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US Think-Tanks ask Pakistan to sign CTBT without waiting for India

It all depends on what is offered to Pakistan in return for these steps, and how can that be beneficial for Pakistan's national interests. Otherwise, why would Pakistan even consider them?
You and anyone who thinks that it depends on offer from US are very naive and dangerous for Pakistan and i mean it. Its the security of Pakistan especially how things are in middle east in Europe in Pacific. I am shocked at your statement or anyone who thinks like you. Are you a fan of current Govt in power? That could be only other possibility. Believe me if the Govt sign on any deal that compromise security of Pakistan then we Pakistani people wont mind kickin them down into the Arabian sea since all of them are incompetent anyways.
Anyways regarding the N issue well
One: shift declaratory policy from ‘full spectrum’ to ‘strategic’ deterrence.

Two: commit to a recessed deterrence posture and limit production of short-range delivery vehicles and tactical nuclear weapons,” the two think-tanks said.

“Three: Lift Pakistan’s veto on Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty negotiations and reduce or stop fissile material production,” they said.

“Four: Separate civilian and military nuclear facilities.

And finally: Sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty without waiting for India,” they said.

1. NO
2. NO
3. NO
4. Only if we get a full Civilian Nuclear Deal, at least equal to India's, otherwise NO
5. NO, because India might test and Pakistan needs to retain the right to do what its people require

The International Community wont say jack, the when $hit hits the fan between India and Pakistan, What did they offer 1998 if Pakistan didn't test? A Pittance if anything, or symbolic statements that are forgotten as soon a change of government happens in the major world powers

With Tactical Weapons, Pakistan retains the FULL Spectrum, to keep the enemy guessing
Things have changed for Pakistan, we are progressing and in near future we are gonna be very successful.
Now in all this America thinks Pakistan is slipping away as we are engaging Russia ,China and Iran.That is not acceptable for US. Americans know our leaders suck when they are under pressure and that's what they are trying to exploit. They know that all of this crap is completely unacceptable for any country in the world so they are trying to create that environment.
Credit goes to Indian lobby, they have done a great job while Pakistani think tank was masturbating :mad::mad:
Looks like Pakistani think tank was on BHANGG when india was lobbying against Pakistan. I ll declare it the biggest failure of Pakistan's foreign policy in the history of Pakistan ever.Please put competent people in these position at least.
You and anyone who thinks that it depends on offer from US are very naive and dangerous for Pakistan and i mean it. Its the security of Pakistan especially how things are in middle east in Europe in Pacific. I am shocked at your statement or anyone who thinks like you. Are you a fan of current Govt in power? That could be only other possibility. Believe me if the Govt sign on any deal that compromise security of Pakistan then we Pakistani people wont mind kickin them down into the Arabian sea since all of them are incompetent anyways.
Anyways regarding the N issue well

First of all, whatever offer is made or not, it is up to Pakistan to evaluate it and accept it only if suitable, or reject it if not. Quite simple, really. Nobody can force a deal on a nuclear power it does not want. Secondly, it is not entirely up to the government in power, but the real power behind this present facade to approve or deny any such crucial deals.

So you see, there is no need to be shocked at all. It will all work out.
Of Course .We will brag about our hard earned efforts and successes.And at the same time we will also acknowledge our short comings .
Some guys in here tried to compare India and Pakistan .Honestlywe dont like that and so I explained the gap between these two nation.There is no comparison at all.
"Hard earned"

You mean hard borrowed from Russia.
"Hard earned"

You mean hard borrowed from Russia.

Of Course .Hard earned.

Hard borrowing and hard stealing is your expertise noone can beat you in that sector .
Hard borrowing from China including kit ,materials and hard stealing from Armsterdam .
Of Course .Hard earned.

Hard borrowing and hard stealing is your expertise noone can beat you in that sector .
Hard borrowing from China including kit ,materials and hard stealing from Armsterdam .
keep believing the nonsense you spewed.
Should Pakistan ever become a superpower, it will become apparent to everybody. At present, Pakistan is a developing country with limited industrial and power-projection capabilities.

Yes, I am fully aware of the recent economic recession (2008 - 2009). In-fact, USA have experienced several economic recessions in its history. However, it is a resilient nation and manages to bounce back (recover) after each event. Here: History of U.S. Recessions: Causes, Lengths, Stats

Ever heard of economic cycle? It is a concept that every economist should be aware of and we are witnessing it in action: http://thedantogroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/economic_cycle-670x270.jpg

As for additional economic aspects, they are not valid for discussion in this topic, so I will not delve into them. However, I shall make this clear that speculation about US economic collapse is not a new development but getting old. It won't happen until a major chunk of US population becomes irresponsible (plain and simple).

I fully understand how speculation works in the field of economics since I have worked in a bank; it's a fear tactic adopted by some bankers to divert investment from a source to another.

Working in a bank doesn't qualify you what you are explaining to me right there. If you did had worked or you still working in a back than you should have understood what exactly I meant by quantitative easing. Have you been to US lately? Have you seen People out their who are suffering materially and whats the percentage if I may ask? Since the last recession how many US citizens have lost their jobs? Do you have any idea? Here are few examples for you, and please if you are on this forum just to win every single debate just like few other guys than this will be my last reply to you, because none of your answers makes any sense to me. Don't be like those dumb Americans Patriots who despite having a difficult time in their own Country would agree to bomb Russia, China and middle east. Read this post this was published back in 2014 and their is more I can share it with you. I am here on this forum to learn more from every individual who makes sense not just to win debates.
And as you have said earlier, that US has recovered from great recessions all the time as it is a resiliant economy, than here is one example for you, I know you will not read the entire article that's why I am sharing it one of the paragraphs with you.
Quote-"Since the Great Depression, there have been 10 other recessions before this last one. On average, all the jobs lost in those recessions were recovered within two years after the recession started, as reflected in the official historical data, which is well presented on the website of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. But here we are today under President Obama, more than 6 years after the recession started, and we still have not recovered all of the lost jobs!"

After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working

(In July 2015, the Bureau of Economic Analysis released its regular revisions to GDP for the most recent three years and the first quarter of 2015. These revisions changed the pattern of quarterly growth in 2012-2014 and lowered the average annual rate of growth from the fourth quarter of 2011 to the fourth quarter of 2014 from 2.2 percent to 2.0 percent.)
U.S. Economy Teetering on the Brink of Recession - Ep 82

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