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US may use 'military means' to defend Afghanistan until 2024

Are you not aware of the highway connecting Afghanistan and Irans Chahbahar port ? if not, then google it !!!


Yes we know about the Chabbar highway. Nothing new. India as usual tried to create "strategic depth" in Pakistani backyard and failed miserably. Oh you backstabbing "literally" cousins from the other side of Eastern borders. You!

Here is why it won't work as long as the following conditions are prevalent.

1. Iran is ruled by anti-West Ayatullahs
2. Iran charges duties on the shipment because Pakistan provides the transit services duty free
3. Afghans prefer Karachi route due to shorter and historic links to Khyber.
4. India continues to backstab Pakistan

There are other reasons but I digress.


usa is on the losing side my friend i would say pull an america and start talking with the taliban for greater corporation bcz when usa leaves be it 10 20 50 100 years later the taliban will come to power

Talking to Talibobs doesn't mean USA is losing. So quit these pro-Tali stance please. It doesn't help Pakistan to create anarchy in Ahghanistan.

In the long run, any country with strong airforce will be successful in Af, as long as Af warlords don't get things like stingers.

NATO and USA has a long plans for the future in the region. Pakistanis should accept it and take advantage of the situation instead of being spoilers.

No one "created" Talibotics. They were available for the highest bidder. First Pakistan, Saudi, USA paid the asking price. Then AlQaida goons gave a better offer and took over the movement.

ISI didn't operate alone. It was a team operation.

No, Wrong.

The Taliban were students who fled the Soviet Invasion and were sheltered in Pakistan where they received Islamic education. Some did see combat in Afghanistan but many were too young to fight.

After the Soviets left in 1989, the Afghan Mujahadeen continued to fight the Soviet backed Communist government which fell in 1992 in Kabul.

With the fall of Kabul, the Muhajadeen started fighting each other. Two camps emerged, one led by liberal/secular mostly non-pashtun alliance led by Ahmed Shah Masood who had fought the Soviets bravely. The others were a lose coalition of more religious fundamentalist and predominately pashtun.

Pakistan had been usually been anti-pashtun because of the aspiration of creating an independent country of Pashtuns and thus had historically sided with non-pashtuns such as Tajiks and Hazars.

But Pakistan changed positions when it realized it could employ the same strategy that it used to defeat the Soviets in Afghanistan in Kashmir as well. Using hardline Islamic ideology to wage Jihad in Kashmir and the only ones that could do that were Pashtuns.

The civil war that erupted greatly de-stabilized Pakistan. And then with the fall of the Soviet Union, all those central asian republics got their independence and Pakistan needed to trade with those countries.

With Afghanistan torn apart by civil war, Pakistan employed the Taliban to guard the Trade convoys between Pakistan and Central Asian republics starting in 1993.

Then to bring order to Pakistan's western border, Pakistan Military and ISI employed the Taliban first to take over the more hardline camp in the Afghan civil war. This was done by the end of 1994.

Then Pakistan started sending in weapons and trainers to push back the Ahmed Shah Masood's forces. And by September 1996, Kabul had been captured, and Ahmed Shah Masood's forces labelled themselves as the Northern Alliance.

Then in 1995 Osama bin Laden was expelled from Saudi Arabia for calling for the overthrow of the Saudi Monarchy. He lived in Sudan and then in 1996 with the fall of Kabul, he fled to Afghanistan.

In 1997, the Luxor Massacare happened in Egypt in which Zawahiri's hardline Islamic brotherhood was implicated. He also fled Egypt for Afghanistan. In late 1997, Osama bin laden and Zawahiri merged forces to create a global Al-Qaeda.

They started their terrorist campaign in 1998 with the attack on the US Embassies in Africa, then attacked the US Cole.

Then they ran into Khalid Sheikh Muhammed who had wanted to create a spectacular terrorist attack in 1995, also known as Operation Bojinka when he wanted to plant bombs on 11 US bound flights from the Pacific and blow them up.

He adviced Al Qaeda for a new type of attack on USA which led to 9/11.
No, Wrong.

The Taliban were students who fled the Soviet Invasion and were sheltered in Pakistan where they received Islamic education. S....

Every Muj of Pashtun variety got to attend world's notorious Mad-house madrassahs like Mullah Harvards and Ayatullah MITs in Pakistan (for example Haqqania of Peshwar and Banori town of Karachi). Talibobs were no exception.

The big mafioso Talibob Mullah Omar became more successful warlord than others, but still he remained a warlord. You know if it walks like a duck............

You ignorant piece of crap, didn't you know that during Taliban era there was no more heroin for your likes to sell and go to bad schools to learn bad English, to come on a forum and start insulting pious people ignoring the fact that many of them hold phd's in sciences and scholarships in religion and their kids fought against communism, and now against imperialism.
You ignorant piece of crap, didn't you know that during Taliban era there was no more heroin for your likes to sell and go to bad schools to learn bad English, to come on a forum and start insulting pious people ignoring the fact that many of them hold phd's in sciences and scholarships in religion and their kids fought against communism, and now against imperialism.

Oh meray bhai,

It is easy to sit in the air-conditioned comfy apartment of Toronto and give lectures to Pakistanis about the greatness of Talibobs.

Pious terrorists! my foot.

You should live in terrorists dens instead of eating pasta in the countries you call "imperialist".

Oh meray bhai,

It is easy to sit in the air-conditioned comfy apartment of Toronto and give lectures to Pakistanis about the greatness of Talibobs.

Pious terrorists! my foot.

You should live in terrorists dens instead of eating pasta in the countries you call "imperialist".


I like your posts...I think agree with you ...It is very easy to advise being seated at any remote location out of our nation...But the person who is in the country they know the pain when terrorism impacts around you.
You ignorant piece of crap, didn't you know that during Taliban era there was no more heroin for your likes to sell and go to bad schools to learn bad English, to come on a forum and start insulting pious people ignoring the fact that many of them hold phd's in sciences and scholarships in religion and their kids fought against communism, and now against imperialism.

Yeah talk is cheap.

Why don't you leave Canada and move to Taliban land.
Just like Al-Qaeda, Taliban were also brought with US/Saudi funding to bring stability in the region. Stability in Afghanistan was necessary to access the energy rich Central Asian Republics.

Then, just like MQM in Karachi, which was established with Zia Govt.'s help (to curb PPP influence in Sindh); Taliban got their own momentum and Saudi/Wahabi mentality created another Wahabi regime in Afghanistan. This provided a perfect breeding ground for creating a bogeyman (Al-Qaeda) that would be used as an excuse to assert US control in the area for years to come. It was CIA's intention to create extremist fundamentalist groups in the region. They needed to have an alibi to show US citizens and global community to invade the area.
You ignorant piece of crap, didn't you know that during Taliban era there was no more heroin for your likes to sell and go to bad schools to learn bad English, to come on a forum and start insulting pious people ignoring the fact that many of them hold phd's in sciences and scholarships in religion and their kids fought against communism, and now against imperialism.

USSR was not the communism, but the social-imperalism.

Talibans once fought against the Soviet imperialism back in the 20th century, now they fight against the American imperialism in the 21st century.
I'm inclined to say that there is a high chance of Talibans taking over after US leaves afghanistan.

usa is on the losing side my friend i would say pull an america and start talking with the taliban for greater corporation bcz when usa leaves be it 10 20 50 100 years later the taliban will come to power

The solid foundation that we have been able to lay in Afghanistan has come with a lot of hard work and sacrifices. We certainly do not want to rush the withdrawal process and risk wasting all of our efforts. The current situation requires us to work in accordance with our Afghan counterparts while keeping all the consequences in mind. And we’re doing exactly that! ANSF have already begun assuming the security responsibilities, and the results have been extremely encouraging so far. The way ANSF responded to the attacks in Kabul proves that the hard work of the U.S. and NATO is paying off, and they are able to stand tall against the enemy. We will continue to train and assist them during the transition period, and leave them fully capable of independently protecting the nation.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
If an Afghani goverment is established entirley without the Taliban, that could potentially lead Pakistan being trapped in a dangerous triangle.
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