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US military shepherds humanitarian aid to Pakistan


Jan 24, 2008
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WASHINGTON: Two Air Force C-17 Globemaster IIIs have begun delivering humanitarian aid to internally displaced people in Pakistan's northwestern provinces, the chief U.S. defense representative said May 20.

For Navy Rear Adm. Michael A. Lefevre, who works out of the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, the humanitarian effort to help the estimated 2 million Pakistanis displaced by the fighting against the Taliban brings a sense of déjà vu: the admiral headed the U.S. relief effort after an earthquake in Pakistan killed 73,000 people, injured 100,000 others and displaced more than 3.5 million Pakistanis in 2005.

The U.S. government has pledged $110 million to the relief effort. Pakistani forces are battling Taliban insurgents and other terror groups in the Pakistan's federally administered tribal areas and in the Swat Valley, Buner and Dir areas. The Taliban have used the region as safe havens to plan operations against the government in Islamabad and against coalition and Afghan forces in neighboring Afghanistan.

The C-17s were sent in response to a specific request from the Pakistani government, Admiral Lefevre said. The initial request was for air-conditioned tents, water trucks and food. The C-17s brought in 40,000 packaged meals that conform to Islamic dietary requirements and 25 large tents. U.S. funds will buy water trucks, air conditioners and generators locally.

The C-17s delivered the supplies from U.S. stocks pre-positioned in Kuwait.

"The tents are key to the area," Admiral Lefevre said during a telephone news conference with Pentagon reporters. "Already it's 100 degrees here. It's very hot and steamy." The admiral said plans call for setting up tents to handle medical cases and another to treat those with heat stroke and other heat-related problems.

Roughly 200,000 to 250,000 people are in the refugee camps; the vast majority of those displaced by the fighting are living with relatives. Pakistani officials estimate that at least that many people will be in the camps through the end of the year. Overall, the number of refugees is expected to hit 2 million as the fighting approaches Mingoara, the chief city in the Swat Valley. This should happen in the next week to 10 days, Admiral Lefevre said.

Once the fighting is over, rehabilitation and rebuilding must take place, and the U.S. government will aid in that if asked, the admiral said.

Three C-17 flights are delivering 125,000 meals and 50 tents. Though plans now don't call for it, sealift support is available if needed, the admiral said.
this is gud. we need this kind of help. money goes to the pocket of our elite...
thanks US
Yeah, i am sure more people will be pro america if America gives this kind of aid.:usflag:
PS: As soon as WOT is over Pakistan should develop it's own economy instead of asking US for aid!!
That's the key to success! It reminds me of Earthquake in Pakistan where US helped us in many ways and they had public support. That is the way to win the hearts and minds. :pakistan::usflag:
No matter how much we abuse the Americans, they're always the first ones to assist our people in need. I remember back in 2004 when a deadly earthquake hit the northern areas of Pakistan, America was the first nation to come to our help with their Chinooks, UH-60 blackhawks for SAR and aid delivery missions, and a lot of fixed wing air crafts crammed with humanitarian aid.

Your efforts wouldn't go unappreciated, United States.

Pak army had to execute such operation and 2 million people displaced all because of US/india helping these insurgent group inside Pakistan. Even there are some evidence came to light that indians are fighting Pak army and people in Swat valley and else where in NW province.

I am really surprise to see that these facts are lost on the news of receiving US aid. I just don't see see how shooting first and then sending help could be called "help"??? In final analysis it is because of indo-US crusade Pakistani people are suffering otherwise Swat valley and surrounding region was most beautiful and peaceful for ages.

Indians Fighting In Swat - PakNationalists | Google Groups
should we take money from US or from anybody for killing our muslim brothers ?
well this is a problem of PAKISTAN and PAKISTANIS should handle it....not take aid from the US....however i guess most pakistanis have got this mindset that hey the WORLD will help us....shame on us....

SINDHIS,PUNJABIS don't want to accomadate the displaced people but hey we applaud the efforts of the US....its a shame that non-pakistanis have to help while our fellow countrymen sleep and just applaud!!!!
I wonder when will this govt send back amost 5 million afghanis back so that those money is diverted to the internally displaced ppl of Pakistan..note that the UN and world assistance was drastically reduced for the afghanis and we were using our resources to feed these afghanis who are major root cause of terrorism in Pakistan..i am wondering how all of these areas in which the safe havens for terrorists are staying went unnoticed by out intelligence agency..how dey moved on about with all those hightech gadgets and weapons and how millions of dollars accounts open in Pakistan with out investigations..is this the failure of Intelligence agency or what? these afghanis didn't just gather in a day or month or 2 months..but i can safely assume atleast 8 years..so is it Musharraf's govt failure to effectively check these problems..how could that be thousands of these terrorists moved on about to different places with weapons and other stuff and Govt didn't notice that or should i say Army and ISI...i hope this aid don't end up in the hands of Zardari and his company and sell it else where for money...The Americans always help in time of need whether natural disasters and other relief efforts...from Africa to Asia US has always help in that regards and we appreciate it always will..comparing it to Arab league that instead of building empires and open new bank accounts filling them had they setup and fund for Muslims world relief...would have been much better..
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In all honesty, I wouldn't be so eager for the Pakistani government to accept this humanitarian aid from the US. The Americans are still having sleepless nights over their reimbursement of 10 billion dollars which after all were ours as Musharraf put it so nicely. The 10 billion dollar taunt phrase has become part of American linguistics. We all know that any form of aid from the Americans always comes with a lot of strings attached. It's a means to blackmail and achieving political interests. There are better ways to gather humanitarian aid through UNHCR or other such non-governmental bodies which in most instances aren't politically motivated or affiliated.
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well this is a problem of PAKISTAN and PAKISTANIS should handle it....not take aid from the US....however i guess most pakistanis have got this mindset that hey the WORLD will help us....shame on us....

SINDHIS,PUNJABIS don't want to accomadate the displaced people but hey we applaud the efforts of the US....its a shame that non-pakistanis have to help while our fellow countrymen sleep and just applaud!!!!

It's not as simple as that. When an overwhelmingly catastrophe of such a scale strikes, you need all the help you can get. Katrina in the US should remind us how difficult it can be not to lose the plot. A superpower that was literally brought to its knees whilst everyone watched the drama unfold. I'm sure people still remember the scenes from the Superdome on their tv sets.

I agree that Sindh and Punjab haven't lived up to their duties. It's extremely shameful that these provinces turned down to accommodate any of their brothers and sisters.
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I agree that Sindh and Punjab haven't lived up to their duties. It's extremely shameful that these provinces turned down to accommodate any of their brothers and sisters.

Unfortunately this is but par for the course for our political leadership at the moment - especially the 'nationalist' leadership.

We have heard the statements from the PML, MQM and JSQM, and the Baluch nationalists don't want to make settlers from other provinces residents of Baluchistan.

But I do think that a distinction should be made between the people of Pakistan, who continue to assist and organize from every province, and these POS politicians.
^^ Spot on. We mustn't ignore that the overall majority of Pakistanis which have really shown how hospitable and giving they can be. The people of Pakistan have provided refuge to these displaced Pakistanis into their homes like blood relatives. Such a display of unity can hardly be found anywhere on the planet. There is a clear cut difference between the people of Pakistan and their respective government.

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