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US supports Indian role in Afghanistan

I'm not sure if india has done any of those but surely you are involved in killing Afghan adults taking out their vital organs and using there kids as sucide bombers in Pakistan.
Since indian involvement drug bussiness has flourished.
Indian is selling arms to terrorists.
On top of this all US aid to Afghanistan is being transfered to indian pockets, in disguise of road construction contracts.
Evil as usual.

If you are educated, you will know who created Taliban and a lot of similar ones around. And against whom ?

There is a saying in india, if you lay traps around everywhere for someone, there is also a chance that you are trapped yourself in it.

Blaming india will have no impact or change of any indian attitude in how we are eager to help afghanistan develop . Talk to some children who has seen the college and seeking jobs outside sending money back to afghanistan, they will tell you the story how valuable the scholarships are.
US does not support India.
Us does not support Indian role in Af. Its a unnecessary complication for them.
US does support monetary and other help in Af from India.
US considers Pakistan a 'Strategic' ally
US does not consider India as a strategic ally.
US considers India a tactical ally
US thinks India eventually wants strategic independence and thus cannot commit to the West on all issues and therefore is not part of their A team
US knows Pakistan is located at the centre of the Great Game ie bordering Af, India, China, Iran, Arabian Sea and close to access to central asia and is key for them
US knows Pakistan uses China as a hedge against US turning anti-Pakistan vis-a-vis India and Nukes

Where is the support for Indian role in Afghanistan? Except in the minds of Indian strategy makers and Indian media (and also Pakistan to extract more from the US and also China)
US wants to get India to buy stuff (i.e. weapons) from it instead of that bazaar of European countries.
Need $$$$$$$$ to pay for the bailouts and s**t !!! LOL
AM, I hope you are reading.

As I said on the other thread, we are living through the early days of Operation Encirclage.

I know it, you know it. As do our respective Generals.

You will have an Indian presence on your Western flank ..... whether you like it or not, whether you protest or not.

And while we keep you busy there, as does your TTP, your Eastern flank will still have us there ..... waiting and watching ..... peacefully.

As I said earlier, post 26/11 we wanted blood.

We will have to make do with lasting peace instead.

As will you.

Cheers, Doc
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