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US prepared to snatch Pakistan nukes

World War. Are you kidding me. Who will side with Pakistan, China? You think China would go against it's biggest customer of it's products and destroy all the hardwork and effort [and copying, stealing] it took them to reach at this economic stage for Pakistan.
And no, I am not under the impression that it would be one on one. It would be 28 vs 1. Maybe even 29[India]
In any of this misadventure Pakistan will delightfully empty its load in your backyard +1.
I agree, Pakistan's nukes are well protected, dismantled and spread over different locations with numerous codes and keys.
But to err is human and there are always a lapse in security and infiltration into the security agencies by AQ supporters - how can you discount that fact.

The Soviet era nukes are the easiest to get or so it seems. And there is a black market for these goods from where if I am right - India, Pakistan and China have sourced their initial stockpile of Uranium from.
This is why stringent checks and balances are in place. No single source can be relied upon.
Lol no one even knows how many we have but they planning on grabbing them :azn:

Or as if it is like snatching candy from a baby. They will need more ground forces then they have in the vicinity including all those in Afghanistan. It's not even funny, the idea of somebody grabbing our Nukes!
and we will not wait for that we will use all our missiles before and many of them will be reach Indian cities so India should pray that this thing never happens
US is talking about snatching your missiles and you are talking about nuking india.why o why? and again you people blame indians are obssesed with you people. lolz

Looks like Uncle Sam has officially replaced Lord Krishna as the next Bhagwan of Indians. Too much expectations from it. Poor guys.

No Hindu scriptures doesnt support rebirth of Lord Krishna in kalyug.
O yes, wait wait, one of a holy book says, Prophet Isa is going to take incarnation before Judgement day and will punish sinner ...what wasnt written was .... he will be using drones & nukes for punishing.
This is why stringent checks and balances are in place. No single source can be relied upon.

Good enough, the US was also involved in training and advising in Pakistan on how to safeguard its nukes(if i am right), It also certified that Pakistan's nukes are in safe hands, even India has said the same thing.

So what is the apprehension right now to take away Pakistan's nukes? it's all sysops. The west is building up a case against Pakistan. Don't blame India for this cos we might possibly be the next in line.
It's not the idea that Pakistan has nukes. China is also our enemy and they too have nukes.

It's not about your having nukes. It's about the possibility of terrorists having access to radioactive material in Pakistan.

Your establishment has always had people who have compromised on their duty either for $$ or for sympathy towards the terrorists. Case in point being the PNS Mehran attack and the nuclear-walmart of AQ Khan.

Hamid Mir: You have told us a very important point that these codes cannot be fitted into these weapons after they have been manufactured?
Samar: Yes these codes are fitted at the time of manufacture and it is not possible for anyone to take these weapons somewhere and then use them or detonate them and these weapons cannot be used by anyone who wishes to use them. Their safety is of immense significance and we take great care of this at the time of their manufacture.

Hamid Mir: You said that you also know how to protect these weapons. There is a famous journalist Seymour Hersh who has also written many books, his research articles are published in New Yorker magazine, a few days back he was in Pakistan, here he said that Pakistan’s atomic assets are very unsafe and if religious extremists rebel against the government and declare war or topple the government, they can take these atomic weapons and missiles somewhere else, can this happen?
Samar: No this is impossible, it is just like creating a popular story, it does not happen like this, it is a very serious matter, I will put a nuclear weapon on the road, you can keep it there for 10 months and I guarantee you that no one can use it or detonate it or cause any destruction from it. These weapons cannot be used like this.

Hamid Mir: How is it possible Dr. Sahib, if you put such a weapon on the road and I will give a truck to a suicide bomber who will hit the weapon on the road.
Samar: No, he will only break the nuclear weapon by hitting it but it will not detonate. If an atomic bomb which is fitted onto a missile or an aircraft and if that missile or aircraft is launched and crashes inside your own country, that weapon will not work, the weapon will fall and break but will not detonate. There is a mechanism and procedure for its detonation, first you give it a code, if you throw a weapon on the ground, it will break but a nuclear explosion will not take place, the explosive inside it will explode, but the nuclear reaction that has to take place will not be triggered. It will be just like detonating 100 kg of explosives.

Hamid Mir: So when Mr. Seymour Hersh who is a senior American journalist writes such things, he does not have information or writes only for propaganda?
Samar: I think his designs are only for propaganda and as I said his aims would be to publish a popular story, as there is no science in what he is saying. Weapons don’t work like this.

Have a good read. This is Dr. Samar Mubarakmand.
Lolll...Keep on dreaming Americans and Indians... Americans cant do even an inch abt Pakistani nukes...If they could, they would have done long ago, even before we tested on 28May 1998.. They couldnt even deter Pakistan from testing nukes and here some ppl are having wet dreams, tht after having a highly professional strategic command and control system, in place, America can even think of snatching Pak nukes....As I said, if America could do anything abt Pak nukes, they would have done long ago.Its just part of American psy ops against Pakistan......But .Well, whatever makes u sleep peacefully.....I am amazed at Indians excitement over this dream of Americans snatching Pakistani nukes... Just live with this fact Indians and Americans, tht Pak has nukes...the sooner u accept it, the better....
Hamid Mir: You have told us a very important point that these codes cannot be fitted into these weapons after they have been manufactured?
Samar: Yes these codes are fitted at the time of manufacture and it is not possible for anyone to take these weapons somewhere and then use them or detonate them and these weapons cannot be used by anyone who wishes to use them. Their safety is of immense significance and we take great care of this at the time of their manufacture.

Hamid Mir: You said that you also know how to protect these weapons. There is a famous journalist Seymour Hersh who has also written many books, his research articles are published in New Yorker magazine, a few days back he was in Pakistan, here he said that Pakistan’s atomic assets are very unsafe and if religious extremists rebel against the government and declare war or topple the government, they can take these atomic weapons and missiles somewhere else, can this happen?
Samar: No this is impossible, it is just like creating a popular story, it does not happen like this, it is a very serious matter, I will put a nuclear weapon on the road, you can keep it there for 10 months and I guarantee you that no one can use it or detonate it or cause any destruction from it. These weapons cannot be used like this.

Hamid Mir: How is it possible Dr. Sahib, if you put such a weapon on the road and I will give a truck to a suicide bomber who will hit the weapon on the road.
Samar: No, he will only break the nuclear weapon by hitting it but it will not detonate. If an atomic bomb which is fitted onto a missile or an aircraft and if that missile or aircraft is launched and crashes inside your own country, that weapon will not work, the weapon will fall and break but will not detonate. There is a mechanism and procedure for its detonation, first you give it a code, if you throw a weapon on the ground, it will break but a nuclear explosion will not take place, the explosive inside it will explode, but the nuclear reaction that has to take place will not be triggered. It will be just like detonating 100 kg of explosives.

Hamid Mir: So when Mr. Seymour Hersh who is a senior American journalist writes such things, he does not have information or writes only for propaganda?
Samar: I think his designs are only for propaganda and as I said his aims would be to publish a popular story, as there is no science in what he is saying. Weapons don’t work like this.

Have a good read. This is Dr. Samar Mubarakmand.
LOL. You think we don't know this. I can't believe that journalist was so stupid and ignorant to not know how nuclear reaction works and even more gullible when he was led into believing that nuclear bombs cannot be used by the smarter chaps due to 'codes'.
Question is, how does the US plan to target 200 nukes along with material for another 50 or so..
scattered across 803,940 km² of land??
Same way they target just ONE person in area of 803,940 km² of land(can be more if you include afghanistan).
fellow Indians USA are bit@hing (nuke take over, this and that blah blah)....if they want to bring pakistanis to their knees all they have got to do is put economic sanctions..even china would notbe able to do jack about it coz of the Economic relation it has with USA.......

but if economic sanctions are put on pakistan then its giving invitation to radicals (elements among armed forces, politicos, civillians brain washing mullahs etc etc) to take control of the country (read zia...or zahil:rofl:)...desperate times will push them to desperate measures..so fellow indian birathers and siasters does snatching nuke talk or econmoic sanctions or alienation like somalia will help apna motherland and its children against suicide mentality, false bravado and machismo emenating from humsaya mulk ....... i pucho??????????
Are you a Pakistani or an American?
Don't worry, they have the best Intel agencies in the world. Finding Pakistan's nukes shouldn't be too hard for them.
You have no idea.Even if they can find the storage in one place the nukes are dispersed in alot of places and secondly the problem is not finding them the problem is taking them away with them.You don't fit a nuke in a black hawk!

Using Intel. Duh

Same way they target just ONE person in area of 803,940 km² of land(can be more if you include afghanistan).
200 nukes scattered in the specified area and understandably larger than a single person faced with retaliation from PAF and PA of the utmost level.
not feasible.
How do you know?

May be those who need to know, do know.

On topic, this shouoldn't come as a surprise though. US, which is so sensitive about its security issues would definitely be expected to keep a track of the biggest threat to its security and that biggest threat is neither form Iranian nukes nor from North Korean nukes.

BTW, I'm sure the info about your nukes is not more secretive than that about OBL, eh.

The difference, which apparently is not clear to your limited intelligence, is that ISI provided intel to CIA about the high Value Target at that location. If the world, especially India or Russia, had any intel about Pakistan's Nuclear capability back in 1998, India would not have carried out the Nuclear Tests!

Fact is, nobody know's how many Nukes and in how many different places we have, not even our own Prime Ministers/Presidents.

Before OBL was tapped, the same was thought about his location too.. :)

Not really......CIA could not locate OBL without intel from ISI.
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