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US threatens 'overwhelming' response if South Korea attacked

Firstly, yes we can't do anything about North Korea. They are insane.

Secondly, do you see me complaining? :lol:

I would just hate to see one of our largest trading partners (USA) get wiped out by Fat Kim's thermonukes. Like they threaten to do every few months. We earn hundreds of billions in trade surpluses from the USA every single year. Believe me, that matters more to us than anything to do with "Americans" or "North Koreans".

Coulda fooled me.

As if North Korea is capable of beating South Korea in a "conventional" war. :rofl: Why do you think they are in the process of building thermonukes and ICBM's (1960's technology), do you think they need ICBM's to reach South Korea?

Their target was always the USA. North Korean propaganda pictures show American soldiers sawing North Korean babies in half, they hate you more than anything on Earth. Whereas they consider South Koreans to be their unruly family members, unruly but still family.

I could care less what their target is, They are glass if they try it, and I'm confident in our ability to intercept their missiles. I'm piqued at why you are so cavalier about it though. The response to North Korea attempting to nuke the US would most definitely be felt in China, so your country should be more interested in trying to prevent North Korea from doing so. For your own health.

I could care less what their target is, They are glass if they try it, and I'm confident in our ability to intercept their missiles. I'm piqued at why you are so cavalier about it though. The response to North Korea attempting to nuke the US would most definitely be felt in China, so your country should be more interested in trying to prevent North Korea from doing so. For your own health.
He seemingly cannot think beyond one week timespan.

Let us say that Lil Fat Kim (LFK) one day gone whacked enough to actually launch a nuclear ICBM at US and we successfully intercepted it. Even though no destruction occurred on US soil, the American public will not tolerate anything less than equivalent of a retaliation. Any UN resolution be damned. All militaries in the world will immediately go on highest alert. NKR's military will cease to exist and inevitably, the country itself will cease to be a functional state.

There will be chaos in NKR and the Chinese will be forced to make the difficult decision of whether to preserve the Chinese state or admit Korean refugees. I predict the former, which mean the PLA will be ordered to perform mass shootings at the China-NKR border. No matter which decision, Chinese Internet access will be shut down by the Chinese government. The armistice will effectively be over. However, South Koreans will stay where they are. Let China deal with what is nominally North Korea in name, but not in function. China will not want a virtual radioactive province, so over time, the Korean peninsula will reunite under Seoul.

In the end, China loses in face, reputation, and a buffer state.
Hmm North Korea already sunk a South Korean warship, killing hundreds of naval personnel just a few years ago.

Just like the Philippines in 2012, the American "mutual defence treaty" isn't actually worth anything at all.

As for nukes, the North Koreans aren't going to just nuke South Korea, and then sit back and wait for retaliation. They have made it clear hundreds of times that the entire point of their nuclear arsenal is to wipe out America.

South Korea is just a distraction, the North believes that SK is their own territory, why would they nuke it and just sit back for the retaliation? It makes no sense.

If there is one country you do not mess with it is "Uncle Sam". Just ask Saddam how good a noose feels
If there is one country you do not mess with it is "Uncle Sam". Just ask Saddam how good a noose feels

Saddam is a good example of why you should not be "friends" with America, since that is what happens to their friends. Something Duterte figured out quite recently. :lol:
Saddam is a good example of why you should not be "friends" with America, since that is what happens to their friends. Something Duterte figured out quite recently. :lol:

Saddam was never friend of America
He was enemy of an enemy
Coulda fooled me.

I could care less what their target is, They are glass if they try it, and I'm confident in our ability to intercept their missiles. I'm piqued at why you are so cavalier about it though. The response to North Korea attempting to nuke the US would most definitely be felt in China, so your country should be more interested in trying to prevent North Korea from doing so. For your own health.

Seriously, I don't understand what you people are even going on about arguing. Lol
As I already said, Kim North Korean regime serves U.S interests more than any other country in East Asia. It helps U S justify its massive military naval/strategic presence and continous military dominance of East Asia/Asia pacific and helps keep China in check(locked up in first islands chain). Imagine if there was no North Korea threatening to nuke South Korea and Japan every now and then, you think S.Korea and maybe even Japan will have allowed U S military presence in their country? Lol. So China did the U S a favour by saving the KM dynasty regime back in 1950.the U.Scouldt have asked for more.:)
Similarly, imagine there was a crazy north Korea constantly threatening Philippines with nukes, you think the Philippines would have ever dared demand U.S troops to leave their country?
Answer is no.
Every great power always needs a boggy man to maintain its strangle hold on regions it has national interests . North Korea as it, is a perfect one. The U S should maintain the current status quo for as long as possible. It's the Chinese that should be worried and trying to change things. :)
So invading N.Korea shold be a NO NO for the U.S. If anything the U S should be looking at ways to keep Kim dynasty in power. :)
your are the most stupid worm i ever seen i bet thats what your little party brainwashed you to say in the end North korea is going get they shit pushed in

Not surprising that you chose to wiggle out of any actual argument.

When Russia seized Crimea, you guys were all boasting about how Russia would be forced to give it back easily. When China seized Scarborough shoal you guys found a thousand ways to pretend you don't have a Mutual Defence Treaty with the Philippines.

Same when North Korea sunk the South Korean Warship.

Same as when Iran "got to keep" their nuclear program. :cheesy: Those lucky guys!
Seriously, I don't understand what you people are even going on about arguing. Lol
As I already said, Kim North Korean regime serves U.S interests more than any other country in East Asia. It helps U S justify its massive military naval/strategic presence and continous military dominance of East Asia/Asia pacific and helps keep China in check(locked up in first islands chain). Imagine if there was no North Korea threatening to nuke South Korea and Japan every now and then, you think S.Korea and maybe even Japan will have allowed U S military presence in their country? Lol. So China did the U S a favour by saving the KM dynasty regime back in 1950.the U.Scouldt have asked for more.:)
Similarly, imagine there was a crazy north Korea constantly threatening Philippines with nukes, you think the Philippines would have ever dared demand U.S troops to leave their country?
Answer is no.
Every great power always needs a boggy man to maintain its strangle hold on regions it has national interests . North Korea as it, is a perfect one. The U S should maintain the current status quo for as long as possible. It's the Chinese that should be worried and trying to change things. :)
So invading N.Korea shold be a NO NO for the U.S. If anything the U S should be looking at ways to keep Kim dynasty in power. :)

I won't deny that North Korea has been a good reason for US presence, but obviously the calculations are different when its nuclear armed.
I do not need to be 'in-the-know' of inter-states politics to know what you said is absurd. Laughably absurd. And then contradictory in light of you PDF Chinese past responses when many of you insisted that China will always keep NKR as a buffer state.

So which is it ? To keep NKR as a buffer state means you must have the power to keep NKR in check.

You wan to mock US ? Fine, we have no problems with that. We have endured worse and laughed them off. But do not presume to speak for China when what you say China will or will not does not conform to China's public actions.


Militarily speaking, your PLA is just a tad bigger than the North Korean military. Without nuclear weapons, the PLA is indeed that paper tiger.
China and the world won't go down for pos kim....

I bet NK won't last 24 hours.
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