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US prepared to snatch Pakistan nukes

if america have balls to take away pakistans nukes or disaram nukes they have already done it it is american day time dream that will not come true
Then you accuse us of having conspiracy theories. No doubt this means CIA were complicit in hiding Osama :rofl:

It doesn't means that the CIA was hiding osama, they let the ISI made him their state guest while they turned their eyes away from this fact. When the time was right they used this killing of osama incident to call back their forces as promised by the president obama. This increased his popularity in USA and might have an effect on his re-election.

if america have balls to take away pakistans nukes or disaram nukes they have already done it it is american day time dream that will not come true

Keep on thumping your chest while the USA kills scores of people in your country by drone strikes, a day might come even this possibility of america intervening in pakistan to take away its nukes might come true just like you never thought that one day you and your brother americans will be on the opposite side.
during this fictional scenario the following may happen:

1.The US sends in SF guys in limited numbers who know hypothetically where each and every warhead is (which is almost impossible), the are able to take out around 60 % at best,
2.THe opn was a night raid, with fierce deployment and the US expeditionary force was either shot down or killed at the site with very few if any going back home
3.Obama now realizing what a shitstorm he just gave birth to tries to salvage some pride and sends in the MEUs (marine expeditionary units) first, followed by an eventual large scale inflow
4.By now it is mid day the next day and the misadventure is all over the news and the military is deployed and a few bombs are detonated somewhere in Balochistan to send off a message. Millions of civilians men flock to the ''civil arming camps'' and others flock to reinforce the army, thousands of militas form all over the country, all internal divides are forgotten sice the **** has hit the fan
5.Spec ops troops are around the remaining sites and all the assets in Afghanistan strike out at any troop movement trying to cross the border and reinforce the MEUs that are bashing it out with the army near the coast and are involved in severe urban conflict in the shore line cities with the people, who once aimed at their own troops are now aiming at the real enemy with rpgs, aks and pretty muck all they can get their hands on
6.Some nukes are armed and others are put on standby to be armed at o moments notice. The war is by now heating up and a few days pass by with many MEU troops killed and many Pakistanis martyred, some of the reinforcements reach from the western border and both sides involve in all out battle.
7.The Indians try and be opportunistic and try to involve from the east but China threatens ( doesnt get involved) and the Indians back off

Now two thing can happen, either the US backs down or boom boom boom the Pakistanis give the US a farewell gift and wipe off all the US bases in the ME, along with tel aviv and major cities of India,

8.Now the US is screwed and so is Pakistan and the US replays Vietnam and Afghanistan in the ensuing LIC which would probably drag on for years and even decades......

My advice to the US dont **** with us we are crazy enough and motivated enough to get screwed and screw you in the process, Allah ho Akbar

Now that sounds scary :D, but I think the US has put the nuke recovery team together in the scenario that there is a major Taliban/ extremist take over of Pakistan in collaboration with a part of a possibly mutineed army section, who are against the establishment and are also aided by a radical part of population. In this scenario the nukes are in danger of falling into the extremists hands, so with the help of the weakened establishment who will find it difficult to act against its own people and some of its own army cadres the US strike group will vacate the nukes. Little too far fetched but that's the scenario where this strike group will be deployed not now.
It doesn't means that the CIA was hiding osama, they let the ISI made him their state guest while they turned their eyes away from this fact. When the time was right they used this killing of osama incident to call back their forces as promised by the president obama. This increased his popularity in USA and might have an effect on his re-election.

:rofl:Mate you are as daft as a bat. This and your last post need to be preserved as daft quotes on pdf for posterity
musharaff already sold off the nukes--while the us may not have physical possession of all parts - the capability is definitely neutralized....

You don't say? Source?
LOL. You think we don't know this. I can't believe that journalist was so stupid and ignorant to not know how nuclear reaction works and even more gullible when he was led into believing that nuclear bombs cannot be used by the smarter chaps due to 'codes'.

If you had read the article properly, a chap named Seymour Hersh put up this theory, and Hamid Mir asked Dr Samar whether this was really true or not.

And the reply was that if he leaves the nuke on the road for 10 months, nothing will happen.
What's an armored brigade with heavy bombers??

To put it simply, I meant tanks on the ground reinforced by heavy bombers.

And yes, I do expect heavy bombers or more specifically stealth bombers to be a part of this raid, more or less.

These facilities are designed to survive sustained nuke strikes in order to preserves second strike capability, a carpet bombing will only cause minor earthquakes, that's all.

Anyway, as it has already been ascertained that I am not an expert in this field, I don't really have too many theories.
SF's and NEST teams backed with SEAD/DEAD ops using whatever means, CM's, B-2's[?], precision bombing and destruction of Pakistani AFB's along with establishing instant air supremacy using F-22[:lol:] and heavy carpet bombing of all the roads connecting the nuclear facilities till the nukes are denuked is what I am gonna go with.

Air supremacy is meaningless in this case, even if it is achieved, you have already started a full scale war. As a US commander, I would worry about the Pakistani push into Afghanistan rather than enjoy my air superiority.

Arguably I may need some lessons in Strategic Defense, but whatever I've had my fill for now.

Learning is what we're all here for.

you reckon we don't move them around? Did even Mush know where all nukes are?

As far as I know, no one person knows the location of all our nukes. The president does not know of their location but is one of the people with the authority to authorise a nuke strike.
Question for the experts:

Do nuclear weapons require replenishment? I know Pu has a long half-life, but is there any need to replenish the pile?

If so, the US could destroy Pakistan's nuclear reactors and start a countdown for effectively denuking Pakistan. Pakistan would really have no recourse -- it is not going to nuke the US in return.

Tritium, used in US hydrogen bombs has a half life of approximately 12.5 years.

Are the nukes and fuel kept separately? So, there could be different fuel batches for one nuke. One fuel batch needs replenishment, the other is then ready.

And do you think they wouldn't take these things into consideration before before attempting such attacks. The'll be months of scouting, planning and recon before they undertake any such attack.
BTW I really liked how you used that stealth helo theory to add muscle to your arguments.
According to you they'll just send a bunch of stealth helos and a handful of SF's to take out your nuclear arsenal.
UH UH. This is just wishful thinking. And Americans are smarter than that.:P

Just so you know, AMericans cannot get their ***** anywhere near Kahuta, and the other nuke facilities.

Sometimes you should try going there and see the measures for yourself!

you reckon we don't move them around? Did even Mush know where all nukes are?

Not even Gen Kidwai knows all the nuke locations!
It doesn't means that the CIA was hiding osama, they let the ISI made him their state guest while they turned their eyes away from this fact. When the time was right they used this killing of osama incident to call back their forces as promised by the president obama. This increased his popularity in USA and might have an effect on his re-election.

Well well well - you learn something new everyday (or perhaps not). I find it a real chuckle that so many of our Indian friends are getting excitable and chest thumping when talking about the safety of our nukes. Calm down boys - they are nice and safe and being polished and are ready for action so you can allow your blood pressures to go back down....jeez ultimate conspiracy theory of the day!!
Good enough, the US was also involved in training and advising in Pakistan on how to safeguard its nukes(if i am right), It also certified that Pakistan's nukes are in safe hands, even India has said the same thing.

So what is the apprehension right now to take away Pakistan's nukes? it's all sysops. The west is building up a case against Pakistan. Don't blame India for this cos we might possibly be the next in line.
If only Asian countries could learn to unite....

People of subcontinent have never learned from history. Time and again, foreigners have exploited the internal differences of this region.
If only Asian countries could learn to unite....

People of subcontinent have never learned from history. Time and again, foreigners have exploited the internal differences of this region.

nice thought :tup:
It doesn't means that the CIA was hiding osama, they let the ISI made him their state guest while they turned their eyes away from this fact. When the time was right they used this killing of osama incident to call back their forces as promised by the president obama. This increased his popularity in USA and might have an effect on his re-election.

Keep on thumping your chest while the USA kills scores of people in your country by drone strikes, a day might come even this possibility of america intervening in pakistan to take away its nukes might come true just like you never thought that one day you and your brother americans will be on the opposite side.

State guest!! Man that guy was hiding. He was living in pathetic conditions. ISI or Pakistan had nothing to gain from hiding him. US wanted a trophy of war and they had him. Osama by that time was useless figure head of Al-Qaida, a CIA invention.
Lolll...Keep on dreaming Americans and Indians... Americans cant do even an inch abt Pakistani nukes...If they could, they would have done long ago, even before we tested on 28May 1998.. They couldnt even deter Pakistan from testing nukes and here some ppl are having wet dreams, tht after having a highly professional strategic command and control system, in place, America can even think of snatching Pak nukes....As I said, if America could do anything abt Pak nukes, they would have done long ago.Its just part of American psy ops against Pakistan......But .Well, whatever makes u sleep peacefully.....I am amazed at Indians excitement over this dream of Americans snatching Pakistani nukes... Just live with this fact Indians and Americans, tht Pak has nukes...the sooner u accept it, the better....
Do not confuse capability with will.

Question is, how does the US plan to target 200 nukes along with material for another 50 or so..
scattered across 803,940 km² of land??
Welcome to the 21st century of warfare.

Please take your time in understanding all facets of modern technologies.

You have no idea.Even if they can find the storage in one place the nukes are dispersed in alot of places and secondly the problem is not finding them the problem is taking them away with them.You don't fit a nuke in a black hawk!
Cargo planes?

200 nukes scattered in the specified area and understandably larger than a single person faced with retaliation from PAF and PA of the utmost level.
not feasible.
ONP was smaller in scope accordingly as well.

The difference, which apparently is not clear to your limited intelligence, is that ISI provided intel to CIA about the high Value Target at that location. If the world, especially India or Russia, had any intel about Pakistan's Nuclear capability back in 1998, India would not have carried out the Nuclear Tests!

Fact is, nobody know's how many Nukes and in how many different places we have, not even our own Prime Ministers/Presidents.

Not really......CIA could not locate OBL without intel from ISI.
ISI did not revealed that where OBL was hiding. ISI itself did not knew this. CIA picked up from a single clue given by ISI and finished the job unilaterally.

This is old news (MSNBC: 3 Aug 2011).

Open Channel - US prepares for worst-case scenario with Pakistan nukes

“It’s safe to assume that planning for the worst-case scenario regarding Pakistan nukes has ready taken place inside the U.S. government,” said Roger Cressey, former deputy director of counterterrorism in the Clinton and Bush White House and an NBC News consultant. “This issue remains one of the highest priorities of the U.S. intelligence community ... and the White House.”

What's interesting here is the silence from the vociferous Pakistani liberals who always dismiss these claims as mullah-inspired conspiracy theories. Perhaps Nadeem Paracha is too busy smoking grass to bother responding to these reports.

Secondly, all this talk of terrorist access to nukes is a furphy. The Pentagon knows full well that there is zero chance of nukes falling into terrorist hands. The terrorist angle is only a cover story for the American desire to denuke Pakistan as a matter of policy.
This is actually one of the contingency plans of USA. We should not be surprised.

Who knows? US might have similar contingency plan for India as well...........

are nukes somebody lunch box you could snatch them and run away..first of all it would take considerable effort to locate them in all corners of the country. Then to enter the facilities and the challenging logistics of taking hundreds of nukes weighting a few hundred KG each...not at all a snatch and run operation but obama is just trying to fool the world.
Most likely neutralization is the objective.

Thats one person.. undefended..
These are 200 items or more.. pretty well defended.
A slight difference.
US will commit resources accordingly.
Do not confuse capability with will.

Welcome to the 21st century of warfare.

Please take your time in understanding all facets of modern technologies.

Cargo planes?

ONP was smaller in scope accordingly as well.

ISI did not revealed that where OBL was hiding. ISI itself did not knew this. CIA picked up from a single clue given by ISI and finished the job unilaterally.

This is actually one of the contingency plans of USA. We should not be surprised.

Who knows? US might have similar contingency plan for India as well...........

Most likely neutralization is the objective.

US will commit resources accordingly.

Looking at your posts we might as well give them our nukes and ask them if they want anything else lol

If Pakistan and Pakistanis had listened to people like you we would never have got the nukes
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