for Taiwan ? I doubt it, and if the war happen it will be extremely unpopular among both side of political spectrum ,the Gen Z are useless attention seeking teenagers who care more about tiktok trends than actually fighting a war, that too against a military giant like China in their own backyard, yes China will lose many soldiers but their eventually win the war because once the war started, China will make sure that nothing is left for Taiwanese or Americans to defend, they will rise the entire Island to the ground and make sure that the entire country is left in ruins, not just that China will also attack USA bases in the region which in long run will hurt American interest, Imagine if a USA base in Japan is hit by China and Japanese die in the process than who's fault is that ?

In conclusion, I think the visit will go as plan and China will issue warning, maybe try to do something but not as crazy as shooting down a USA speaker, that would mean a War with US, and if that happen even those who hate democrats will join the side of pro war because those right wing who hate democrats and pelosi still are in favor of US supremacy over the world, and killing a high official of US will hurt their ego, so I think nothing going to happen same old rants/warning from both sides and we will be going back to normal by end of this week.
I guess US airforce itself must be contemplating a false flag, to shoot Pelosi down, as one of the option to start a war with China, in order reverse Chinese US trade ties, and to start total sanction of China using the pretext of security,
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I guess US airforce itself must be contemplating a false flag, to shoot Pelosi down, as one of the option to start a war with China, in order reverse Chinese US trade ties, and to start total sanction of China using the pretext of security,

Makes no sense, a war with China would imply the US would need to move to a war time economy and implement defense powers. This would be too big of a war to wage for mere economic outcompeting reasons

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