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US Says UAE Bombed Libya Islamists as Turmoil Deepens

Yes, its called direct involvement. Even if Libya asked for help, UAE just created an enemy among wild jihadists. Next target for terrorist attack is UAE

There is not one type of Jihadist in Libya. In eastern Libya you have the "Operation Dawn" militias which were fighting the Zintan government allied militias for control of Tripoli airport, these militias were targeted by the most recent strikes, compared to other militants in Libya they are considered relatively moderate (so would not be a threat abroad). They are fighting to overthrow the current government and replace it with the previous regime. These forces are mostly based in the west.

Ansar Alsharia are mainly in the east, they are the group that carried out the Benghazi attack and are currently fighting Haftar's militias and government forces/militias. These are the real nasty guys, with ties to IS they have already conducted operations in Egypt. Egypt has reportedly been carrying out strikes in eastern Libya for quite some time.

Lastly you have Alqaeda affiliated groups dotted about Libya, they are no where near as influential or powerful as the former two. However, given what is going on in Syria I would not be surprised if the pick a fight with Ansar Alsharia. Alqaeda is not a new threat to the region and neighbouring nations have been active in or aware of the ongoing war on terror.
How come a nation attacks another nation and still then your Muslim world is silent?
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