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US: the most dangerous nuclear state



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US: the most dangerous nuclear state

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Shireen M Mazari

While much is being made of Pakistan's nuclear assets, facts on the ground reveal the US to be the most dangerous nuclear state in the world with a track record of failed command structures and failed safety systems for its reactors. Without making any value judgements, I want to simply present the data available from public international sources regarding the nuclear track record of the US.

First, and most recent, was the horrifying revelation that a US B52 bomber flew across the US carrying six nuclear-armed cruise missiles which led to a "Bent Spear" alert -- a code for an incident involving live nuclear weapons. Each of these W80 nuclear warheads had the destructive power of 10 Hiroshima bombs. According to the published data, the nukes were "lost" for 36 hours after the plane took off on August 29, 2007, from a base in North Dakota. So while western, including the US, analysts raise the bogey of the possibility of "loose nukes" in Pakistan in an almost hysterical fashion, we already have the reality of loose nukes in the US.

What is even more disturbing about these loose US nukes is the lack of security that seems to surround US nuclear weapons. Apparently, according to reports, the US airmen had replaced official procedures for handling these missiles with an "informally devised plan of their own". Given the extremist and psychologically disturbed personnel within the US military -- remember Abu Ghraib -- and the tendency of the US to bring in the private sector into the management of security, the international community should have some contingency plan to prevent the loose nukes incident being repeated again in the US. The danger is even more acute because religious extremists in the form of born-again Christians actually hold office in that country.

Nor is the nuclear safety problem in the US only related to loose nukes though that is certainly at the top of the threat spectrum. The other serious issue relating to US nuclear safety is of missing fissile and other nuclear-related material -- especially since unlike in Pakistan, in the US the private sector is a major part of the nuclear industry. Even a cursory look at the disappearance of nuclear-related material from US facilities should be enough to show the threat of nuclear terrorism from the US.

For instance, between 1957 and 1965, 100 kilograms of uranium 235 disappeared from a nuclear recycling plant in Apollo, Pennsylvania. This was weapons grade material and enough to produce more than one bomb. The president of the firm was reported to have close ties with Israel, but the mystery of the disappearance of this fissile material was never solved. In fact, US officials showed little reaction to Euratom's report of the missing uranium on the grounds that the material would have to undergo complicated reprocessing to be turned into a weapon. According to a report in Time magazine (April 12, 1976), Israel had operationalized a reprocessing facility in 1969, and had used it to produce a limited number of nuclear weapons.

Nor was this a one-off incident. Again, in 1979, nine kilograms of weapons grade uranium was found missing from a nuclear fuel plant in Erwin, Tennessee. More recently, in July 2004, an inventory of US classified weapons data revealed that four hard disk drives were missing. While two of the drives were subsequently found to have been improperly moved to a different building, the two others' remained unaccounted for.

Then, in October 2006, the BBC reported that the FBI is investigating whether information from a US nuclear weapons laboratory was found in a police drugs search of a New Mexico trailer park. According to police officials, the material and classified information recovered during the search appeared to have come from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Earlier, in August 2006, it had been revealed that the lab had released sensitive nuclear research data by email. Interestingly, in an ABC News report in October 2005, Christopher Steele, the senior safety officer of the US government's nuclear weapons laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico, had stated that he could not vouch for the safety of this facility. According to Steele, the equivalent of 5,000 pounds of plutonium in barrels of radioactive waste was being stored outside the laboratory under a tent. Also, March to April 2005, in New Jersey, a package containing 3.3g of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) was inadvertently disposed of.

Finally, the US has also led the field in nuclear proliferation -- and not simply in the form of US citizens but the state itself, and the beneficiary was primarily Israel. The father of the US atomic bomb was eventually stripped of his security clearance by the US Atomic Energy Commission once his views on the hydrogen bomb production became suspect and his loyalty was suspected because of his alleged links to communist parties and groups.

According to Sir Timothy Garden, a fellow at Indiana University, Israel signed a nuclear cooperation agreement with the US in 1954. Between 1955 and 1966, more than 50 Israeli nuclear specialists completed a probationary period in the largest US scientific institutions. Israel received 6-10 kilograms of uranium a year starting in 1955. The total grew to 40 kilograms by 1966. The US provided Israel with a small nuclear reactor in 1955, which became operational in 1960. In 1958, US spy planes photographed the Dimona complex, but the US Atomic Energy Commission's (AEC) inspections of the Dimona facilities in the late 60s were hampered because of non-cooperation on the part of the Israeli government. In addition to controlling the extent of the inspections as well as the timing, according to Rohan Pearce, Israel constructed false control panels and bricked up corridors to fool AEC teams. As Pearce puts it, "an October 1969 US government memo, reporting on discussions between State Department officials and a representative from the AEC, implied that the US government had no problem with Israel possessing the facilities for building nuclear weapons." The memo made it clear that the US was not prepared to support a real inspections effort.

Despite all these public facts, the US continued to aid and abet Israel's nuclear and military capability. In October 1998, Israel and the US reached an agreement that committed the US to enhancing Israel's "defensive and deterrent capabilities." An agreement reported by the BBC in February 2000 between the two related to cooperation in nuclear and other energy technologies and this agreement allowed Israeli scientists to once again gain access to US nuclear technology. So it is hardly surprising to find that by October 2003 Israeli and US officials admitted that they had collaborated to deploy US-supplied Harpoon cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads in Israel's fleet of Dolphin-class submarines.

Nor is this all. The British and Americans, who have tried to make themselves out as champions against WMD and staked so much on this issue, are themselves in cahoots on WMD build-up and proliferation -- the latter from the US to Britain. And all this is under the legal cover of their 1958 Mutual Defence Agreement which the US Congress has renewed every ten years. The US supplies of WMD to Britain are crucial to Britain's support for US policy and WMD exports to the UK include Trident D5 missiles and nuclear weapons components and technology. For years, Britain has also exploded its nuclear weapons at the Nevada test site in the US.

In September 1994, Greenpeace had released a report documenting the US government's violations of domestic law and international treaty obligations by transferring "sensitive nuclear technology" to Japan. The report, entitled, "The Unlawful Plutonium Alliance", revealed that the US Department of Energy had negotiated an agreement in 1987 which allowed for the transfer of advanced plutonium separation or "reprocessing" technology to Japan.

In the face of this evidence, which is merely a tip of the iceberg, and by its own judgemental standards, the US is clearly the most dangerous nuclear state in the globe.

The writer is director general of the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad. Email: smnews80@hotmail.com

US: the most dangerous nuclear state
i dont see the "news" in this frankly. it's well known.
it's actually precisely because of this that usa goes around killing or murdering millions of innocent lives in afghanistan iraq somalia and elsewhere.
only country today that can militarily match or confront usa or excel it imho is russia.
i dont see the "news" in this frankly. it's well known.

And, I see it as the most underreported news ever seen?
Perfect example how controlled media can also be used to hide ones own shortcomings by highlighting non issues at the same time.

Had any expert analysed the devestation if the subject B52 had met any accident? by chance!

If not than whay not????
All these incidents have been widely reported in the USA media and that is where the writer has picked it from.
All these incidents have been widely reported in the USA media and that is where the writer has picked it from.

Can you please post a link where it is analysed further than a daily news report.
I would still like to know the details how US nukes are protected against accidential ignition or terrorists penetrating in US air or SAMS.
Also the size of devestation any damage to the B52 bomber might have caused.

Vinod if you cannot help me what I'm looking then please refrain from commenting unnecessarily.
I just said that this information has been published in the US media. The writer herself claims to have taken the material from "public international sources" which are mostly US media I believe as I have also read most of these incidents there.

I don't follow the US media much, so can't help you with links erc. But it is inconceivable that it was not analyzed by the media and government there. May be some US members can help you further with that.

The US is the most proactive country in the world. Much more than any asian country, that is why they are where they are. I also rememer reading about corrective actions being taken after some of these incidents.

Pl. notice that I am not posting any opinion here. Just some facts as they are.
S 2,

Given that the US is the most powerful nation in the world, be it militarily or economically, I reckon, it is natural to feel wary of the US.

Epithets like 'dangerous' is essential to shore up the dipping morale. Indian Communists also share this belief.

If the news report is correct, the US is making Japan the most dangerous country in the world.

Is that surmise correct?
Err Japan...Ya know, that country which has not had a millitary capable of offensive action since 1945 by constitutional edict? Who says Japan is a dangerous nation? It could be, they have the technology and money to create a formidable millitary, they however lack the will. They are happy to remain under US protection and save hundreds of Billions of dollars that would be required for the creation of a significant millitary.
I hope that post was not more sarcasm...Ya know how I feel about that, and the rules.
Anywho, the US the most dangerous nuclear armed state? Hmm, it talks about its nuclear screwups, while russia keeps them secret and burn the records when reporters start sniffing around. I could see how someone might get the impression, but no, I think that Russia has had the same number, or more, accidents and mis-haps. France and Japan have also had their fair share of nuclear mishaps involving there massive reprocessing facilities they run in order to offset their lack of raw uranium.
USAF Investigates Warhead Procedures

That took five minutes to find and post. You should be able to do as least as well from our propaganda...errr, media.:lol:

You found nothing more than news reporting, which says nothing about details of security laps that how it really happened.
Did all USAF base was drunk? or there was lapse in security procedures? which are essentially to eliminate human errors.
In either case nukes were certainly not safe enough.

Any way, I never said there was no news but I said it was under reported and never discussed beyond news.

You also prove your point about propaganda when you gave the news a subject of your suitability other wise news describes investigations in one line
‘The Air Combat Command has ordered a command-wide stand down on Sept. 14 to review procedures, officials said’
infect it followed with statement
‘The investigation is expected to take several weeks.’
It clearly means do not expect any more details or briefings about the incident.

Remember the guns disappearing incident in Iraq and than those guns were reported to be sold to terrorists.
It is clear that American nuclear arsenals seriously lack safety control procedures and are being handled by lower rank soldiers.
I believe after this incident US had taken corrective actions but don’t we suppose to know little more than just news report one fine morning and nothing published or discussed in media after.

What I’m interested to know is does Americans think that there aircrafts can not have technical failures or its pilots cannot make any error.
FYI, the plane crew was under the impression that they were carrying dummies and I expect them less care full in handling as compare to when they knew they were handling real nukes.
I also wonder if it is wise to air transport WMD.
As they say ‘err is to human’ and flying machines may also fail in mid air!

I would say this event has been under reported by the international media.
Just imagine hoe international media would respond, if Pakistani nukes have been gone out of there key lock by mistake?
extremist and psychologically disturbed personnel within the US military -- remember Abu Ghraib -- and the tendency of the US to bring in the private sector into the management of security, the international community should have some contingency plan to prevent the loose nukes incident being repeated again in the US. The danger is even more acute because religious extremists in the form of born-again Christians actually hold office in that country.
As I said remember the guns lost in Iraq were sold to terrorists.
Who says there are no extremistrs in US.

The other serious issue relating to US nuclear safety is of missing fissile and other nuclear-related material -- especially since unlike in Pakistan, in the US the private sector is a major part of the nuclear industry. Even a cursory look at the disappearance of nuclear-related material from US facilities should be enough to show the threat of nuclear terrorism from the US.
Wow, I never knew I'm living in such a dangerous world!!!
For instance, between 1957 and 1965, 100 kilograms of uranium 235 disappeared from a nuclear recycling plant in Apollo, Pennsylvania. This was weapons grade material and enough to produce more than one bomb. The president of the firm was reported to have close ties with Israel, but the mystery of the disappearance of this fissile material was never solved. In fact, US officials showed little reaction to Euratom's report of the missing uranium on the grounds that the material would have to undergo complicated reprocessing to be turned into a weapon. According to a report in Time magazine (April 12, 1976), Israel had operationalized a reprocessing facility in 1969, and had used it to produce a limited number of nuclear weapons.
Again, in 1979, nine kilograms of weapons grade uranium was found missing from a nuclear fuel plant in Erwin, Tennessee. More recently, in July 2004, an inventory of US classified weapons data revealed that four hard disk drives were missing. While two of the drives were subsequently found to have been improperly moved to a different building, the two others' remained unaccounted for.
Then, in October 2006, the BBC reported that the FBI is investigating whether information from a US nuclear weapons laboratory was found in a police drugs search of a New Mexico trailer park. According to police officials, the material and classified information recovered during the search appeared to have come from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Earlier, in August 2006, it had been revealed that the lab had released sensitive nuclear research data by email. Interestingly, in an ABC News report in October 2005, Christopher Steele, the senior safety officer of the US government's nuclear weapons laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico, had stated that he could not vouch for the safety of this facility. According to Steele, the equivalent of 5,000 pounds of plutonium in barrels of radioactive waste was being stored outside the laboratory under a tent. Also, March to April 2005, in New Jersey, a package containing 3.3g of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) was inadvertently disposed of.

I believe, threats are percieved from passed experiences. hence in this sense world must be prepared for a new mistake.
And all news about Pakistani nukes falling in hands of Al-Qaeeda is a biased propaganda just becuase Pakistan is an Islamic nation.

In the face of this evidence, which is merely a tip of the iceberg, and by its own judgemental standards, the US is clearly the most dangerous nuclear state in the globe.
Sorry to say guys, looking at the interesting facts above. I assume this research article is also under discussed on this forum, as well.
you are right the mess was much created by them sleves they done lot of mistakes in the past and always put the curtain on it they do every thing for the israel even they are agree to Kill the fellow americans this is the bloody double standard we have in this world if they do any thing wrong they always put it on a side and if we are doing any thing for over surival they are ready to Bomb us ...
USA is worried about other countries having nukes when they were the first/only
country to have used them. Even in the battle of Baghdad USA is reported to have
used a neutron bomb.
The US is the most irresponsible and aggressive nation in the world. Its aggressions and adventures are only matched by Israel. Guantanamo Bay and Abu Gharib speak volumes of its terrible human rights record. It is the only nation which has used nucelar weapon. Nuclear arsenal in the hands of this kind of rogue state is not acceptable, therefore, the US nuclear weapons should be moved to a secure location in Siberia or Moscow.

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