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US shift to India : media explosion. Sept. 28 2016


Oct 27, 2010
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Today upon waking, as I ran through news sources, my attention was grabbed
by google results. For the second day in a row, Pakistan was in the left hand
suggestions list and that with nary a terrorist attack or catastrophe in sight.
My exact thought was : -What gives? Well, I did well to check.
When shifts occur in people, say behaviour changes, they rarely tell others what the problem is.
When shifts occur in nations, like a newfound preference, they always make a big show about it.
It's called propaganda or communications depending on whether you like it or not but it's important.

Today, Wednesday 28 of September 2016, saw just such a push to lean away from Pakistan ...
by the USA no less. The flurry of articles and opinion pieces is noticeable by its breadth of course
but also by its scope & origin.
In the selection below that I collated for you, you'll find all subjects : terror and water dispute, internal
matters of Pakistan like police and a concerted push to make Narenda Modi a superstar of FA. You'll
be able to note that the one positive bit is from an everyday America journalist about a US pastime
while the most critical are by influential outlets.

Primer : decent Indian news.

International agency : Normal Pak. Affairs.

Official US viewpoint :
Both from yesterday.

Also from yesterday :

Note: The author is named Fatah/ it's not the Palestinian party.

Which sets the table for US media.

2 Majors anoint Modi as the new Desi Lancelot :

In both cases, Pakistan is the problem.

The Washington Post voices India's concerns :
... again about bad guy Pakistan, of course.

And the secondary line came in to play ...
... dumb and dirty.

As promised, some things earn you goodwill in the US,
But that's on the alternative media.

I'll let you judge but I recommend a follow-through. It's by noticing little hiccups of
expression like that for years and decades that one finally decodes power moves.

Am I paranoid and/or calling for a frenzied hair pulling/clothes tearing session? NO!
I only wanted to share the process of identifying changes in an ally's behaviour.
There is no greater trap than over-confidence be it in yourself or in others and trust
misplaced is as an open flank on the battleground.

What can I say : "I prefer a trustable enemy than an undependable friend."
You've been warned, check this thing go and great day to all, Tay.

@WAJsal @Indus Falcon @The Eagle @Arsalan and whomever you want to tag.
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Today upon waking, as I ran through news sources, my attention was grabbed
by google results. For the second day in a row, Pakistan was in the left hand
suggestions list and that with nary a terrorist attack or catastrophe in sight.
My exact thought was : -What gives? Well, I did well to check.
When shifts occur in people, say behaviour changes, they rarely tell others what the problem is.
When shifts occur in nations, like a newfound preference, they always make a big show about it.
It's called propaganda or communications depending on whether you like it or not but it's important.

Today, Wednesday 28 of September 2016, saw just such a push to lean away from Pakistan ...
by the USA no less. The flurry of articles and opinion pieces is noticeable by its breadth of course
but also by its scope & origin.
In the selection below that I collated for you, you'll find all subjects : terror and water dispute, internal
matters of Pakistan like police and a concerted push to make Narenda Modi a superstar of FA. You'll
be able to note that the one positive bit is from an everyday America journalist about a US pastime
while the most critical are by influential outlets.

Primer : decent Indian news.

International agency : Normal Pak. Affairs.

Official US viewpoint :
Both from yesterday.

Also from yesterday :

Note: The author is named Fatah/ it's not the Palestinian party.

Which sets the table for US media.

2 Majors anoint Modi as the new Desi Lancelot :

In both cases, Pakistan is the problem.

The Washington Post voices India's concerns :
... again about bad guy Pakistan, of course.

And the secondary line came in to play ...
... dumb and dirty.

As promised, some things earn you goodwill in the US,
But that's on the alternative media.

I'll let you judge but I recommend a follow-through. It's by noticing little hiccups of
expression like that for years and decades that one finally decodes power moves.

Am I paranoid and/or calling for a frenzied hair pulling/clothes tearing session? NO!
I only wanted to share the process of identifying changes in an ally's behaviour.
There is no greater trap than over-confidence be it in yourself or in others and trust
misplaced is as an open flank on the battleground.

What can I say : "I prefer a trustable enemy than an undependable friend."
You've been warned, check this thing go and great day to all, Tay.

@WAJsal @Indus Falcon @The Eagle @Arsalan and whomever you want to tag.

Being democracies, the media is incapable of echoing the actual opinion of the two govts.

The US wants India as a counter to China, but want Pakistan as a counter to India. And they control Pakistan, so they don't want anything upsetting that balance. All three governments know this very well.
Today upon waking, as I ran through news sources, my attention was grabbed
by google results. For the second day in a row, Pakistan was in the left hand
suggestions list and that with nary a terrorist attack or catastrophe in sight.
My exact thought was : -What gives? Well, I did well to check.
When shifts occur in people, say behaviour changes, they rarely tell others what the problem is.
When shifts occur in nations, like a newfound preference, they always make a big show about it.
It's called propaganda or communications depending on whether you like it or not but it's important.

Today, Wednesday 28 of September 2016, saw just such a push to lean away from Pakistan ...
by the USA no less. The flurry of articles and opinion pieces is noticeable by its breadth of course
but also by its scope & origin.
In the selection below that I collated for you, you'll find all subjects : terror and water dispute, internal
matters of Pakistan like police and a concerted push to make Narenda Modi a superstar of FA. You'll
be able to note that the one positive bit is from an everyday America journalist about a US pastime
while the most critical are by influential outlets.

Primer : decent Indian news.

International agency : Normal Pak. Affairs.

Official US viewpoint :
Both from yesterday.

Also from yesterday :

Note: The author is named Fatah/ it's not the Palestinian party.

Which sets the table for US media.

2 Majors anoint Modi as the new Desi Lancelot :

In both cases, Pakistan is the problem.

The Washington Post voices India's concerns :
... again about bad guy Pakistan, of course.

And the secondary line came in to play ...
... dumb and dirty.

As promised, some things earn you goodwill in the US,
But that's on the alternative media.

I'll let you judge but I recommend a follow-through. It's by noticing little hiccups of
expression like that for years and decades that one finally decodes power moves.

Am I paranoid and/or calling for a frenzied hair pulling/clothes tearing session? NO!
I only wanted to share the process of identifying changes in an ally's behaviour.
There is no greater trap than over-confidence be it in yourself or in others and trust
misplaced is as an open flank on the battleground.

What can I say : "I prefer a trustable enemy than an undependable friend."
You've been warned, check this thing go and great day to all, Tay.

@WAJsal @Indus Falcon @The Eagle @Arsalan and whomever you want to tag.

We don't expect anything different from the sources you have quoted. These are sources from countries that are primarily anti-Pakistan and that is no secret. You are right though. It is good to know your enemy. We have to understand their way of thinking and dealing. These accusations and lies are as old as the hills. We have to understand that the change in US attitude in recent years has a complicated background. US friendship and enmity is dictated by their supreme national interests. The Americans ditch and make friends even before an eyelid is closed. The change in US behavior can be attributed to a lot of things. We have to remain vigilant because it is better to have to the US as an enemy as opposed to an ally.
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Today upon waking, as I ran through news sources, my attention was grabbed
by google results. For the second day in a row, Pakistan was in the left hand
suggestions list and that with nary a terrorist attack or catastrophe in sight.
My exact thought was : -What gives? Well, I did well to check.
When shifts occur in people, say behaviour changes, they rarely tell others what the problem is.
When shifts occur in nations, like a newfound preference, they always make a big show about it.
It's called propaganda or communications depending on whether you like it or not but it's important.

Today, Wednesday 28 of September 2016, saw just such a push to lean away from Pakistan ...
by the USA no less. The flurry of articles and opinion pieces is noticeable by its breadth of course
but also by its scope & origin.
In the selection below that I collated for you, you'll find all subjects : terror and water dispute, internal
matters of Pakistan like police and a concerted push to make Narenda Modi a superstar of FA. You'll
be able to note that the one positive bit is from an everyday America journalist about a US pastime
while the most critical are by influential outlets.

Primer : decent Indian news.

International agency : Normal Pak. Affairs.

Official US viewpoint :
Both from yesterday.

Also from yesterday :

Note: The author is named Fatah/ it's not the Palestinian party.

Which sets the table for US media.

2 Majors anoint Modi as the new Desi Lancelot :

In both cases, Pakistan is the problem.

The Washington Post voices India's concerns :
... again about bad guy Pakistan, of course.

And the secondary line came in to play ...
... dumb and dirty.

As promised, some things earn you goodwill in the US,
But that's on the alternative media.

I'll let you judge but I recommend a follow-through. It's by noticing little hiccups of
expression like that for years and decades that one finally decodes power moves.

Am I paranoid and/or calling for a frenzied hair pulling/clothes tearing session? NO!
I only wanted to share the process of identifying changes in an ally's behaviour.
There is no greater trap than over-confidence be it in yourself or in others and trust
misplaced is as an open flank on the battleground.

What can I say : "I prefer a trustable enemy than an undependable friend."
You've been warned, check this thing go and great day to all, Tay.

@WAJsal @Indus Falcon @The Eagle @Arsalan and whomever you want to tag.

It has been same since many many years... How many news article spoken against Pakistan since decades?
India can't to $hit and all your war mongering is only because our government doesn't care about Pakistan. Pakistani government is quietly doing what they do best, borrow money for fail schemes, use the system to stay in power. Nawaz Sharif has no idea how to run the country and he is incompetent with no foreign policies. It's not an army's job to be engaged in Country affairs but unfortunately, we see statements are coming from they Pakistani army about the National action plans, destroying the terrorist, about the agencies who are trying to destabilize Pakistan. Why our government is quite about all this? Why Nawaz Sharif want to give MFN status to India while Indian agencies are involved in Balochistan, they are directly working with Altaf Hussian and MQM London and MQM Pakistan.
Why have we not taken any action against MQM and Altaf Hussian?
Why are we still allowing enemy of the state to give a speech in the assembly against Pakistan?
Why these political parties are still operating in Pakistan who are getting funding from foreign countries and foreign agencies?

Why Pakistani government (both PPP and PMLN govt) allowed provincial government of Balochistan to steal the development money?
Pakistan needs to invest 5 billion dollars annually in Balochistan to improve the economic situation, build Schools, colleges and universities, build small cities, build dams, build roads and highways, create jobs, all of this will reduce the grievances of people of Balochistan and it will improve law and order situation.
Relocated people from Southern Punjab to Balochistan area, move doctors, Engineers, teachers to Balochistan.

See how Chinses develop Tibet by investing money and moving HAN Chinese to Tibet.
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And on the third (/4th) day comes justification :

"Are the days of Indian restraint toward Pakistan over?"
"Until now, India had been careful to avoid doing anything that might spark a military clash with Islamabad."
"Modi had indicated that his government would continue treading with care when it came to its arch regional foe."
"His allies in the Hindu right-wing movement have long advocated tougher action against Muslim Pakistan."
"Something had to be done to convince the Indian public that its government is willing to act tough as well as talk tough.” Michael Kugelman, an analyst at the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C.
“India knows it can count more U.S. support now than would have been the case several years back,” explains Kugelman. “U.S.-India relations are strengthening in a big way, and India knows that Washington will not stand in the way of Indian efforts to take matters into its own hands.”
Which was understood thus in Delhi :
Surgical strikes:
US slams Pakistan for cross-border terror, urge calm and restraint
And that's how perceptions are manipulated.
Now, I'll let everyone ponder whether or not Washington knew of the upcoming attacks
and whether or not that flurry of news pieces was "encouraged" . . .

Good reflexion to the above writers and to all, Tay.
A lot of Indians are working in US/International media and it's actually the indian writers who are spreading negativity about Pakistan in the guise of US/International media.

Today upon waking, as I ran through news sources, my attention was grabbed
by google results. For the second day in a row, Pakistan was in the left hand
suggestions list and that with nary a terrorist attack or catastrophe in sight.
My exact thought was : -What gives? Well, I did well to check.
When shifts occur in people, say behaviour changes, they rarely tell others what the problem is.
When shifts occur in nations, like a newfound preference, they always make a big show about it.
It's called propaganda or communications depending on whether you like it or not but it's important.

Today, Wednesday 28 of September 2016, saw just such a push to lean away from Pakistan ...
by the USA no less. The flurry of articles and opinion pieces is noticeable by its breadth of course
but also by its scope & origin.
In the selection below that I collated for you, you'll find all subjects : terror and water dispute, internal
matters of Pakistan like police and a concerted push to make Narenda Modi a superstar of FA. You'll
be able to note that the one positive bit is from an everyday America journalist about a US pastime
while the most critical are by influential outlets.

Primer : decent Indian news.

International agency : Normal Pak. Affairs.

Official US viewpoint :
Both from yesterday.

Also from yesterday :

Note: The author is named Fatah/ it's not the Palestinian party.

Which sets the table for US media.

2 Majors anoint Modi as the new Desi Lancelot :

In both cases, Pakistan is the problem.

The Washington Post voices India's concerns :
... again about bad guy Pakistan, of course.

And the secondary line came in to play ...
... dumb and dirty.

As promised, some things earn you goodwill in the US,
But that's on the alternative media.

I'll let you judge but I recommend a follow-through. It's by noticing little hiccups of
expression like that for years and decades that one finally decodes power moves.

Am I paranoid and/or calling for a frenzied hair pulling/clothes tearing session? NO!
I only wanted to share the process of identifying changes in an ally's behaviour.
There is no greater trap than over-confidence be it in yourself or in others and trust
misplaced is as an open flank on the battleground.

What can I say : "I prefer a trustable enemy than an undependable friend."
You've been warned, check this thing go and great day to all, Tay.

@WAJsal @Indus Falcon @The Eagle @Arsalan and whomever you want to tag.
India can't to $hit and all your war mongering is only because our government doesn't care about Pakistan. Pakistani government is quietly doing what they do best, borrow money for fail schemes, use the system to stay in power. Nawaz Sharif has no idea how to run the country and he is incompetent with no foreign policies. It's not an army's job to be engaged in Country affairs but unfortunately, we see statements are coming from they Pakistani army about the National action plans, destroying the terrorist, about the agencies who are trying to destabilize Pakistan. Why our government is quite about all this? Why Nawaz Sharif want to give MFN status to India while Indian agencies are involved in Balochistan, they are directly working with Altaf Hussian and MQM London and MQM Pakistan.
Why have we not taken any action against MQM and Altaf Hussian?
Why are we still allowing enemy of the state to give a speech in the assembly against Pakistan?
Why these political parties are still operating in Pakistan who are getting funding from foreign countries and foreign agencies?

Why Pakistani government (both PPP and PMLN govt) allowed provincial government of Balochistan to steal the development money?
Pakistan needs to invest 5 billion dollars annually in Balochistan to improve the economic situation, build Schools, colleges and universities, build small cities, build dams, build roads and highways, create jobs, all of this will reduce the grievances of people of Balochistan and it will improve law and order situation.
Relocated people from Southern Punjab to Balochistan area, move doctors, Engineers, teachers to Balochistan.

See how Chinses develop Tibet by investing money and moving HAN Chinese to Tibet.
Very well said....
None in Top stories and none in world sidebar under same settings as before.

8-) Tay.

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