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US man, 42, is arrested for incest after he dumps his wife and has a baby with his long-lost biologi


Jul 2, 2014
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US man, 42, is arrested for incest after he dumps his wife and has a baby with his long-lost biological DAUGHTER, 20, who tracked him down after she was given up for adoption

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5349477/Father-daughter-baby-wanted-marry.html#ixzz569NWUDgb
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  • Steven Pladl, 42, and his daughter Katie Pladl, 20, were arrested and charged with incest after they had a baby together and then made plans to get married
  • According to warrants, Katie was adopted out of state when she was a baby and reconnected with her mother and father in August 2016 through social media
  • Shortly after she moved in with them, Steven and his wife legally separated. The wife told police that her husband had been sleeping in their daughter's room
  • The wife also said she learned Katie was pregnant and Steven was the father in May 2017 when she read a journal entry written by one of her other children
  • Steven reportedly admitted to being the father and told his estranged wife he and Katie wanted to get married. Katie announced their 'marriage' in July

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5349477/Father-daughter-baby-wanted-marry.html#ixzz569NbZEHe
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LOL!l You do realize all acts (and aftermaths) of incest are perfectly legal in all of China except for Western influenced Hong Kong (where it carries a 20 year sentence). It's only slightly less legal in Thailand (everything is allowed except marriage)
Pointing some moral indignation finger at an incident in another country is rather funny.


It isn't criminal for you guys so there are no news articles about it until somebody gets caught in Hong Kong. http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/...g-kong-incest-case-had-sex-father-so-he-would
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Crazy, I feel sorry for the wife.

I hate it when women get men they don't deserve, or men get women they don't deserve.

But this is strange, they both got sexually attracted to each other?
I wonder why homosexuality is good because they are two adult person that can decide for themselves , but incest is Bad even if they are two adult persons who can decide for themselves ?
isn't it sort of double standard ?

How dare that bastard endangers this innocent child and corrupts his daughter with his vile intentions.

I hope he burns in hell.
well isn't both of them big Adult of consenting Age ? then why only condemn one party?
isn't it also double standard ?
LOL!l You do realize all acts (and aftermaths) of incest are perfectly legal in all of China except for Western influenced Hong Kong (where it carries a 20 year sentence). It's only slightly less legal in Thailand (everything is allowed except marriage)
Pointing some moral indignation finger at an incident in another country is rather funny.


It isn't criminal for you guys so there are no news articles about it until somebody gets caught in Hong Kong. http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/...g-kong-incest-case-had-sex-father-so-he-would

Its not about being criminal or not bro. Its sick :bad:
Will be interesting to hear what progressive religiously oppressive free thinking freedom loving atheists have to say about this.
This sort of inbreeding happens everywhere to be honest , want me to post links?
The only difference is that it's more connon in some countries than others and some communities are more open about it when it happens
This sort of inbreeding happens everywhere to be honest , want me to post links?
The only difference is that it's more connon in some countries than others and some communities are more open about it when it happens
come on mike,that is so naive of you.Do not make me laugh.
of course "common in some countries than others and some communities are more open about it when it happens"
you forgot the prime difference,some community has harsh to harshest set of rules which if be followed,these people can not even think about it forget doing it.And some some other communities are busy in how to classify freedom,what is sub classification and their sub classification.
I want you to post link?Being an ex-freedomist,i know what are you gonna post.I can posts hundreds even thousands.
Do not make it too easy mike.
Law does not stop you from thinking,it stops you from doing it,there by stops you from planting these seeds in next generation's mind.
So tell me mike,what is the next step towards freedom?
I wonder why homosexuality is good because they are two adult person that can decide for themselves , but incest is Bad even if they are two adult persons who can decide for themselves ?
isn't it sort of double standard ?

well isn't both of them big Adult of consenting Age ? then why only condemn one party?
isn't it also double standard ?

They both did terrible things, but the father is even more crooked in my eyes since he' supposed to protect his daughter.
They both did terrible things, but the father is even more crooked in my eyes since he' supposed to protect his daughter.
when she is a child , when she grow up according to law of the mentioned state , he can't even ask her to go and buy one kilo of apple from the store next door
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