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US military trainers may return to Pakistan under new deal

They're trainers for heaven's sake. Not some bunch of James Bonds that are coming to seize your military. What was the point of kicking out trainers behind Raymond Davis' case?

May be because they were as trainers as Raymond Davis was a diplomat. ;)
Pakistani are not Afghans or Iraqi's they knew the how to Fight after all we are 7th largest and best army in the world.
I too hope I am wrong but we all know better, we have been lied to by this uniformed bunch so many times that it makes us cautious.

Muse I know you are often critical of our miltary and I am sure sometimes it is justified but look at the alternative- Zardari types
more trainers into Pakistan means more bloodshed in our country,,,,i dont know who is allowing them in
They're trainers for heaven's sake. Not some bunch of James Bonds that are coming to seize your military. What was the point of kicking out trainers behind Raymond Davis' case?

Either you are very naive and have a very low IQ or you are being disingenous. Which one is it ?

If they are only " Trainers " then why is US Administration twisting Pak govt. arm to let them in. In a normal world , If I am benefitting someone and they don't want my help, I would walk away and not pressurize them to accept my help. The US stance that either you let our hundreds of trainers in to " Help " your people or we will not give you money, makes you question as to what is the real motivation.

They are not just trainers. Once they are in, they have the ability to pursue other covert operations within Pakistan ( both electronic and field covert operations ). Which is why the US govt. so keen to get these guys in Pakistan.

Capisch ?

We should talk on border security matters from Afghanistan side rather than wellcome back in our country. At this moment same balance of relation can be achive by US/NATO forces operation in nuristan, Kunar & Badakhshan.
I told before... Pakistan kiliye sab say bara khatra uske military he harkatain hain! now look once again! what they are doing!
I told before... Pakistan kiliye sab say bara khatra uske military he harkatain hain! now look once again! what they are doing!

4 din ka drama tha ISI ARMY ka after usama killing they told to masters pull every thing back for few days when our stupid public will forget in few days we will again give you every thing .lolz
sallam amerca hazoor


now you will ask aid?

what else you can give us my lord? yes i look for aid

then bring back CIA FBI BLACK WATER wings there pakistan first

wait i talk to puppet no-3

i am confused to take or leave

ok done i can't sleep without it

both of you make it 50-50 ok and we will give shear of zardari and gellani ppp seprate in civil aid you understand ? YEEEEEEES SIRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
The suicide bombings have stopped for the moment unlike previously when we heard atleast one suicide bombing a day..
All this changed after the (suicide bomber) trainers were thrown out of the country..
Now they come back and i bet any amount of money ..immediately after that the spree of suicide bombings will restart..
Why the GOP is so willing to kill people of pakistan?
Its alright people, Pakistan are just letting their masters into their country, after all they are giving them money and aid.
I remember the news that Gaddafi son captured by rebels and international court of justice confirmed his arrest but the next day the whole media was engulfed by his video out in public in tripoli.after this international court of justice reputation is a mere 0 zero.so concluding this scenerio media is now a propaganda machine and proved .

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